All Chapters of The Vengeance Of Ludex: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
29 chapters
Chapter 11
“I'm so sorry about my boy's reckless behavior,” Mr. Franklin pleaded with Ludex, bowing slightly.Ludex kept mute and nodded at him, he raised one hand and dismissed the men from the supermarket. When he saw that the men were gone, he glared at Jeremy for his actions. Jeremy was panicking like a lost puppy.Jeremy couldn't handle his boss’s gaze on him, he bowed slightly and rubbed the back of his head.“I-I,” he stuttered, “Forgive me, boss,” he said in a rush.Ludex scoffed at his assistant, “Mmm.”He turned to Mia with a worried expression on his face, “Are you okay?”Mia lowered her gaze, trembling slightly by the side.What is happening to her? Why is she scared of that man? Ludex wandered in his thoughts.“You want to talk about it?” Ludex asked with a gentle tone.Mia cleared her throat and took a step back, “I'll get going now, thanks for this,” she raised the items she had bought in the supermarket and made her way out in a hurry.“Mmm,” Ludex scoffed and turned to his assis
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Chapter 12
Angela was stunned by Mia’s audacity. She clenched her fist tightly and moved closer to the door. How dare that woman show her face around here? Of course, Mia works with her, but seriously? How can she be so audacious to enter her company so soon?“What is it?” Clara asked with a confused expression on her face. Angela's fierce gaze made shivers run down her spine. Clara turned around to have a glimpse of what was happening out there but when her eyes met with Mia, she sighed in disgust. Of course, Mia was the problem, they never liked her to begin with. Clara didn't understand why Angela was still keeping her in the company. That woman needs to be sacked and tossed to the wolves. “What happened at the supermarket?” Clara’s gaze was fixed on Angela's. “That bitch,” Angela pointed at her cousin. “She wants him for herself.”“Wait, what? Were they flirting?”“You heard me, Clara. She wants him,” Angela’s expression darkened seeing that woman across her office. Clara scoffed with
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Chapter 13
“Who are these people? What are they doing here?” Clara asked Angela with a worried expression on her face.Angela could recognize Jeremy from the crowd. She squinted her eyes at him with a furrowed brow.Isn't that the same man she saw with Ludex at the supermarket? What is he doing here? The hallway was flooded with commotion and core whispers. What exactly is going on? Who could these men be?Mia turned her back to have a glimpse of the whole situation and she gaped in shock.“Isn't that Jeremy? What's he doing here with those men? Could it be that Ludex sent him here?” She said in a whisper.Angela could hear what Mia was saying and a frown appeared on her face. How dare she talk about Ludex in front of her? How shameless? “What are you doing? Let her go this instant,” Jeremy snapped with a frown on his face. Before coming to Angela's company, Ludex had instructed him to come with Mia and deliver a threat to Angela. It was time for payback and he couldn't care less who gets hu
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Chapter 14
Everyone was stunned to see Ludex in the company. Ludex looked to the left and then to the right. When his eyes met with Angela he scoffed."What right do you have to bully her around here?” “What is he doing here? So it's all true, Mia is such a whore,” the employee's whispered among themselves.Mia bit her lips hard at the sight of Ludex.Why did he come here? Now everyone was looking at her with disgust.“What are you doing, Ludex?”Ludex kept mute at those words, he knew Mia would be feeling shitty inside of her. He overheard all Angela had to say about her and for him to show up like that to defend her honor, it would only make her feel more shitty.Angela took a step back when her ex-husband appeared in front of her. If only she never listened to her family she would have been by his side now.“Ludex, what are you doing here?” Angela asked, flickering her eyes at him. “Can we talk outside?”“There's nothing to talk about, Angela. I guess your assistant has delivered my message
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Chapter 15
The day went by and Angela wandered in her thoughts. If only she didn't listen to anyone back then, she wouldn't have been in a difficult situation. Her family deceived her into divorcing Ludex. Now, the ugly husband becomes the most desired bachelor in town.“Why did I ever have to listen to anyone? I shouldn't have listened to them.”Angela placed both hands on her forehead and sobbed greatly. If only she didn't listen to her family. Now look at the whole situation. Clara knocked on her office door but Angela kept mute. She didn't want to see anyone. Clara was beginning to worry about her friend. What if she does something crazy? Clara can't afford any bad occurrence at the moment. “Angela, please open up. Let's talk, please.”“Go away,” Angela snapped. “Angela please, don't do this. I know you're hurting but you have to come out or at least, talk to someone.”“Go away, Clara. You fucking caused this, get out.”Angela snapped and glared at Clara through the glass door. If only s
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Chapter 16
“Sebastian, what are you saying?” Angela asked, her curiosity piqued.“Are you deaf? Never call this number again, do I make myself clear?”For a moment, Angela was confused about the whole situation. She couldn't understand what was going on.Why was Sebastian sounding like that over the phone? He can't be serious, can he?“Sebastian, what are you saying? You can't do this to me, you can't just bail out on me.”Angela paced the corners of her bedroom with a low scowl on her face. She clenched her fist tightly and groaned in frustration. How dare he? Who does he think he is? Is this the love he promised her? Angela wondered in her thoughts, her head spun, and her eyes widened like they were going to pop out of their sockets. Sebastian was mute the entire time, making Angela's rage intensify. The moment Angela wanted to say another word, the call disconnected and Angela was in bewilderment. “What the hell just happened? Are you seriously kidding me? Is he crazy? This can't be happen
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Chapter 17
The next morning Ludex and his uncle, Sampson, had a backlash. The fact that Ludex temporarily stopped the company from disbursing loans pissed Uncle Sampson off.Sampson felt insulted because, despite his signature plastered on the documents, Ludex went ahead to disapprove of the process. “Who does that little brat think he is?” Sampson groaned in frustration, pacing the corners of his office.“I need to talk to him now,” Sampson stormed out of his office, heading towards Ludex's office.The employees avoided Sampson's outburst. They made way for him as he stormed the company with so much rage inside of him.When Sampson got to his destination, he slammed the door against the wall and glared at the young man seated in his executive chair.“Ludex, what the hell do you think you're doing?” Sampson snapped his fist clenched.Ludex sat comfortably on his chair without blinking an eye. “I'm talking to you, young man,” Sampson snapped for the second time and yet, Ludex gave him a deaf ea
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Chapter 18
Ludex stood tall and elegant as he closed the gap between them. He smirked at his uncle and turned to his secretary.“Are you done with the documents I sent earlier?” “Yes, sir,” she said in reply, bowing to Ludex.Sebastian was confused by the whole situation. He glanced at Sampson, confusion written all over his face.“What is going on here?” Sebastian asked, his curiosity piqued.Why the hell is Ludex here? What is going on here? Sebastian wondered.“Ludex, you're crossing the line, I won't sit back and watch you destroy this empire,” Sampson glared at him with so much disdain.Sebastian was still confused, he turned to Sampson with his bros furrowed.“What are you talking about? Who is this man? Why is she calling him sir?”Sampson turned towards Sebastian, he sighed in distress and shook his head.“You're not saying anything, Sampson. Talk to me, who the hell is this man?” Sebastian snapped.Of course, he knew the man to be Ludex but who the hell is he to the company? Why is Sam
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Chapter 19
“Are you sure you're okay, uncle?” Ludex asked, his brows narrowed. No matter what Sampson says, he knows his uncle is not comfortable seated at the meeting. Why on earth will he be comfortable when he is the reason the company is facing a major setback? “Ludex, what is the meaning of this? Why do you have to call us here on short notice? Do you even understand how things work? You can't just wake up one fateful day and summon everyone here without prior notice.”“And why can't I when I'm the president, uncle?” Ludex squinted his eyes at his uncle. “The last time I remember, you're no longer the president around here? So are you going to undermine my authority before all these people?”Sampson sighed in frustration, rubbing the back of his head. Ludex was beginning to get on his damn nerves.How dare he embarrass him in front of everyone? Ludex is nothing compared to his son. If only Wade had passed the company down to him. Charlie would have been the one in Ludex's position right n
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Chapter 20
SampsonSampson sighed in frustration when he got to his office. He didn't expect Ludex to do such a thing. Now he knows that Ludex wasn't here to play. He is back to take what rightfully belongs to him and save his grandfather from bankruptcy. He couldn't care less what anyone had to say about him. Whoever is involved in rubbing his grandfather off his glory must go down.“What the hell is going on? What changed him?” Sampson paced the corners of his office with a low scowl on his face. Out of rage he dashed out of his office, headed to his father's mansion. “That brat needs to know his place,” Sampson groaned in frustration as he slid into the backseat of his car.“To the mansion,” he said to the driver. “Okay, sir,” the driver said in reply and turned the engine on. They drove onto the road instantly. Sampson got busy with his phone the entire time. The ride to his father's house was a long one. Sampson's phone rang in his hand and he picked up immediately. “Hello,” Sampson s
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