Warning Harrison.

"Who are you? What are you talking about?" Jasmine yelled, looking at Ivan.

Since it was night, she could not make out his face, so she didn't remember him.

Ivan studied her face closely, "you. It's you."

Jasmine frowned, wondering what he meant. "Me, what? Do I know you?"

"How would you know?" He said, taking in a deep breath to calm down.

"It was you at the family banquet in Texas. You were with a lady at the car park, and I came to take her. She was crying profusely. Why? It was because of him!" She yelled, pointing at Harrison.

His explanation made her remember the guy who called her a princess. Her mouth formed an 'O' as she didn't know what to say.

She could not lie that she didn't know 2hwt Harrison did to Quinn. Well, she knew everything except the thing that happened between them in the office.

"What? Are you speechless?" Ivan questioned. "Never mind. I didn't come for you but for this rich brat of a CEO!"

"Can we talk?" Harrison finally voiced out after being quiet for a wh
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