All Chapters of Changing Life With Instant Wealth System : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 chapters
11. Poor people don't understand
Travis thought he would be taken straight to the store, but it turned out that he was still being taken around the biggest mall in the city."This is my grandfather's mall, the plan is to pass it on to me, Liz's mom's shop is the biggest one on the fourth floor. He rented out the fourth floor for his shop." Vicky said.Travis was silent and nodded his head, he was at a loss as to how to react, because he already knew that the mall belonged to Vicky's family.Of course Vicky and Lizzy when compared to Travis were just like heaven and earth, they were the heaven, Travis the earth.After buying mango smoothies, they finally went up to the fourth floor."If you want to buy anything else, just say so... oh yeah, I'll buy it for you, my treat." said Vicky."Oh, no need, I have the money, take it easy."Hearing Travis' answer, Vicky and Lizzy looked at each other."Travis, no need to refuse help, we really want to help you and your friend." said Lizzy.Travis smiled, "no, I really have money
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12. Visiting apartment
2,000$ is the salary they give for just one shoot. They needed a male model for their newly launched skincare product.Actually, they needed a celebrity brand ambassador so that their product could be recognized quickly.Travis was not a brand ambassador, but a model for their product. Just a few pictures and finally done.Of course, 2000$ is a lot for such a job.It felt really good.Getting money from the system was nice, but getting it with his own sweat was different.Travis would keep or use his money well.In addition to getting a salary, Travis also got a most excellent make-up set from Lizzy's mother.Because it was for a gift, Lizzy's mother's employee had wrapped it for Travis."Too bad you already have a girl you like, even though my daughter doesn't have a boyfriend," said Lizzy's mother after giving Travis the make-up set."Mama, Travis and I are just friends, don't say that, it makes me feel bad." Lizzy said annoyed.While Travis and Vicky just smiled at the mother and d
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13. The foreign feeling
"No, this isn't right, we can't do this, I don't have enough power or wealth for you yet, you better go back to your lover, I won't be of any use to you."Vicky just smiled at Travis' words.It was already night, they were still in the apartment. They didn't do anything, just hugged each other and talked about their families.Travis told her about his poor and broken family, and Vicky told her about her parents who always wanted her to be perfect until she was sick of it herself.Vicky was forced to become Ricky's lover because of her parents.Because Vicky's father owed Ricky's family money. That was the beginning of Vicky and Ricky's relationship, but Ricky was just using Vicky, not taking their relationship seriously.Ricky still liked to flirt with other girls, while if Vicky was close to another man, even if it was just a friend, Ricky would get very angry.Vicky was tired, but because of the company's debt, his parents would get angry if Vicky said anything bad about Ricky.Trav
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14. Buying a house
"I plan to buy a nice little house." Travis said.There were about four employees in the place, only one of whom was serving customers. However, the other three employees seemed to be busy and had no time to serve Travis.Travis didn't know what was wrong with him."Excuse me...."One of the female employees turned to him with a glare."If you want to look around without buying, you can look at the brochure over there." the woman said.Travis showed the brochure he had seen, "I've seen it and want to buy.""We don't have time to serve a kid who just wants to play around." said another employee, also with a jutting face."You guys haven't done anything since then, what's the lack of time? I can report you to the owner of this place!" Said Vicky, who was already impatient with the behavior of the employees who thought that a young man like Travis couldn't possibly buy a house."Let me help you, what kind of house are you looking for?" Another employee who had been silent started to move
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15. Living alone
Travis picked up his phone, his face becoming very serious. He listened to the phone carefully. Vicky didn't know what the expression on Travis' face meant, it was hard to explain."Okay, I'll be right there." and then the call ended."What's wrong?" Vicky asked."It's not my dad calling, it's someone from the hospital, they said they need about 50,000$ for my dad's surgery.""What if it's a scam?" Vicky asked.Travis smiled, "I think so too, I'm afraid it's just a trick from my father, but I'll go to the hospital to make sure, whether it's true or not.""I'm coming with you, you can't go alone!""Are you seriously coming? I think it's going to take a while."Vicky smiled and took Travis' hand, "It's okay, because it's better to face problems together than alone, right?"They left the house, hailing an online taxi to get to the hospital.Travis still couldn't believe that his father had been in an accident and needed surgery immediately, because his father could do anything just to ge
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16. One million dollars
Travis was still thinking about what Vicky had said earlier. About modeling men's clothing. Travis had already said yes, because he thought it would be good for him.However, it was undeniable that he was also nervous. He was afraid of not being able to do well.[You get a new mission, are you willing to do it?]At that time Travis had just come home from school, he had also just laid down on his bed. He felt very tired.And the system suddenly gave him a mission.But..."What's the prize?" Asked Travis, he was excited if the reward was good.[The prize is still a secret]Travis laid back down, "I'm lazy if I don't know what the prize is, it's like a lottery."[That's the concept, master][Well, the prize has a value of about hundreds of thousands of dollars][How about it, do you want it?]Travis got back up from lying down, "Well, it just so happens that I have to try the electric bike."Travis had just bought an electric bike because one of his father's neighbors who usually helpe
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17. Just try it
A rich kid like June is a bit strange. And also much different from Travis.After talking with June for a while while eating and watching TV, Travis finally realized that he and June had a big social gap.No, very very big.From June's childhood, he had gotten a lot of luxuries that he thought were normal. His pocket money was at least a million dollars a month. Buying a Lamborghini was like buying candy to him.But, June thought it was cool to be able to live independently without the help of his parents. If he could choose, Travis would rather live with full parents who could support him properly.So far, Travis has lived with his parents, but it's like having no parents.That's not cool at all, it's sad.June also thinks Travis is very lucky because his parents don't care what he wants to do.In fact, Travis has had to beg his parents to be cared for.Well, Travis and June seemed to live in different worlds."So, you want to work as a model for men's clothing? That's great, but you
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18. A good singer
It was raining that morning.When Travis woke up in the morning, he could see the heavy rain through the window of his huge room.The rainy cityscape was so cold, it was like being in a horror movie.Beautiful, yet scary to get out of.Of course Travis's apartment was warmer and more comfortable.Since it was still very early, he got out of bed, made his bed for a while, and then went to the kitchen to prepare his breakfast.Since Travis didn't want to bother, he made an egg sandwich for breakfast, along with warm milk.At that time he was very curious about the results of the video he uploaded. If the results were bad, he would immediately delete it.He already thought that the results would be bad, so he didn't expect anything.However, his eyes almost popped out when he saw what happened.The video already had over a million views, with likes of around two hundred thousand.The comments were around twelve thousand.Wait, is this real?Maybe it was someone else's account - no, it wa
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19. Changed drastically
Travis didn't understand why the facial wash he got from the system, even all the things the system gave him... all of them should not be given to just anyone.But the system suggested that Travis give it to Selen. Although according to the system, it was a version that was only 50% effective, or had half the effectiveness rate of Travis' previous one.However, Selen changed drastically!It was no ordinary facial wash, but there was something magical about it. No wonder the very curious Vicky and Lizzy were not allowed to know.[You can sell it after you level up, master!][That's right, you can level up if you do various missions from the system][Each mission has its own points][Currently your points are 8/10][You're two points away from leveling up][Because you helped Selen become more confident and got a lot of compliments from friends, the system gave you five points]"So, I leveled up?" Travis asked in a slight whisper.At that time he was in class, because the class was crow
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20. A misterius letter
[You get a new mission!][Make a cover singing of another song and get a lot of audience][You will get a reward and 5 system points]Travis had just arrived at the apartment and intended to do some work from school, then take a break. However, suddenly a notification popped up in front of him."Cover song again?" Travis muttered.If he made a cover song, he was still confused about what song he should sing.Maybe he would think about it later after doing his assignment.Thirty minutes passed and the assignment was quickly completed.Travis stretched his stiff muscles, then picked up his smartphone and searched for a hit song.But none of them were to his liking."Why does the system want me to cover songs? It's weird, am i being directed to be a celebrity?" Travis muttered.[Don't you like being a celebrity?]Travis scratched his head in confusion, "I don't know, I don't really like it, after seeing June surrounded by media like before, I started to realize that being a famous person
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