All Chapters of THE ALMIGHTY LORD CLOUD: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
149 chapters
Henry interrupted, his tone condescending. "Then you’ve been wasting your time and resources on someone who is useless.""It's time you face the truth: there is no one coming to save you!"Henry's smirk grew even wider. "Not even Nathan, a mere impostor.""The real Lord Cloud would not even look in the direction of the Royal Corporation."He let out a harsh laugh, turning on his heel and storming out of the office, slamming the door behind him.The echoes of his mocking laughter lingered in the room, leaving Vanessa and her assistant, Laura, in stunned silence.Vanessa stood still despite the humiliation. She felt more determined than ever.Vanessa refused to be deterred by Henry’s taunts. She had faith in Nathan; no matter what anybody said, her faith would not waver.Nathan had singlehandedly saved the Royal Corporation from bankruptcy, despite the board of executives consisting of the best graduates from prestigious universities around the world.If there was a way to secure Lord C
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The tension in the room was at its peak, and the barman’s unease was becoming more and more obvious.Nathan’s voice remained calm but cold. “I insist. It’s just a drink, after all. It’ll help you unwind from the long shift,” Nathan said.The barman hesitated, his face growing paler. He placed the glass back on the table with a shaky hand. “I really shouldn’t. It’s against my policy to drink on the job.”Nathan’s suspicion deepened. He could see the barman’s anxiety and knew that something was wrong. “Is that so? Come on, you are a barman."" I’ve never encountered a barman who turns down a drink from a guest. "Besides, I am your boss, and I am giving you the go-ahead. Have the drink,” Nathan insisted as he leaned back into his chair.James, still observing closely, shifted his stance, ready to intervene if anything went wrong.He subtly signaled for the hotel’s security to be on alert, understanding the gravity of the situation.The barman’s composure was slipping.He glanced nervous
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The manager's gaze was locked firmly on the barman, his features contorted with a fiery rage that burned in his eyes.With a tone dripping with accusation, he addressed the esteemed Lord Cloud, "Forgive me for barging in just like that, Lord Cloud, but this barman here is nothing but a fraudulent imposter who has made his way into the hotel and is trying to harm you!"Nathan's brow furrowed, a flicker of suspicion igniting within him. He was not entirely surprised. This was the very same barman who had just moments ago attempted to serve him a drink that even he himself refused to drink. "Is that so?" Nathan asked, turning to the barman with a sense of urgency.The accused barman recoiled, his expression morphing into one of desperation as he cried out, "That's simply not true! I have no idea what you're talking about!"The manager's lips curled into a sneer as he cut the man off, barking, "Save your lies, you fool! You're nothing but an imposter and you will be exposed right here!"
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The fake barman’s pleas grew more frantic. “I don’t know! I don’t know their names, I swear! I’m just a pawn in this—”The manager’s face was a mask of cold fury.He motioned to the bodyguards, who moved forward with grim determination. “If he won’t talk willingly, we’ll have to find other methods to extract the truth from him.”Nathan raised a hand, signaling them to halt.“No. We’ll give him one last chance. But if he doesn’t cooperate, we’ll get the information out of him, no matter the cost.”The fake barman’s eyes were wide with fear, and his breath came in ragged gasps. “Please, I don’t want to die! I’ll tell you whatever I can, just don’t—”Nathan cut him off with a steely gaze. “This is your final opportunity. Speak now, or face the consequences.”The fake barman looked around in panic, his mind racing. “I—I really don’t know! They didn’t give me any details, just said to serve you the poisoned drink!”The fake barman continued to lie, hoping that they would buy his deception.
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THROWBACK TO THE NIGHT NATHAN REGAINED HIS MEMORIES"Mother? Mother, where are you?" Nathan's grip tightened around his cherished teddy bear as he whispered softly, weaving through the bustling crowd of the mall, his eyes scanning for Victoria, his mother-in-law.She had brought him earlier to buy him some toys and instructed him to wait for her, but hours had passed, yet she had not returned.Nathan was always maltreated by his in-laws, but he had hoped today would be different as Victoria promised to take him shopping.It seemed she had abandoned him. "Mother? Where are you?" he called out again, his voice tinged with fear.A few shoppers glanced his way, but none stopped to help. Nathan’s heart raced as he wandered, the anxiety building in his chest.He felt the sting of tears in his eyes, and his grip on the teddy bear tightened.Nathan searched all the sections of the shopping mall, but he still could not find Victoria.He sat on the couch in one of the sections, crying his eyes
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Nathan's eyes narrowed as he fixed the fake barman, who was sweating profusely and had some parts of his body bleeding.“So what you're telling me is that it was you and your gang who attacked me that night?” he asked, his voice dripping with cold fury.The fake barman flinched under Nathan's withering gaze, still feeling the lingering pain from the cars ripping him apart.He nodded furiously, with sweat and blood dripping down his face.“Y-yes, sir. That’s right,” he stammered.“The woman who hired us said she would abandon you at the mall, and the moment we spotted you, we were to kill you,” the barman continued, his voice quivering. “Unfortunately, we couldn’t finish the job that day, and now she’s ordered us to complete it.”James stepped forward, his expression dark. “So someone paid you to kill my master, and you accepted?” he said, the accusation hanging heavy in the air.The fake barman cowered, sensing the danger emanating from the two men. “P-please, sir, I had no choice!"
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Nathan’s expression remained cold and unyielding. The sight of the fake barman’s suffering was a reminder of the brutality he was capable of, and soon enough those who sent him would feel his wrath!As the fake barman’s screams became more ragged, Nathan’s resolve began to waver.The room was filled with the sound of the roaring engines and the fake barman’s pitiful pleas. Nathan thrn turned to James, who stood by with a grim expression. “James, order the drivers to stop the cars.”James hesitated, his eyes locked with Nathan’s, before nodding and signaling the drivers to shut off the engines.The cars came to a halt, their engines dying with a final, echoing roar.The chains slackened, and the fake barman’s body collapsed to the floor, drenched in sweat and trembling uncontrollably.Nathan stepped closer, his gaze piercing and filled with a cold, unyielding determination.The fake barman lay on the floor, gasping for breath, his body wracked with shivers and pain. Blood trickled d
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James's eyes were cold and unfeeling. “You’re lucky you’re still alive,” he said, his voice devoid of sympathy. “Consider this an act of mercy from Lord Cloud."If you lead us to the rest of your gang tomorrow, my master might decide to spare you. But for now, this is where you’ll stay until we’ve decided your fate.”With a final, disdainful glance, James turned and walked out of the cell. He slammed the door shut behind him with a loud and resounding clang, leaving the fake barman alone in the oppressive darkness.The fake barman sat on the mattress, his back against the cold wall. The room was freezing, and his breath created visible clouds in the frigid air.His mind raced with a mixture of fear and desperation. He had narrowly escaped death earlier, but now he faced a different kind of torment—one of isolation and life threatening cold. He felt like the cell was starting to weigh on him, its oppressive atmosphere amplifying his sense of dread.He tried to gather his thoughts,
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The fake barman jolted awake from his sleep by the icy splash of water that drenched him from his head to his toes. “Time to wake up!” one of Nathan's bodyguards barked. He gasped and his heart pounded as he scrambled to sit up on the cold, damp mattress. His body was stiff against the sudden shock of the water. He could barely see any trace of light from where he was, but he could guess that it was already morning. His teeth chattered, and he tried to wipe the water from his face, but his hands were numb. The door creaked open, and the blinding light from the hallway outside momentarily blinded him. Two burly bodyguards stepped into the cell, their expressions as cold as the steel walls where he was imprisoned. The fake barman struggled to his feet, his movements sluggish and uncoordinated. His body still ached from the immense torture he had endured the previous day.The bodyguards moved toward him, their hands gripped his arms with a firm and unyielding force. They didn’t
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The vehicle’s interior was so comfortable and warm. Probably the best place he has been in the last twenty-four hours. The SUV was so luxurious, but it did little to alleviate his growing anxiety.James took a seat in the front passenger seat, his eyes locked on the fake barman through the rearview mirror.“We’re heading to the location,” James said to the driver, who nodded in acknowledgment.The SUV roared to life, and the fake barman was jolted as the vehicle sped off. The scenery outside blurred as they left the hotel. The fake barman could see the city moving past through the window, although his thoughts were consumed with the grim task ahead.Minutes felt like hours as the vehicle navigated through the busy streets.The fake barman’s anxiety grew more and more with each passing second, and he could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on him.He knew that if he led them to the wrong place or failed to deliver the necessary information, his fate would be sealed.As
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