All Chapters of Rise of the Pauper Son-in-law: Chapter 121 - Chapter 129
129 chapters
Chapter 121 (Be Careful)
Drake's heart pounded in his chest as he weaved through the city streets, the urgency of the situation weighing heavily on his mind. The cryptic message and the mysterious caller had left him feeling uneasy, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He was expecting agent Conner to have called or texted to inform him that he was done with what he was doing at the office, but nothing like that had occurred.As he approached the designated location, Drake's thoughts raced. What if this was a trap? Who was this person, and why did he want to meet him alone? The questions swirled in his mind, adding to his growing unease. Finally, Drake arrived at the address and parked his car. He took a deep breath and stepped out onto the sidewalk, scanning the area for any signs of the mysterious caller. The street was quiet, with only a few pedestrians passing by, and Dexter couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as he made his way toward the meeting spot. Suddenly, a figure
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Chapter 122 (Stop The Investigation)
“What the hell happened here?” Drake asked as he and Conner looked at the hanging man, whose blood dripped slowly, staining the tiled floor."Was he the one you were supposed to meet?" Conner asked, as his gaze fixed upon the hanging man.Drake nodded, his eyes darting from one end of the room to the other as he wondered how the strange man who had come out to fetch him not quite long ago, had ended up dead within minutes. He hadn't seen anyone going in or leaving the flat, making him even more scared.Steeling himself, Drake walked to where the mystery man hanged, trying to recognise his face; he couldn't because he hadn't seen the man anywhere. He wished he had followed him in the moment he had requested for him to come. But on a second thought, he wondered what could have happened to him too if he had, as he might have suffered the same fate as the hanging man."I think I've seen him before," Agent Conner said, as he took a very close look at the man."Really? Where?" Drake asked,
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Chapter 123 (Mr Ruklov’s Secretary)
Drake nodded, understanding Agent Conner's apprehension. He couldn't agree less with agent Conner, as it was very obvious that whosoever it was that they were up against was not someone to be taken for granted.As they left the building, Drake couldn't shake the feeling that they were walking into a storm of more woes, he knew he had a little hope when the mystery man called him. But the hope seemed to die off. He was stuck, he needed to find clues. He remembered the mystery man telling him that he also had news regarding the death of barrister Clark. Pondering over everything, he couldn't help but wonder what Barrister Clark had to do with IRIS.As they walked to the driveway, Conner's unease was visible, and Drake could see the worry etched on his face. It was unlike the agent Conner he had always known, who seemed to have conquered fear in its entirety."I can't shake the feeling that someone within the Sullivan empire is aware of our plans and is trying to keep this story under w
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Chapter 124 (Please Be Careful)
As the car sped away, the weight of the investigation hung over him like a dark cloud, but beneath that, a flicker of hope burned. The truth was out there, buried deep within the lies and shadows. And Drake knew he wouldn’t rest until he uncovered it. Just few minutes after, his phone rang again, and it was a call from Summer, calling to remind him of the appointment with Lewis Tyson."Please be careful," Summer cautioned, as the call came to an end.Drake arrived at the office building and briskly walked towards the entrance. He was grateful that Summer had called him to remind him of the meeting with Lewis Tyson, if not, he had totally forgotten.All he needed to do was to end his meeting with Mr. Ruklov early enough to meet up with the appointment with Lewis. The case regarding IRIS and the death of his parents may be important, but even his daughter walking again, was also important to him.As he approached the door, he accidentally brushed past a man who seemed to be in a hurry.
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Chapter 125 (Anonymous Caller)
Drake entered into his car, but as he fixed in the key, and ignited the engine, the car sputtered, coughing like a drying old man.Drake couldn't hide the surprise that watched over him, wondering what was happening. That was the same car he had driven down to the office about two hours ago.He stepped out of the car, opening the bonnet, just to see if he could detect what was wrong, and why it had refused to start, when suddenly his phone buzzed with an incoming call, from another anonymous caller.Anonymous callers were becoming too many lately and it was already getting him concerned. He felt it was time to have his line restricted to only a few callers to put an end to these anonymous callers kept calling him.Drake hesitated for a moment before answering, unsure of who could be on the other end. Without saying anything, he listened intently, waiting to hear who was calling and what they had to say. “Mr. Sullivan, don't be afraid, this was the only way I could talk to you. You're
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Chapter 126 (Raju Singh)
"Drake, I found out something that might interest you," Agent Conner said, as he spoke with Drake over the phone "What's that?" Drake inquired, his curiosity piqued."Meet me at Hilltop Café. I'll tell you all about it," Conner replied before ending the call.Drake promptly hailed a cab and directed the driver to Hilltop café , eager to hear what Conner had discovered. After his encounter with Mr. Johnson, he had been applying extra caution, using public cabs rather than his personal car.After about ten minutes, he arrived at the Hilltop café. He scanned the area very well before going in, ensuring that no one had followed him down."So, what is it you wanted to tell me?" Drake inquired, taking a seat in front of Oliver. He noticed there was someone else sitting near Oliver—an Indian man named Raju Singh. Drake couldn't help but wonder what Oliver was up to this time, but he trusted Oliver implicitly. "This is Raju Singh. He's a private investigator and he has been carrying out inv
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Chapter 127 (Trust Was Too Expensive)
On the way back home, Drake couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that gnawed within him. With everything that Mr. Raju Singh had revealed to them, he knew he had to be careful if he didn't want to end up like his parents.Agent Conner who sat in the driver's seat of his car, noticed his feeling of unease, "Are you still thinking about everything that the Indian man had just revealed?"Drake paused for a while, contemplating what next move to make. He couldn't deny the fact that everything that Mr. Raju Singh had told him was true, but he still felt the need to be careful so as not to dance into some kind of trap.He remembered Mr. Johnson telling him to be careful, and not to trust anyone. To him, that was by far, the best advice. Trust was too expensive to be given to just anyone, especially with everything that was happening around him."Have you stopped to think about it?" Drake finally spoke up."Think about what?" Agent Conner asked, as he navigated through a bend."That we s
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Chapter 128 (I’ll Do Better)
“Summer, wait,” Drake called after her, his voice edged with regret. But Summer was too angry to wait, as she made her way to their bedroom.Drake stood there for a moment, feeling the weight of her disappointment like a physical blow. He turned towards Michelle’s room, easing the door open to find her fast asleep. Drake stepped closer, his heart heavy with guilt as he watched her sleep. She looked so innocent, so vulnerable, and he felt the sting of his absence more acutely than ever.He crouched beside her bed, gently brushing a strand of hair from her forehead. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. “I’ll do better. I promise.”With a heavy sigh, he kissed Michelle’s forehead softly before standing up and leaving her room, closing the door behind him.Drake walked to his own bedroom, and found out that Summer was already in bed, facing away from him. The silence between them was palpable, filled with unspoken words and unmet expectations.Drake
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Chapter 129 (Drake, Summer, And Michelle)
Drake, Summer, and Michelle were enjoying a sunny day at the park, surrounded by vibrant flowers and the laughter of children playing nearby. Drake had called Prisca to cancel all of his meetings for the day. As promised, he wanted to make the day memorable for both Summer and Michelle. It was the least he could do for a wife and a daughter who had stood by him when he had nothing.He gently guided Michelle’s wheelchair along the winding paths, her face lighting up with joy as they navigated through the park. Summer sat on a nearby bench, her heart swelling with pride and love as she watched her husband and daughter share such a special moment. She couldn’t help but smile, taking in the sight of Drake’s gentle care and Michelle’s beaming happiness.Just then, her phone rang, pulling her attention away. She glanced at the screen and saw her mother’s name, Rachel, displayed.Since she moved in with Michele to stay with Drake, she hadn't been on the good side of her parents, and now se
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