Opening Up.

"Thank you so much, for coming! I really appreciate it," Quinn said, walking them out of the house.

"Of course! You are our friend, and we value you. Sadly, you are not working in the company again. Who will I gossip with?" Kim pouted, folding her arms over her breasts.

"Save all the gossip. Tell me about them whenever you come around," Quinn told her, and gave her a hug.

"Goodnight, Quinn. Take good care of yourself," Michael said, waving at her.

"Bye, Quinn!" Kim said, joining Michael, as he flagged a cab.

She smiled and waited until they entered the cab, and drove away.

"Someone looks happy," Ivan said, hanging his hand over her shoulder.

She smiled at him, "of course. Their visit shows how much they care, and that's so sweet."

Ivan smiled, and did not say anything. Suddenly, he threw a question at her.

"Why did you resign, princess?"

She turned to him, sharply. Her heart began to race.

"N... nothing," she replied, looking away.

She wished she could tell a lie without having to l
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