All Chapters of The Rise Of The Despiced Son-in-law : Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 chapters
Left To His Fate
"Make a promise that you will never leave me, tell me that you will stay with me till the end," Mark asked Elena stared into his eyes with a smile on her face as she kissed his soft lips, a romantic move that eased Mark's tensed spirit. "I will never leave you, I love you forever and you will always be my husband no matter the odds," she revealed. They stared at their wedding rings and made a toast before they kissed each other in perfect harmony. Mark woke up and coughed aggressively and he realized that the romantic moment he was trapped in was nothing but a bloody dream and his blood was all over the streets, he kept bleeding under the heavy rain but managed to stand with the help of his crutch, he managed to drag his soaked bag off the road and breathed heavily, he groaned in pain while trying to tie up his bleeding leg, people watched as he suffered but none came to help him. He stared at the cars that drove pass him and the passersby that walked past him with their umb
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The Devil's Lies
Back at the Brooks penthouse, Elena stared at her phone with nothing more than a frown on her beautiful face, she had been alone for hours, scrolling through hate speeches on her I*******m profile. She couldn't fathom where she went wrong and as she took a sip from her glass of wine, different thoughts ran through her mind until Judith tenderly touched her shoulder. "What's it, Elena?" she asked. Elena wasn't ready to speak, she kept mute and stared at the bottle of wine before her face, how could she explain that she had made the biggest mistake of her life?. "Do you think I made the wrong choice, Mother?" she asked. "Not for a second, Mark has nothing to do in your life, Bruce is the man who can give you the life you want, not that poor bastard!" Judith answered with hate and disgust in her voice. A smile slowly grew on her face until her phone rang, it was the president of the modeling company she worked for. "Miss Elena, I'm deeply concerned about the videos flying all over t
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Despised By All, Loved By None
At the lonely alley road, Mark was brutally beaten to pulp, the thugs tore his clothes and inflicted wounds on his body, he was close to death as he stared at them without an atom of strength in his body. "Next time, you will know better than to lie to men like us!" the leader said and grabbed the five hundred dollar notes they could find. "Please, that's all the money I have, please" Mark begged with his last strength, his voice was cracked and they laughed hysterically as they watched him groan in pains, he kept bleeding from his legs and arms, they were merciless. "Let's move, the cops could be here at any moment," one of the thugs revealed. "No, they won't, they don't answer to the calls of poor men like him, let's leave him to his maker, see you later," the leader said and they disbanded themselves immediately. Mark could hardly see anything in front of him, his vision was blurry, and all he could do was gasp for oxygen before he passed out for the second time. The alley road
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A Stranger's Redemption
Mark was harassed and spat on by passersby who stared scornfully at him. He knew everyone hated him, but what hurt the most were the lies they believed. He could never accept that Elena would lie against him and try to make his life miserable. What had he done to deserve such pain?"You deserve to die. Thank goodness Elena Brooks escaped from your torture," the passersby said, hatred in their eyes. Diego watched Mark from a distance and shook his head pitifully. They would have watched him suffer and die on the streets if he chose to turn a blind eye."Mark, let's go," Diego whispered when he got close. As everyone watched Diego carry the wounded son-in-law in his arms, they could hardly explain his intentions, but no one cared—they wanted to see Mark suffer."What they said about me are all lies. I would never hurt anyone," Mark protested, tears in his eyes. He could hardly hold his emotions together. His heart was broken, and his body was defeated."I have to treat your wounds. The
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The Devil's Plan
Elena felt relieved as she made her way to the jacuzzi, life had been nothing more than perfect for her ever since Mark stepped out of the picture. She took a sip from the glass of wine close to her and exhaled with joy as a beautiful smile grew on her face, everyone had turned against her ex-husband for her sake and they would bow at her feet even though she's utterly wrong, she had the influence and Bruce had the money to always make things go her way."Look at her beautiful and calm you have become, it's been a long time since I have seen you this happy," Her maid said as she brought her towel to her."When a pest is out of your life, calmness follows, tell the chef to make me a good breakfast, I have an appointment to meet up with" she ordered.She had her breakfast swiftly and before driving out of her garage, a black Rolls-Royce formed an obstacle on her path, she smiled on recognizing the owner."Where are you heading to?" Bruce asked."I have an appointment with my modeling pr
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