All Chapters of THE ALMIGHTY LORD CLOUD: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
150 chapters
Nathan's thunderous voice made the audience more tense as they were just recovering from the scandal.Suddenly, the sound of sirens could be heard from outside the cathedral.The doors of the cathedral swung open, and a team of police officers rushed in with stern expressions written all over their faces.The police were finally here.Nathan’s security detail immediately stepped aside, allowing the officers to advance forward.Nathan stood tall and imposing, his arms crossed as he observed the scene with an air of authority.He had been waiting for this moment; Darius would finally get what was coming to him."Lord Cloud, we came here as soon as possible." One of the men, who looked like the lead officer, stepped forward and gave a deep bow, and so did the rest of his men.“Take them,” Nathan said, his voice low but commanding, his gaze never leaving Darius.The officers moved swiftly, their boots echoing against the tiled floor as they grabbed Darius’s men, roughly pulling them to th
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There was a short laugh that could be heard over the phone, and the officers focused their attention on Darius, straining their ears to hear whatever he was discussing. "That won't be easy, it's going to cost you."Darius clenched his jaw, swallowing his pride. "I’ll pay whatever it takes. Just get me out."After another pause, the voice replied, "Consider it done. You’ll be out in less than two hours."With that, Darius hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.The officer who had been watching him raised an eyebrow.They were so interested in putting him behind bars, in fact, they had just threatened him with a list of sentences, and he was smiling?What the hell is wrong with him? They looked at him with irritation.Or did he have some connections or something?"You really think a phone call’s gonna fix this?" the officer scoffed angrily. "We’ve got enough to keep you here for a long time."He was trying to remind him that there was no h
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Nathan sat at his desk in the Cloud Corporation, staring at the newspaper laid out before him.The bold headline read: "Bullying Allegations Surface at Cloud Corporation Subsidiary."He drummed his fingers on the desk, his face unreadable, but he felt a storm of emotion inside him.His office was very luxurious, one that showed the power and wealth of Cloud Corporation.The view from the floor-to-ceiling windows showcased the city's skyline, but Nathan’s eyes remained fixed on the article.He clenched his jaw, shaking his head. How could he not have noticed this?It must have started while he was not around.This sort of behavior was unacceptable!He had to do something as soon as possible. This was already ruining the reputation of Cloud Corporation.He pressed the intercom button. “Bianca, come to my office.”Moments later, Bianca walked in with her usual calm and poise.Her tailored suit spoke of professionalism, and her sharp eyes were always attentive to detail.She approached N
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“I need to see for myself what’s really happening,” Nathan replied firmly. “If I go like this, no one’s going to tell me the truth because they know who I am.""If I go in as Steven Harris, an ordinary cleaner, no one will recognize me, and I’ll be able to uncover what’s really going on.”Vanessa shook her head, placing her hand on the table as if to steady herself.“Nathan, do you realize how dangerous this is? What if someone finds out? What if something happens to you?""You’re not just anyone, you’re Lord Cloud, the most powerful man in the country.""You can’t just decide to pretend to be someone else!”“I know it sounds crazy,” Nathan admitted, “but this is the only way to find out who’s responsible. This company is mine, Vanessa.""I spent years building a name for myself, and I won’t let anyone drag it through the mud.”Vanessa pushed her plate aside, her appetite now completely gone. She stared at Nathan, her worry growing by the second. “Nathan, this isn’t just about the com
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Nathan clenched his jaw, irritated by the way she spoke to him. He hadn’t been spoken to like this in a long time, especially since he left the Wilson family. It took everything in him not to lash out. He could feel his hands tightening into fists, but he quickly relaxed them, forcing himself to stay calm. He couldn’t blow his cover.Not now, not over this.Miss Jane Foster, as her nametag read, took a step closer, glaring at Nathan with disdain. “Let me make one thing clear, Steven. People like you don’t get to use those elevators.""You are not even worthy of *looking* at it,” she tilted her head with a sneer. “You’re nothing but a filthy cleaner who is here to make sure the floors are shiny and the bins are empty. Do you understand?"Nathan felt a storm of rage within him, but he forced himself to stay composed. His mission was more important than his pride right now. He had to keep his cover, endure the insults, and let her believe he was the insignificant worker she thoug
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Grace’s eyes widened in shock, while Nathan's face twisted into a frown.Grace knew that Jane wanted to humiliate her in front of everyone.Jane had purposely made the mess to make a point, and Grace had just walked right into her trap.“Well, Grace,” Ms. Foster said coldly.“Since you’re so eager to help, why don’t you clean up this mess? After all, that’s your job, isn’t it?”Grace’s hands trembled as she bent down, mop in hand, ready to clean up the deliberately spilled coffee. Her heart raced with humiliation as the coffee continued to spread across the floor.Everyone knew. Ms. Foster had created the mess with every intention of humiliating her in front of the entire staff, and Grace, always the one to keep her head down to avoid trouble, had now walked right into it.But just as Grace was about to touch the mop to the floor, a firm voice cut through the silence.“Stop.”Grace’s eyes widened as she looked up, startled. Nathan, still disguised as Steven Harris, had stepped forwar
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But Nathan’s expression remained unfazed. “If you knew who I was, you would be on your knees begging.”Ms. Foster’s face twisted in confusion and fury.Despite Nathan's disguise, the confidence he exuded was overwhelming. Around them, more employees had begun to gather, whispering among themselves as the confrontation continued to escalate. It wasn’t every day that someone dared to stand up to Ms. Foster, much less a cleaner on his first day."Who's this guy?" one employee whispered."He's new," another replied. "He's gonna get himself fired before the day's over if he continues like this."The murmurs of the crowd only seemed to fuel Ms. Foster’s fury. She could feel the shift in the room—the weight of judgment from the people she had always looked down on. And now, this new cleaner was making a mockery of her authority."You?" Ms. Foster scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain.Nathan's eyes narrowed. “A leader who needs to bully others to feel powerful doesn’t deserve respect.
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The room froze in shock as the door swung open. The sudden interruption froze everyone as they all turned to see who had walked in.Ms. Foster’s hand, which had been poised to strike Nathan across the face, hung in the air, her rage now mingling with confusion as her head snapped towards the door.Standing in the doorway was Bianca, Nathan's trusted assistant, dressed in an impeccably tailored suit, every inch of her exuding authority.The presence of the personal assistant of Lord Cloud immediately commanded the respect and attention of the entire room.Her sharp eyes scanned the room, taking in the tense atmosphere and the scene unfolding before her—Ms. Foster, seething with anger, standing inches from Nathan.Grace was trembling and pleading, and the gathered employees watched the scene with fear and anticipation.Bianca’s gaze narrowed as she locked eyes with Ms. Foster, who was about to strike Lord Cloud.Her command had caused Ms. Foster to stiffen, and she slowly lowered her h
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“Is that so?” Bianca asked in a very cold tone, even though she already knew the answer to the question.“And why would she do that?”Eric hesitated again, clearly terrified, but seeing no way out. “She’s been treating the junior staff terribly. Everyone knows it, but we’re all too scared to say anything.""This time, Steven stood up to her, and she didn’t like it. So she tried to humiliate him.”Eric exposed Jane without any hesitation.Bianca let out a slow breath, her gaze snapping back to Ms. Foster, whose face was now drained of color. The room was completely silent, everyone too stunned to speak.“Ms. Foster,” Bianca said. “You’ve not only embarrassed yourself but have brought shame to this entire office. Framing someone just because of your ego? Do you really think this behavior is acceptable?”Ms. Foster tried to speak, her mouth opening and closing as she scrambled for an excuse. “I… I didn’t…”Bianca's eyes hardened as Ms. Foster stammered, assuming she was trying to come up
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Nathan, still in his cleaner's uniform, watched the entire scene with a smirk kn his face. The way Bianca handled the situation made him him impressed, she had probably learnt from the best, which is him of course. She had destroyed Ms. Foster without even exposing his identity.Bianca turned her head slightly, catching Nathan's eye for like half a second There was a flicker of recognition, but she gave nothing away, she could not tell what Nathan was thinking but he was most likely proud of what she had done. No one else in the room could guess that the humble cleaner standing before them was actually Lord Cloud, the man who commanded empires. But Bianca knew. She had always known. Ms. Foster remained on her knees, her hands trembling as she slowly stood, avoiding the gaze of her colleagues who now stared at her with a mix of pity and disbelief. How could she come back from this?The woman who had once terrorized the office was now reduced to nothing, her authority stripped fr
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