New Assistant.

It was the first day he would be at work without Quinn. He walked into his office with a cold expression. He sat on the swivel chair, going through the book on the table.

He stretched his hand to pick up his cup of coffee, but he didn't find anything to grab. He lifted his eyes away from the book, and sighed, as he realized that there was no cup of coffee for him that morning.

Soon, someone knocked on the door, and he ushered the person in.

It was a dark skinned petite lady who looked like she was in her early twenties. She rushed to the table and placed a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, sir. I'm so sorry for bringing your coffee late. I was trying to get familiar with—"

"Who are you?" Harrison cut in, glaring at her.

She gulped, feeling the cold gaze on her skin. She cleared her throat and introduced herself.

"Sorry, sir. My bad. My name is Antonia Thomas, your new assistant." She replied, trying to wear a smile.

He gazed at her from head to toe. He didn't say a word. He picked up the
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