All Chapters of The Revenge of the Disguise Heir: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
171 chapters
“That is not the question I am thinking of hearing,” Logan said through gritted teeth as he watched her, she sat right there on the bed thinking through the entire situation once more wondering to herself if she had done the right thing telling him. He allowed the situation to be a bit calmer when he made his way out, not bringing up anything about the entire situation again. He thought it was best that he stayed all by himself and walked out of the room.With the need to clear his head, he had hit the streets. In the distance a cat sped away suspiciously out of sight, he thought about what could be happening, he was trying to understand why they were there.As the car drove out of sight and the dust settled down, he started to make his way to where it was. After some minutes, he ran through the entire conversation with Josie, he revised the conversation he had with her a few momentsRunning didn't calm him down, Since all he wanted was to burn the energy that was filling him up f
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It was all he could get out of his mouth before he felt that sharp pain blow to the side of his head, he had fallen to the ground at first and touched his head when he felt that bit of pain, dropping his hand, it was stained with blood.Now, Logan hadn't been in many fights all through his life. To make matters worse they were doubling up on him and the wisest thing for him to do would've been to just back off. Wincing in pain, he looked around and saw two more men, he grimaced as he tried to stand up from the floor while holding his bleeding head.“Well that serves you right, you deserve that!" The man had gritted through his teeth.He wondered who was to blame for the altercation, most definitely him… in a way all of this wouldn't have happened if he just stuck to himself and Stayed at home, as it was clear they didn't know who he was.He felt weak, but he managed to stand with his head throbbing hard. All through that he hadn't thought about the implications of what it was.He cou
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Back at the apartment, Josie was restless, she had gotten two distress calls from him, and reading through the entire situation it was safe to say that he was in trouble -Mere looking at the writing on the walls, the darkness hovering around the room seemed more evidence of the state she was in.After she had tried to reach him that third time and it proved abortive she had taken it upon herself to finish what all this was about. Josie nothing to herself that she required help swallowed the lump in her throat, as the situation was looking more severe to her than she had thought it would be, at the moment she had stopped pacing the room. There was a sudden realization of how much needed to be done to take away the feeling at that moment. The thought did cross her mind. She took one good look at the man who was standing not too far away and walked up to him. “He is yet to be back right, I have several missed calls from him and he is yet to pick up."Charlie had a different countenan
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Logan awoke In the morning to find himself alone in bed. He was home —somehow and he still had vivid images of what had happened the previous night, had it been a dream?He looked around and could see the bandages, and stained clothes, he could find the dent in the pillow and the covers rumpled confirming the previous night hadn’t been a dream.He had been attacked, and slowly- hit surely he was starting to get those pictures back again, it was starting to refill his mind leaving its mark on everything he had touched.Despite the fact there was no love between them, he had seen the way Josie had been worried, as last night despite all odds for the first time in weeks the two had forged a connection to show that they belonged to each other.Still, amidst all of this, he also was unaccountably miffed by the fact that those people whoever they were had the guts to actually beat him up.Who were they?Who did they work for?Those questions had crept through his mind as he thought about t
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With each fleeting breath that left his lungs, Logan had just one thing in mind and that was finding those men that attacked him.It was funny how life pulled its strings at that moment, the one who he thought less of all through the last months was now his confidant he couldn't explain why but a part of his mind just chose to trust the said woman more than anyone else.They were on the same stage anyway, as she saw it as a revenue to fix the wrong that she had caused him.So far it seemed his convertible linking him to the people that had done it, well that aside.It felt more relishing that he had her attention and even if he had wondered if she was doing it for the right reasons, the entirety of the recent happening left a space In his heart that he was trying to fill.Not anymore In some ways -While in the past she had considered running away or going into hiding, or she had thought herself to hide before realizing that there was nowhere and that it wasn’t possible. Whenever she
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Curiosity killed the cat but definitely not Josie who was bent on uncovering why whoever it was out that late, feeling confused her first thought had been to uncover, she felt that need to regardless of what was happening -or what would happen.She was away from the window and out of her room, it would be mostly difficult to put herself to sleep again, so it was best she put her partial insomnia to good use, this time she walked quietly on the ball of her feet. The lock to her door rattles, and she hopes it doesn't make any sound -It has to be the wind…she thought out loud, in a bid to not give up on her quest she stumbled on a second door.It was only a matter of moment before the door creaked open, and her heart thuds steadily-The next few seconds were filled with her trying to decipher who it was that was making an entry back to the apartment at that moment it could have been anyone, at first she thought that she was somehow overthinking things and it was best for her to go to be
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It had been a long cold night, another lovely day. It was hard to explain but he had woken up to this day feeling rather refreshed.A cozy wind drifted through the room Logan's eyes fluttered open, and he looked around the room that was midst definitely his, yet there was that bit of unfamiliarity to the room sinking into his inner mind, he could tell almost immediately that something was different-From the trees painted with the colors of summer to the golden sky that was a bright clear blue, he could feel the heat from the rising sun, but was that the difference to his bright new day?Was it the heat that was burning off the morning mist as it gave everything a magic appearance, was it?Closing his eyes, he visualized everything again playing at the back of his mind, he could see that hint of every single thing that played cynically, as he sought that bit of comfort or peace drifting through his soul.Inhaling deeply, he let the fresh, crisp air invade his lungs and gave that req
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Dark thoughts flooded his mind as he sat at the back of the car, behind two other cars followed as they drove through the dirt road he had just one thought probing through his mind and that was for him to get on with whatever this was.“Are you sure that we are heading to the right place?" He asked Jeff who was sitting with Charlie in the front seat.“Yes, from my sources we are—" Jeff had answered.The car felt awkwardly silent, in a way he found it weird that Charlie had said anything and wondered what might be running through her mind.It was devastating when she thought about it, still against all odds it was the only odd they got.As the car drove onto a less busy road he hummed to himself, thinking of how nice it had been to have a chance at revenge, the truth was all this while for him had been a bit frustrating —Josie's last words had run through the back of his mind again.'Be careful.’He thought it was nice having things to work out between them but at the same time, he fe
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“Damn!” Logan surged up from where he’d been standing and began angrily pacing back and forth as he listened to the man being questioned.It had been twenty minutes of labored breaths and heavy heart and at that moment the man was before him still pleading for mercy.Mercy?Logan scoffed when he thought about that word, he was nearly killed by these same fucking people, and none of them had deemed it fit that what he needed at that moment was mercy, looking into their eyes all he saw was the fact that he was telling a lie, most definitely he was hiding is hiding something, perhaps he didn't do this all by himself. “He is such a bitch! I imagine my name is mud within them now and they must have gotten into a heavy laugh within themselves after all of this, isn't it ?”" No… " The man with the bloody face pleads.All he could feel at that moment was life slipping away from him slowly, he was right there staring at death In its face." No?” Logan scoffed.He lifted his hands and again t
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Logan at that moment was furious, he hit Charlie across the face and spat out In disgust, his fingers curled around him.At that moment, they heard what looked like footsteps and it was seconds before guns were cocked and from the dark part, he couldn't see with laser light all in his direction, all pointing at his head.“Why did you do that?" he questioned. Charlie raises his hands and the red-dotted light goes off —" You Know I don't like getting involved in all this, you should know better than having him talk. “ He muttered“After they beat you to the pub, it had been my move to get rid of him " He argued bitterly hoping that his word found a good place in his heart."What do you mean?" Logan asked."Just that you should have this a lot simpler, nothing more. I need you to look into something very important." Charlie sighed, he thought it through for a while weighing his options. "Do you know what you are asking ?” He asked. " Have you ever asked why this is the case?" "I m
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