All Chapters of Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
129 chapters
Chapter 101 (Plot To Relaunch)
“This isn't good,” Rose's forehead creased slightly conveying a sense of unease, as she spoke on the phone with Hillary Koeman who otherwise was known as Mr. Anonymous, the fourth member of the IRIS.Killing Barrister Clark wasn't part of the plan from the beginning, but seeing that Drake wasn't ready to agree to her land proposal deal, it was the best available option.Moreover, Barrister Clark was about revealing the secret of IRIS to Drake, and they didn't want that. They wanted to keep Drake in the dark until they've achieved their plans, and then they would allow him to know the truth, so he could take the battle personal with his grandfather.With Barrister Clark already out of the picture, she was almost certain that there was no way the Sullivan's would win the case against the Simmons, and if that should happen, the Sullivan's would become vulnerable. Other standing cases against them would resurface and the empire would become weak. They would want to go into partnerships to
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Chapter 102 (Such An Evil Man)
The first court proceeding came to an end and the case was adjourned to a further date as the evidences against the Simmons were watered down by their lawyer, Mr. Johnson who was also one of the bests in the whole of San Marino."You are such an evil man!" The commoner who had interrupted the court hearing earlier vented out her anger on Mr. Simmons, ready to hit him, but the security personnel who had come with them prevented her from coming any closer."Tell that to whoever is sponsoring your course," Mr. Simmons blurted out harshly. "But believe me, I'm not going to lose to mere commoners, not even when the Sullivans are the ones sponsoring your course,"Mrs. Simmons held her husband by the hand, and with a triumphant smile, happy that the first day's hearing had been in their favour, took his arms, leading him out of the courtroom."We're not going to lose you," she turned towards Drake, her voice barely above a whisper, but Drake chose not to react as he and his grandfather made
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Chapter 103 (Who The Hell Are You)
The night sky was a deep, foreboding shade of indigo, with clouds that seemed to swirl and twist like living shadows. The air was heavy with an unsettling stillness, as if the very wind itself was holding its breath in anticipation of something.Summer was with Michelle in her room. She had fully recovered and had resumed her motherly duties towards Michelle, although, she was harbouring an unspoken resentment towards Drake, who hadn't come to see her since she returned from the hospital.Lucy had returned home already. She was already thinking of quitting her job since Summer had now returned to take care of Michelle, but Michelle wasn't ready to let her go yet.She was insisting for Lucy to still remain as her nanny as she has grown very much attached to her in the absence of her mother. Lucy decided to stay back not just because she had grown attached to Michelle on her own part, but because, she felt it would be easier to protect Michelle from Viking and his men, after what happe
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Chapter 104 (Michelle!)
It wasn't long after Rachel dropped the call, that a fleet of police cars pulled in front of the house, their sirens silent but their lights flashing ominously in the evening gloom.As the police officers pulled up in front of the door, just before they could gain entrance, Michelle's shrill cry was heard from the living room, causing everyone to wonder what it was that had made her scream from her sleep."Michelle!" Summer exclaimed as she rushed to Michelle's room and to see for herself why she had screamed from her sleep."Mom!" Summer could Michelle's heart pounding in her chest as she entered into Michelle's room, who was looking so scared, like she had seen a ghost or something."What's the matter baby?" Summer inquired, as she took her seat by Michelle's side on the bed, holding her hands and squeezing them gently."It was dad," Michelle replied, her heart still beating fast."What about your dad?" Summer asked, her curiosity piqued. Michelle tried to calm her nerves, her brea
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Chapter 105 (Jacob Morgan's Estate)
Rachel's eyes blazed with anger as she confronted Summer in the living room, her fists clenched at her sides. "How could you defend him like that?" she demanded, her words tumbling out in a rush. "Right in front of the police officers, you stood up for him. Why? Don't you know what he's capable of?"Summer looked taken aback by her mother's intensity, but she stood her ground, her expression calm and serene. "I didn't defend him because I think he's innocent of everything," she said slowly, choosing her words carefully. "I defended him because I know he couldn't have made an attempt on father's life. There's no reason for it, mom. No motive, no gain. It just doesn't add up."Rachel's expression turned skeptical, her eyebrows shooting up in disbelief. "No reason? Are you kidding me? Have you bothered to ask yourself why he hasn't visited you since you were discharged from the hospital?""I don't know, but if there's one thing I do know, it's the fact that Drake can never be a killer. N
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Chapter 106 (Rose's Concerns)
Lucy's arrival home the following morning was met with a wave of concern and relief from Rose. She had not intended to spend the night at the Morgan's estate, but the hospitality she had received was too much that she didn't keep track of the time.By the time she was already to go back home, it was already too late, and Jacob had to plead for her to stay till the following morning. She tried reaching out to Rose to inform her that she wouldn't be coming home, but for some reasons, she just couldn't get through to her.She was taken to the most beautiful room in the mansion, and was treated like the heiress that she had always dreamt of becoming. There were stewards who came to attend to all of her needs, making her feel so much at home, that she wished she could just continue living that way.Immediately she arrived at home that morning, Rose's motherly instincts kicked in immediately, her voice filled with genuine worry as she bombarded Lucy with questions about her whereabouts."Wh
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Chapter 107 (Babe, Babe…)
Summer took a deep breath, steeling herself for the phone call she was about to make. Even if she had defended Drake, she was still angry at him. It's been long since she was discharged from the hospital, but there had not been any of sign of Drake, not even a call from him.She had long been expecting his calls, but since it wasn't coming from him, she decided to call him instead, ready to express her anger towards him, for being so irresponsible that he would stay away for so long without checking up on his wife and his daughter.As she dialed Drake's number, a surge of irritation coursed through her veins. She waited patiently as the call connected, as Drake's voice broke through the receiver."Hello, who am I speaking with?" Drake asked, not recognising the caller as Summer, since she had called with a different number."It's your wife, Summer,"Drake almost lost his grip on the phone, as the name "Summer," echoed in his ears repeatedly.For the first few seconds, he didn't know w
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Chapter 108 (Well, Well, Well...)
Drake pulled up in front of the Willmont's house, a sense of trepidation settling in his stomach. He wasn't sure how Summer would react when she gets to see him, but one thing was certain, and that was the fact that Summer was angry with him, and he totally deserved it.As for the Willmonts, he knew that his relationship with them had always been strained, and he was looking forward to facing their disapproval once again.As he stepped out of the car, hitting the door bell, Rachel emerged from the front door, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You still have the nerves to show yourself here after trying to kill my husband?"Drake's brow furrowed as Rachel's accusatory words hit him hard. He had no idea what she meant by accusing him of trying to kill her husband, Fletcher Willmont."What do you mean?" He asked."Save me the pretence, Drake. We both know it was you who made an attempt on my h
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Chapter 109 (Pool Of His Own Blood)
Fletcher and Rachel rushed out of the house, their hearts racing with fear, upon hearing the gunshot. They thought the worst had happened to Summer. But, instead, they were met with a harsh reality. Drake lay in a pool of his own blood, his body limp on the ground just outside the front door.They turned to face each other, confusion written all over their faces. Rachel lacked the words to utter as she saw Drake whom she had spoken to a few minutes back, lying on the ground. Summer's cries filled the air as she begged her parents to call an ambulance immediately. "Please, Mom! Dad! We have to save him!" she pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation. She fell to her knees beside Drake, cradling his head in her lap."Hey, Drake.., please don't die," she called out to him. Drake was still breathing, but it was becoming slower, and it was already getting her scared. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Drake, no matter how mad she was at him. As a matter of fact, she wanted her f
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Chapter 110 (Where Is He)
Drake lay in the bed, his eyes closed, his face pale but peaceful. Summer's heart swelled with love and relief as she approached him, taking his hand in hers. She sat down beside him, waiting for him to wake up, her eyes fixed on his face.After a couple of minutes, agent Conner and grandfather Walter arrived at the hospital, a worried look on their faces."Where is he?" Grandfather Walter demanded from one of the nurses."Who, sir?" The nurse asked, surprised, as she had no idea that it was Walter Sullivan himself, the Grand Patriarch of the Sullivan empire that she was speaking with."My grandson, Drake Sullivan," Grandfather Walter's voice rose angrily.The doctor came out of his office to see what was going on, and quickly intervened."Good evening sir," he greeted. "Please pardon my nurse. She's new here,"Grandfather Walter's anger subsided a bit after the doctor mentioned that the nurse whom they had approached to ask about Drake's wellbeing was new. It appeared so awkward to h
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