All Chapters of Ethereal Ascension : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
23 chapters
Chapter 1
~ System Unlocked ~Dark clouds gathered and bloated the sky, rumbling and threatening to unleash a downpour.But it was at the peak of the dry season. Heavy rain or any kind of rain by this time seemed amiss. Something was odd with the weather.“Oh, come on. Of all days,” Nathan White clicked his tongue, gazing at the dark sky from the window in his room. Shutting the window blind, he turned and ruffled his black hair, “Mr. Humphrey is going to kill me if I don’t make it in time.”He moved away from the window, shuffling his legs through the few trash bags scattered around the small room. Aside from the small mattress at one corner and the few clothes in the open wardrobe, the room was more or less empty.As he began to take off his clothes for a quick bath, a sudden streak of lightning flashed outside, inundating the room with its luminous intensity for a second or two. It was immediately accosted with a thunderous boom that dotted Nathan’s skin with goosebumps.Shuddering to the th
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Chapter 2
Chapter 2~ The System ~Glitch...[Wake up.][Alan, wake up!]A synthetic voice kept probing Nathan, who was fast asleep on a moderately-sized bed. He turned and turned, relishing in the comfort of the bed. It felt so soft, unlike the thin mattress he was used to.[Wake up!]The synthetic voice hollered once more.“Ugh... Just five more minutes,” Nathan mumbled under his breath, throwing the blanket over his face. But after a second or two of trying to get back to sleep, he paused, “Wait...”Tossing the blanket aside, he sat up immediately, his eyes wide open. He gazed down at his body and felt his torso. His ribs were still intact. There was no sign of bleeding. He couldn’t even feel the slightest pain.“The hell..?” he lifted his head and scanned the room he found himself in. It was two times bigger than the single room he was accustomed to. The walls were even painted, and the floor was tiled. He could see a wardrobe, a standing mirror, and other essential furniture needed in a ro
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Chapter 3
~ Imminent Danger ~ “Huh? What do you mean?” Alan asked with a perturbed face. [Did I stutter?] Alan’s brows twitched, “You sly... Ugh! What’s the point getting transmigrated or reincarnated, only to wake up as the weakest Mage in the realm?” [Fret not. There are other Myriad 5 Mages in Oratoa.] “For real?” a glimmer of hope shone in Alan’s eyes. The System didn’t respond until a few seconds later... [No.] “What?!” Alan pinched his nose bridge in frustration. What kind of system are you? Why would you put my hopes up like that?” [I couldn’t watch my host getting depressed.] “Well, you only made me more depressed. Thanks a lot,” he shook his head. [You’re welcome.] Silence. [No Hunter is awoken as a Myriad 5. The least is Myriad 4. And that’s how it has been until you were born.] “Wow. I broke the record. Classic,” Alan muttered in sarcasm. He lowered his head, “Why does the rank exist anyway, if no one had been awoken into it?” [The rank came with your exis
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Chapter 4
~ Calvary ~Even with his eyes closed, he could see the hellish intensity of the ocular blasts, their heat threatening to peel off his skin. His clothes shrunk on him in response to the heat.But then came a sharp swish, immediately followed by darkness. Yes, that was all Alan could see with his closed eyes. The red light that shone bright just a second ago, was now shielded by something... Or rather, someone?He felt himself falling with the Armoured Tusk’s hand still gripping him.However, before he could make a full descent, another swish sound came and the hand crumbled around him. Someone now carried him in their hands and they descended slowly.This prompted him to gradually open his eyes. Under his blurry vision, he could see the figure of a man standing before the sun, his hair swaying behind him as though they were riding the air currents.‘An Angel? Is this how spirits are carried to the afterlife?’ Alan couldn’t help but ask himself. He f
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Chapter 5
~ Vanquishing the Beast ~ [† Name: Alan Monolith.] [Alias: The One.] [Race: Human.] [Level: 1.] [Title: Nil.] [Class: Awakened.] [Health Points (HP): 100] [Mana Points (MP): 55] [Experience (XP): 10 / 100] [† Attributes: - Strength: 10 - Agility: 10 - Intelligence: 10 - Endurance: 10 - Dexterity: 10 - Luck: 5 - Wisdom: 5 - Charisma: 5] [† Skills: - Combat Skills: - Basic Swordsmanship: Level 1 - Magic Skills: - Basic Fireball: Level 1 - Miscellaneous Skills: - Basic Cooking: Level 1] [† Abilities: - Active Abilities: - Quick Strike: Level 1 - Passive Abilities: - Enhanced Senses: Level 1] [† Equipment: - Weapon: Wooden Sword - Armour: Locked. - Accessories: None.] [† Inventory: - Health Potion: 1 - Mana Potion: 1 - Enhancement Potion: 1] [Quests unlocked] [† Secret Advancement Quest: Courage of the Weak >>> Completed.] [† Active Quests: - Complete Daily Basic Training: To be completed before noon.] ... “I still don’t get how
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Chapter 6
~ Scepticism ~Alan couldn’t help but frown a bit, “The forbidden artefact? Am I supposed to know what that is?”[Actually... Yes.]‘Huh? Tell me,’ Alan replied internally, while maintaining his confused expression on the outside. He saw Captain Beaumont move and he panicked, ‘Spill it!’[Artefacts are found in random dungeons and possess very unique abilities. From stain removal to rewriting reality itself. The artefacts are graded based on their level of power. A forbidden artefact is at the crux of the hierarchy.]‘Okay, but what does that have to do with me?’ Alan’s gaze remained on the squad, who, for some odd reason, had stopped moving.He raised a brow, ‘Are my eyes playing tricks on me?’[No. It’s my doing. It helps relay information faster.][Now, listen. You went on a raid yesterday with this particular squad... Well, the former you. You discovered a forbidden artefact after clearing the dungeon and beating the final boss. Everyone was told to leave, so that higher ranked Hu
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Chapter 7
~ Gaining Information ~ A subtle tremor shook the street as every other part of Alan’s house came crashing down. The quake startled him a bit, but he quickly found his bearing and turned to trace the source of the sudden impact. His house was nothing more than a heap of rubble at that moment. He simply sighed and turned to continue his stroll, ‘I really hope you’re right about that damage insurance.’ [They should arrive soon.] He took a sharp detour and approached a small restaurant, puffs of steam escaping its chimneys. He didn’t know why, but he felt familiar with the restaurant, as though he had been here a couple of times. ‘Maybe the former me used to come here,’ he surmised internally, pushing the metal door open. He walked in to see some men gathered behind the counter, laughing at intervals. There was a young man in the middle, his hands hovering over the counter. Beneath his waving palms was a somewhat holographic construct of a dungeon. In that small construct, th
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Chapter 8
~ Basic Training ~ Alan took the last bite and drank up his milkshake. His right fist reflexively went to his mouth as he let out a burp. He pushed himself up and cracked his neck. He took a glance at the homeless man still munching on the half burrito that he had given him, “I have to go now.” The homeless man lifted his gaze and simply nodded, chewing gently on the burrito. “Yeah,” Alan nodded back and left the alley. ‘Yo, system,’ he called, feeling quite pumped up. It was as though the little he had just eaten was some kind of energy booster. [Less than two hours before the time limit expires.] Alan smiled, ‘Heh. It’s like you can read my mind. Well... You literally can...’ he quickly moved sideways when a car honked behind him. He watched the car drive past him, its exhaust casually coughing out black smoke, ‘So... this basic training, what am I to do? A few push ups or what?’ A green tab flickered to reality before him. [† Active Quests: - Complete Daily Bas
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Chapter 9
~ Solo Raid ~ 4 Hours Earlier “So, this is it, huh?” Alan muttered, standing before a five story building, his neck aching as he tried to look at the zenith of the building. The area was quite secluded. Most of the buildings here were either demolished or uninhabitable. It was as a result of a gateway break that happened about a month ago. Only one or two people walked by, mostly adventure-seeking teenagers. Alan lowered his head and stared at the green tab before him. [† New Quest: - Clear the five floors of the abandoned 5th Avenue bakery: To be completed before midnight. - Rewards: ???] There was a picture of the bakery’s current structure underneath the quest. He pinched his nose bridge and let out a sigh, “Let’s do this.” He easily made his way into the ground floor of the building, since the entrance door was barely locked. Damaged baking tools and equipment were left scattered across the floor, rodents dashing here and there. Alan gazed at the stairs th
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Chapter 10
~ The First Floor ~[Ground Floor Cleared!][Five Floors Left.]“Oof...” Alan let out a sparse exhale, watching the bodies of the goblins shiver into green flakes, slowly evaporating to nothing.He moved closer to a wall and rested his back against it to recover his strength, whilst taking another glance at his profile tab.As usual, the tab appeared and vanished in quick succession, but he was able to retain every bit of information.“Hmm... Wait... No rewards for clearing this floor?” he creased his brows. “Or am I missing something?”[† New Quest:- Clear the 5 floors of the abandoned 5th Avenue bakery: To be completed before midnight.- Rewards: ???]Staring at the quest tab before him, he shrugged, “Yeah, so? I’ve cleared the first one already.”[You are to clear the 5 floors of the bakery. The ground floor doesn’t count.]Alan’s eyes dilated, “What?! W-Why? What was the point of fighting the goblins and wasting that much mana?”The sense behind the System’s logic
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