Two Losers.

"Berley!" Quinn yelled, running out of the house to meet Kim.

She threw her arms over her and hugged her. She went on to give Michael a side hug, as the three of them went inside the house.

"Hi, Ivan!" Kim said, waving at him. "Hello, Vera."

"Hi, you're welcome."

Michael shook hands with Ivan and they all settled down.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming? We would have prepared something for you guys," Vera said, standing up to go to the kitchen.

"Ah, never mind. We didn't plan to come today. Michael said we don't just drop by to see Quinn. It's been a while," Kimberly said, smiling.

"Oh, that's nice. I'll go get you some juice. I'll be back in a jiffy," Kim said and walked away.

Quinn sat beside her brother, while Kimberly say with Michael.

"So, how are you? I mean, really." Kim asked, giving her a "don't you lie to me" look.

Quinn sighed, smiling a little. "I'm fine, Kim. I promise, I am."

"So, why did you leave? You just left me, us without a word. Even the CEO has not been him
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