Chapter 8

~ Basic Training ~

Alan took the last bite and drank up his milkshake. His right fist reflexively went to his mouth as he let out a burp.

He pushed himself up and cracked his neck. He took a glance at the homeless man still munching on the half burrito that he had given him, “I have to go now.”

The homeless man lifted his gaze and simply nodded, chewing gently on the burrito.

“Yeah,” Alan nodded back and left the alley.

‘Yo, system,’ he called, feeling quite pumped up. It was as though the little he had just eaten was some kind of energy booster.

[Less than two hours before the time limit expires.]

Alan smiled, ‘Heh. It’s like you can read my mind. Well... You literally can...’ he quickly moved sideways when a car honked behind him.

He watched the car drive past him, its exhaust casually coughing out black smoke, ‘So... this basic training, what am I to do? A few push ups or what?’

A green tab flickered to reality before him.

[† Active Quests:

- Complete Daily Basic Training: To be completed before noon]

[100 push ups: 0/100]

[100 sit ups: 0/100]

[100 squats: 0/100]

[Run 1 kilometre: 0/1]

Alan stopped walking, gazing at the tab with lazy eyes, ‘Are you kidding me? Do I even have the strength to do this?’

[You have to if you aim to grow stronger.]

‘Not like I have a choice.’


Alan found a nearby park and began his solo training. He first took five laps around the 100-metre square park, which was equivalent to 500 metres; hence, half a kilometre.

Even without the calculation, he could tell from the green tab that kept a safe distance from his face.

Then he went down and began the push ups. He got through the first thirty with much ease. Though he was a Myriad 5, he was still a Hunter and possessed some enhanced stamina.

However, that stamina soon faded when he made the fiftieth push up. His muscles had gotten sore, his body drenched in sweat. He managed to do ten more push ups before he collapsed on the ground.

[Come on. Less than an hour to go.]

The System urged with no single emotion.

Alan groaned, his hands shaking, ‘I need some rest.’

[There’s no time for that. If you exceed the training’s time limit, there’s a penalty waiting for you.]

‘What?’ his brows scrunched. ‘What kind of penalty?’

[Will you like to find out?]

The System responded with a tinge of sarcasm.

Alan clicked his teeth and rose to a knee, panting for breath, “This better be worth it.”

He decided to interchange between each workout to ease long strains on some certain muscles. About forty minutes later, he was done with everything, including the 500 metre run that was left.

“Huff...” he collapsed on the thin grasses, his chest heaving at his undulating breath.

[† Active Quests:

- Complete Daily Basic Training: To be completed before noon]

[100 push ups: 100/100]

[100 sit ups: 100/100]

[100 squats: 100/100]

[Run 1 kilometre: 1/1]

[Quest completed✓>>> Reward: 1x energy replenishment potion.]

His heavy eyelids became light as he saw this. His eyes dilated, “For real?”

A transparent potion bottle appeared on the screen. It contained a light blue liquid. Alan reached into the screen and grabbed the replenishment bottle.

Taking it out, he flicked the wooden lid open with a thumb and chugged its contents down his throat. His body temperature rose fast as a bluish aura oozed out of him.

Then, as though that never happened, his body’s temperature returned to normalcy, the blue aura disappearing afterward. But then, all his fatigue and pain went along with them. He felt very refreshed.

He sat up instantly, gazing at his hands, “Damn. Maybe this is worth it after all. After every workout session, my energy is restored.”

[More or less.]

Alan felt his brows mop up, ‘What do you mean?’

[The quest’s rewards are susceptible to change over time, but for now, yes, this is what you’ll get.]

Alan shrugged, ‘I’d have gained more endurance and strength by then. I’ll be fine.”

He took a glance at his wrist watch. It was exactly twelve noon, ‘Heh. That was pretty close.’

[A few more quests and you’ll be able to unlock the weapons in your inventory.]

‘Good, but I at least need a sword for tomorrow’s raid. I want to prove my worth and cast aside this weak image every has of me,’ Alan folded his hand. ‘I can still remember, the former me lost the only sword he could afford to yesterday’s raid.’

As though his thoughts were a trigger, a new green tab appeared before him...

[† New Quest:

- Clear the five floors of the abandoned 5th Avenue bakery: To be completed before midnight.

- Rewards: ???]

‘A mystery reward?’ Alan groaned in exasperation, ‘At least let me know if the quest will be worth it!’

“Hey...” a feminine voice came out of nowhere, sounding like a song to his ears.

Still seated on the grass, he lifted his eyes at the lady that walked up to him. She seemed to be the same age as him, her black hair shaved at the sides. Her black sports bra and black joggers were very firm on her body.

He stood up at once and dusted his palms, “Yeah?”

She stopped about three feet away from him and placed a hand on her waist, “That’s new. I’m usually the only one taking laps around this park. Is today your first day?”

Alan simply nodded, “Yeah. I just completed 10 laps.”

She smiled, “Heh. Impressive. What do you say to coming here everyday? We could really challenge ourselves.”

Alan shrugged. It would help motivate him to complete his daily training. “Sure. Why not?”

“Be here before 7 though. I had something to attend to, that’s why I’m here by this time,” she informed, taking a glance at her wrist watch.

‘Isn’t that too early?’ he complained inwardly. But on the outside, he raised his chin and stretched his right hand toward her, “I’m looking forward to it. I’m Alan by the way.”

She chuckled, shaking his hand, “Oh, I know who you are.”

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, “Yeah, but of course.”

With a more serious tone, she said, “I’m Amy.”


Later that evening, a small two-seater car drove down the street, taking a sharp turn around a bend. With a short burst of smoke from its exhaust pipe, it came to an abrupt stop by the curb of the road.

Two girls alighted the car, their eyes gradually dilating in shock as they saw the large heap of rubble that used to be a house just this morning.

The girl to the left — her long, curly hair blue, her eyes black — nudged the shoulder of her blonde friend.

“Are you sure we didn’t miss a turn or something?”

The blonde girl was none other than Maya Hermolith. She shook her head, clinging to her backpack, “N-No. This is the right place. My house used to be right here.”

“Then where is it?” the blue-haired girl couldn’t help but ask.

Maya was left stupefied, “I have no idea.”

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