Confronting Harrison.

"Goodnight, princess," he wished, kissing her forehead.

He stared at her, as she slept peacefully, like the princess she was. He stepped out of the house, as he was unable to sleep.

He stood outside, trying to calm his nerves. Vera walked out of the house in her nightdress and stood beside him.

"Can't sleep, yeah?" She asked, looking at him.

"Why did she have to hide such a thing from me?" He said, staring afar.

"Well, you have to understand your sister. She has been through a lot, and she does not want to bother anyone with her problems. She has always been like that." Vera tried to explain to him.

He clenched his teeth, "I'll be going out tomorrow. I'll be back in the evening."

"Where are you going?" Vera asked, staring at his face.

She could see anger and bitterness written all over his face. She was sure that he wanted to confront Harrison.

"I need to let some people know their place here on Earth. Just because he has money, does not mean he can do to people whatever he pleases.
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