All Chapters of The Vengeance Of Ludex: Chapter 21 - Chapter 29
29 chapters
Chapter 21
MiaThe house seemed bubbling when Mia entered. The entire family was present and she wondered what was going on. Could it be that they're having an occasion and no one bothered to let her know? She could see the woman's wan smile focused on her. Mia rushed to her mother and held the helm of her clothes. “What's happening Ma? Why is the whole family here?” She asked with a worried expression on her face. “Why is everyone looking at me? This is making me uncomfortable.”Some of the women shot daggers at her and spat out in disgust.“That woman is nothing but a slut!” An elderly woman glared at her, pointing a finger at her. “She's nothing but a homewrecker, she wants Angela’s husband for herself.”“What?” Mia snapped, “I didn't do anything, Aunt. You can ask Mia yourself when you see her. I didn't do anything.”Mia’s mother shielded her daughter behind her, she sneered at the woman in disdain.“Is this why you all came here? How dare you try to bully my daughter?” She yelled at the t
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Chapter 22
“Don't touch me,” Mia screamed at the top of her voice. “Let me go.”Theresa glared at the elders present in her home. She clenched her fist in anger and slapped Angela across the face. That woman has bitten more than she can chew. The nerves she has to disregard her daughter. What exactly has she done for her family? Everything Angela and Williams did for them, they had to work like animals and be treated like rags in exchange for their kindness. So, who the hell does she think she is to slap her daughter across the face? The nerves she has to act razz in her household. “Ahh!” Angela screamed at the top of her voice. The rest of the elders gaped in disbelief. Theresa was exuding a chilly aura with her eyes darkened and face scrunched. Mary glared at her and snapped in anger, “How dare you slap my daughter? Who the hell do you think you are?” She raised her hand to slap Theresa across the face but Theresa held it and tossed her to the side. “I will not watch anyone bully my daugh
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Chapter 23
“Let my daughter go,” Theresa screamed at the top of her voice, “You animals. You have no right around here. You'll pay for this, I promise you that.”Everyone in the room burst into a creepy laugh and mocked the elderly woman, Angela walked up to Mia and slammed her against the wall. “You think you have won, right? Just wait and see how I destroy you today.”The door flew open and everyone turned their backs to have a glimpse of who was coming in. Angela’s face scrunched when she saw a group of men she couldn't recognize. She craned her neck to have a proper view of the gang and when she saw the leader of the gang, her eyes lit, she plastered a smile on her face. “The boys are here,” she said and turned to her mother with a broad smile on her face.Mary smirked at the group of men and grabbed Theresa by the hair, “You see that, right? Now you're dead. There's no escape for either of you.”William’s thick voice hung in the air as he made his way into the building. “Who dares to ins
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Chapter 24
Those monsters threatened the peace of her home and deserve everything that's happening to them right now.“That's how you deal with the scumbags,” Theresa said, pointing at Mary with a broad smile on her face.“Huh? Ma, don't tell me you're enjoying this?” Mia asked her mother with curiosity written on her face.Theresa glared at her daughter and rolled her eyes, “Why shouldn't I? They almost killed you. I don't know who these men are but I'm supporting them. Those monsters deserve it.”“But, Ma…”Mia had her mouth shut when Theresa scrunched her face at her. “That damn girl,” Theresa ignored her daughter, she wondered why Mia had to be so kind-hearted. Why does she have to take after her Dad? Both father and daughter are always calm and want peace even with those that hurt them. “How does it feel, big brother?” Theresa spat at Williams, bitterness creeping into her throat. “Answer me,” she slapped him across the face. “You're nothing but a pathetic fool. You watched your daughter
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Chapter 25
Everyone gasped in disbelief at the sight of Ludex, it almost felt unreal to the whole family. They stole glances at each other, whispering to themselves whilst in a state of confusion. What the hell is he doing here? Everyone wondered.“So it's true that she's after Angela’s man,” an older woman said and glared at Mia but the moment she met with Ludex’s gaze, she gulped down her saliva nervously and lowered her gaze. Theresa was stunned to see Ludex behind them, she glanced at the man all ducked in a fancy tuxedo and sparkling shoes. Theresa turned to her daughter and narrowed a brow at her but Mia averted her gaze, rubbing the back of her head. The older woman was becoming anxious because Ludex looked different than usual. Regardless of her daughter's behavior, she moved closer to Mia and pulled her to the side. “What is he doing here, Mia? I thought you said you have nothing to do with him,” Theresa whispered with a confused expression written on her face, “How come he is here?
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Chapter 26
“It's true, she tried to harass me and my mother. We had to defend ourselves against her. Please have mercy on us. If there's someone you have to deal with right now, it should be her and not us.” Angela said. Angela made sure to have a pretentious look plastered on her face, she leaned on Ludex but he took a step back making her fall to the ground. “You have to believe me,” Angela pleaded, “This is all her fault. Don't punish my family, I beg of you, Ludex.”“Yes! They started it,” the elders said in unison. “It's all their fault. We didn't do anything to provoke them and they just had to harass us. All we wanted was family time and they had to treat us like trash. They ain't good people and will never be. They're just pretending to be the victim here. We are the true victims here. You just have to let us go. Please... You have to believe us, sir.” an elderly man pleaded like the rest of the family. Huh? Ludex narrowed his brow at the elders. What the hell are they talking about?
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Chapter 27
When the whole family was gone, Ludex sighed in relief and turned to Theresa, he bowed slightly to the elderly woman and signaled at his men. “You can go now,” he said to the men with a frown on his face. Theresa closed the gap between them and patted the billionaire on his shoulder.“Tell me something Ludex, who are you and how did you know we were in trouble?” She asked with a confused expression on her face. “You know you can tell me anything, you've always been like a son to me. By the way, thank you for coming to save me.”“It's nothing, ma'am. And as for your question, I'm just Ludex and nothing more. These men are loyal to me and trust me, ma'am. I know everything that happens around here. It's a good thing I arrived on time.”Theresa flashed a warm smile at him and bowed slightly in appreciation. The elderly woman smiled at her daughter as she made her way out of the living room. “Join me when you're done talking, I'll go set the table for you guys,” Theresa said as she dis
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Chapter 28
Sampson Sampson groaned in frustration as he moved around his office with a deep scowl on his face. “Aahh!” He screamed and leaned on his desk with tears welling up in his eyes. “This can't be happening to me. How can Dad be so cruel to me?” He sniffled and raised his head to meet Charlie standing beside the door.“What's happening Dad? Why are you looking that way Pa? Are you okay?” Charlie asked, tracing his eyes around his father.Charlie has been absent-minded for some time now. He paid no attention to the company and his father for a while but coming to his office to see him look frustrated got him concerned.Sampson wiped his eyes and adjusted his suit. He leaned on his chair and interlocked his fingers on the desk.“Tell me, boy?” Sampson’s voice hung in the air making Charlie take a step back, “Is Ludex better than you, Charlie?”Charlie rubbed the back of his head and moved his eyes around his father with a confused expression on his face.“I don't understand Dad, please wh
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Chapter 29
“What do I do now?” He asked his reflection, holding his waist with one hand. “I have to come up with a plan to eliminate him for good. Why did he have to come back to the company and make my life more miserable? Isn't it enough that Father regrets my existence because I never impressed him for once? And Grandpa, on the other hand, hates me for no reason? Shit!” He cussed.Charlie took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number on it. The receiver's phone kept ringing but there was no response. Charlie groaned in frustration and stomped his feet against the ground. “Pick up, Chloe,” he said, grinding his teeth with a low scowl plastered on his face. Charlie kept calling but yet Chloe wasn't picking up and that infuriated him. “Damn it!!! Why the hell is she not picking up? What the hell is wrong with her?” Charlie groaned in frustration. He looked around his office and decided to visit Ludex. Maybe if he gets closer to Ludex since Ludex loves him, then maybe he can get one o
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