All Chapters of THE ALMIGHTY LORD CLOUD: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
150 chapters
Nathan followed Bianca into the executive office.Nathan sat on one of the plush leather chairs, still wearing the uniform of a lowly cleaner.Bianca also sat down and looked at Nathan in his cheaper disguise. "Lord Cloud," she said."I don't know how long I can stand by and watch you being talked down to like that. What would have happened if I hadn't walked in? Ms. Foster would have humiliated you in front of your entire staff."Bianca's expression was filled with worry, although Nathan had a calm expression, which troubled her even more.Nathan smirked, leaning back and crossing his arms casually. "You handled it perfectly," he said. "You reminded me why I put my trust in you. Ms. Foster needed to be dealt with, and you did it marvelously well.""Thank you, Lord Cloud, but since you know that she is the bully, you could’ve stepped in yourself, revealed who you were. Yet you didn’t. Why?" Nathan’s smirk faded slightly as his gaze hardened. "Because this is much more than one power-
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Grace's smile faded as she heard Jane's words.Her eyes went from the necklace dangling in her hands and then back to Jane, who was holding it.In all her years of working at Cloud Corporation, she had never been accused of stealing anything."I don’t understand," Grace stammered. "I didn’t take any necklace.""I swear, I don’t even know how it got into my locker. Maybe it was a mistake, I don't know."Jane scoffed, her expression hardening with disgust. "Of course, how would you know? You’re just an innocent little cleaner," she said, her tone dripping with mockery.Grace shook her head vigorously, her heart pounding in her chest. "I’m telling you the truth! I’ve never touched your necklace. I would never take something that isn't mine. I...""LIAR!" Jane cut her off with a loud voice that made everyone flinch.Jane looked at her from head to toe in her cleaner's uniform with disdain. "You’re a pathetic little thief, Grace.""You act like you’re better than the rest of us, but you ar
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“Or maybe someone planted it there,” Nathan continued.Jane’s face twisted with anger. “How dare you question me?” she hissed.“You don’t know anything, Steven. You’re nothing but a lowly cleaner. I am your superior, and you have no right to question me!""Do you even know the value of this?" She held up the necklace again.“Because a pauper like you will never be able to afford something this expensive in your entire life.”Nathan could not help but let out a small laugh.The necklace was like a mere toy in his eyes; he wouldn’t even buy such a cheap piece of junk for his wife, Vanessa.Jane was too busy boiling with anger that she did not notice his mocking smile, although others could.“You’re no different from Grace, you know. You’re both just bottom-feeders trying to survive in a world where you don’t belong.""It’s laughable that you’re even trying to get involved in this.”Nathan’s eyes darkened, but his voice remained calm. “I’m involved because I work here, just like Grace. A
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Nathan’s eyes darkened slightly. “That does not make any sense, Mr. Reynolds. You can't just believe Grace is guilty just because Jane said so"Mr. Reynolds frowned as he brought his gaze to Nathan with an irriitated look. “Who the hell is this cleaner?""How dare you lecture me on how to handle these matters? Jane is one of our most valuable employees. Why would she lie?”Grace, still trembling on the floor, found her voice again. “Please, Mr. Reynolds,” she pleaded, her voice weak but determined. “I swear, I didn’t take it. I’ve never stolen anything in my life.”But Mr. Reynolds barely spared her a glance, his attention solely on Jane. “I’ll handle this,” he said, stepping forward and resting a reassuring hand on Jane’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’ll make sure the thief is punished accordingly.”Jane smiled triumphantly, her eyes flashing with victory as she shot a glance at Nathan, who remained unfazed.“Thank you, Mr. Reynolds,” she said sweetly. “I knew I could count on you.”Nat
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Jane’s face turned pale, but she quickly regained her composure, and her lips curled into a bitter smile. “Oh, please,” she spat, though her voice wavered. “It’s not my fault her son decided to play with something that wasn’t his. Maybe he saw it and thought it was shiny. Kids do stupid things, after all.”Nathan stepped forward, his presence suddenly commanding, towering over Jane. “You are a coward for thinking you can hide behind a child."His voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. “I know for a fact that this is all your fault. You were desperate to ruin Grace’s life, and you didn’t care who got hurt in the process.”Mr. Reynolds, who had been watching the footage in stunned silence, finally snapped out of his shock. “Wait… wait just a minute,” he stammered, his eyes darting between the screen and Jane. “Is this really happening? Did you… did you know about this, Jane?”Jane’s face twisted with fury. “Of course not!” she shouted, her composure slipping. “This has nothing to do with
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Jane smirked, still co findent despite jest the footage saidShe was not done, as she had one more card to pull. She slowly pulled out her phone, swiping through it with practiced ease. "You think you're so smart, huh?" she sneered, holding up the screen for everyone to see. "But there’s more to this story than you know."On her phone was a series of emails and messages, each one worse than the last.They showed Grace’s desperate attempts to contact immigration lawyers, asking for help, searching for ways to extend her visa.Im some of the emails she was pleading for someone to help her before she and her son were deported."Grace has been having issues with immigration for months," Jane explained, her voice steady and cool. “She’s desperately trying to stay in the country legally. But with no money, no resources... she must have stolen the necklace in order to solve her problems.”Grace mouth fell wide open, it was true they she was having issues with the immigration, it was not so
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Grace, trembling, stood up as Nathan pulled her to her feet, still looking devastated. “But Nathan…” “No, Grace,” he interrupted gently. “You’ve done nothing wrong, and I’m not letting you take the fall for this.”Jane, still wearing her smug expression, crossed her arms. “You are only making matters worse for yourself, Steven. Both of you will be out on the streets. Do you really think you can stand up to Mr. Reynolds and keep your job?”Nathan’s gaze hardened as he spoke directly to Mr. Reynolds, ignoring Jane’s taunts. “You can try to fire me if you want,” he said calmly, “but I guarantee you’ll regret it.”Mr. Reynolds shook his head, clearly annoyed by Nathan's audacity. “You too, I will show you what happens to those who dare to cross me.”Mr. Reynolds’ face twisted in fury, and he pulled out his phone from his pocket. “I’ve had enough of this nonsense,” he growled, punching in the number for HR.As the phone rang, Jane folded her arms, still wearing that smug look, eyes glinti
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The sound of Mr. Reynolds' phone ringing made the room fall silent immediately.His face twisted in irritation.Who could be disturbing him, especially now that he was about to deal with Nathan and Grace?“What now?” he spat, annoyed by the interruption as the security guards hesitated, waiting for further instructions.“This is Reynolds.”There was a pause as he listened, his expression shifting from annoyance to confusion.His grip tightened around the phone as his eyes flickered toward Nathan and Grace.“Now? But I...” He cut himself off, swallowing hard. “Yes, of course. We’ll be there.”He hung up, his face pale with barely concealed frustration. He stood there for a moment, visibly tense, as if trying to process what had just happened.Jane stepped forward, seeing the shift in Mr. Reynolds' expression. “What is it?” she asked, her voice a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.Reynolds straightened his suit, trying to regain control.“There’s an urgent meeting,” he muttered, avo
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"Leave," she instructed the staff member without looking up. He nodded quickly and hurried out of the room, leaving Jane alone with the envelope.As soon as the door clicked shut, she tore it open, revealing an elegant letter with the stamp of Lord Cloud on it, and inside was a cheque.Her breath hitched as her eyes landed on the number.Two hundred thousand dollars!!!! Jane's hands trembled as she held the check. Lord Cloud had instructed that the check belonged to Grace.Jane stared at the cheque, reading it over and over again.Two hundred thousand dollars was a huge amount of money.In fact, that was her annual salary.And it was supposed to go to Grace, of all people. Grace, the lowly cleaner who had somehow gained the attention of Lord Cloud himself.A dark thought began to creep into her mind.Why did Grace, of all people, deserve this money?Why not her, Jane, who had dedicated years to the company?Jane felt jealous of Grace and also greedy.She glanced at the cheque again,
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Jane’s glare intensified as she took a step closer to Grace. Her lip curled in disgust as she looked down on Grace. Grace’s eyes welled with tears as she tried to plead with Jane."Please, Ms. Foster, I’m begging you. This isn’t just about me, it’s about my son. He’s just a little boy, and without this money, we’ll be sent back.""I won’t have any way to take care of him. Please, just give me the money, that's all I ask."Jane’s face twisted with rage as Grace continued to pester her. "How many times do I have to tell you I don't have any money?" Jane sneered. "What makes you think Lord Cloud will remember a worthless cleaner like you?"She took another step toward Grace, her voice rising in fury. "Let me tell you something—you’re nothing! You will never be anything more than a low-life cleaner in this company.""And if I wanted to, I could have you fired this instant. So how about you stop wasting my time and get out of my sight before I make your life even worse?"Grace flinched
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