The Truth.

He stared down at the file in Hardy's hand. Just what he wanted. Finally, he would know the truth about Quinn.

He snatched the document from Hardy and opened it hastily. He glanced through the papers and pictures. One of the pictures in it was a picture of Quinn and Ivan when they were young.

"Her face didn't change at all," Harrison whispered.

"That is a picture of Miss Ro and her twin brother when they were only five years old. It is true that Miss Ro, indeed, has a twin. They are both siamese twins, that is why they don't resemble, and it is hard to tell." He mentioned, waiting for Harrison to turn to the next picture.

Next, was a picture of Quinn's parents.

"That is Miss Ro's parents. They died in a car accident and didn't survive it. According to my research, Quinn was just a teenager when her parents died two days after her birthday party. She was blamed for her parent's death because she had asked them to get her a teddy bear, and she had insisted on it. Since then, they live
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