All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
161 chapters
Chapter 111
Just like Ryan gave up trying to eat, he gave up trying to sleep after tossing on the bed several times. He sat up and checked the small table by his bed for his cigarettes. He found none. He fiddled with his pockets and finally found a packet in one of his trousers. Just holding the packet sent a thrill down Ryan's body. Would he ever get tired of smoking? He lit one of the cigarettes and took a long drag. By the time he let out the smoke through his mouth, he was already rewarded with a sense of relaxation. His phone rang. It was the person he called earlier."Sir, I checked the surveillance cameras around…"Ryan wanted to ask him what he found but he didn't. He waited for the person at the other end to spill out what he found."The three SUVs didn't drive past a kilometer before a bomb went off and killed everyone in the cars. By the time I got to the place, the bodies of everyone in the cars w
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Chapter 112
"These are the most stubborn tenants I've ever had," the man said. He continued walking toward the apartment complex, he didn't seem to have noticed Ryan.He stopped, noticing Ryan's car. A look of amazement was on the man's face."Did one of them buy a car?" The man asked."It could be the new tenant," one of the man's bodyguards said.The man turned to look at his bodyguards. "Did you just say a new tenant?""Yes, Sir. The vacant apartment was sold yesterday."The man nodded, when he turned back, Ryan was in front of him."Who are you?" The man asked, looking at Ryan from head to toe."My name is Ryan. I'm the guy who bought the vacant apartment." The man nodded, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "I don't know if you're aware of the tenants tax that you are required to pay as my tenant.""I don't think I understand what you're talkin
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Chapter 113
Ryan shook his head. "Bad.""Anyway, welcome to this great neighborhood. If there is anything you need, you can ask me. As long as it has to do with… um, requesting information about people.""Okay, Sir." Ryan bowed slightly as the man left.After the man had left and Ryan had closed the door, he pulled the blinds aside and looked out through the window. He could see the busy streets, posters and bills everywhere he looked. He took a deep breath and started arranging his things.His phone rang. He checked the caller ID. Landon."Buddy.""You stood me up yesterday," Landon said at the other end."Me? Stood…" he had totally forgotten that he was going to meet Landon before his experience with those SUV guys. "I'm really sorry.""No problem other than the fact that I'm on my way to Meet my boss after telling him to fuck off yesterday.""No need to go meet him. C
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Chapter 114
Ryan  glanced around the store. The few artworks that he saw in the place were anything but appealing. Another disappointment."Sir?" The woman called.Ryan glanced at her and smiled. "Can I look around?" "Sure. After you." If Ryan ever had a thing for artworks, the ones he saw here destroyed it. "Did you find anything you love?" The woman asked after they had walked round the place.Ryan wanted to say looking around was a waste of time but he didn't say that, instead, he plastered a smile on his face and shrugged."Everything here doesn't look that bad. Are you the owner of this place?" "Yes, Sir.""You have a really great taste in artworks," Ryan said, hoping she wouldn't get the underlying meaning of what he just told her. She blushed. "Did you find something you love?" "Actually…" Ryan looked around, he pointed at a paint
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Chapter 115
The woman's eyes widened. She covered her mouth with her palm. "What did you just say?""Even I couldn't believe it myself. I just…" Ryan shrugged. "I was just told a piece of artwork here will change your life…." Ryan shut his eyes tightly. If he must do this, he might as well do it well. He allowed his lips to shiver."I see… red, blue…white… A lion...a young lad…" Ryan opened his eyes suddenly. The astonished look on the woman's face was enough to tell Ryan how much of a great actor he was. "Are you thinking of purchasing a piece of artwork that has a young boy gazing at a lion?" "Yes. Yes, Sir." She nodded her head vigorously."Buy it. It will yield you a fortune.""Actually, I…" The woman scratched her forehead. "Do you mind sitting while I get you a cup of coffee?""No need. I'm fasting." "Well, I have the exact piece of artwork you just described…
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Chapter 116
“I'm a very rare man. I really don't have a place I stay. I can be in Atlanta today and be in  Finland in two days,” Ryan said.  “But if you want to get in touch with me, I can give you the number of a friend.”“Won't it be better to have your number?”“I carry a phone around but I don't have a sim. It's too distracting.”“Oh…” the woman nodded. “Let me have the number then.”Ryan called one of his private numbers to her. Those ones he uses for secret business. If he had to call his real number to her, she might realize later on that he's really fake.“Thank you, Sir.”The woman helped Ryan to carry what he bought outside. Seeing that going with his GMC would make him easily traceable, Ryan boarded a cab. He waved at the woman before he got inside the cab. Even after he had entered the cab and the car had started driving, the woman still kept on bowing. Ryan didn't need anyone to tell
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Chapter 117
Behind the counter was the woman. It seemed she was the one who had greeted him because there was no one else in sight."Hello."Quickly, the woman walked over to Ryan. "Have your seat, Sir."Ryan looked around. He wanted to ask her if they were really not closed but figuring out that that might sound a bit rude, he smiled and sat down.The woman handed him a menu. "Anything you want, Sir."Ryan glanced through the menu. Other than pasta and fries, there was nothing on the list. Concealing his surprise, Ryan pointed at a number. The woman bowed slightly and left. Some seconds later, her husband came with a cup of water. "You'll be served soon," the man said after setting the cup down. "Okay.""And, thanks for visiting.""It's nothing. Are you… I was wondering if you were closed before I came in."Th
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Chapter 118
"I had to ask because I was a bit confused," Ryan said. "And let this be the last time you'd refer to me as 'stupid'."Richard laughed. He looked around. He saw a cop and signaled to the cop. The man walked over to them."Do you know me?" Richard asked the cop, looking the man up and down."Yes… Mr Richard… that's your name," the cop said.Richard nodded. He tucked a hand in his pocket and used the other hand to adjust some imaginary hair on his forehead. "Do you know this boy?" Richard asked the cop, referring to Ryan.The cop looked at Ryan for some seconds before shaking his head. Conversations like this don't go well. The last time the cop had listened to Richard speaking with another cop, the cop had been fired the next day for no real reason."I don't know him, Mr Richard.""Well, I will introduce him to you. This boy hit my car and now, he's claiming that I was the
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Chapter 119
Slowly, Ryan raised his head and allowed himself to look in front of him. He let out a sigh of relief. The girl was perfectly okay. At least, he could say that since she was still standing in the middle of the road. He got out of the car and walked over to her. She seemed to be around five years old. She was clutching a teddy to her chest when Ryan got to her. "Hello," Ryan said. She looked at him with teary eyes. "Billy. Will you help Billy?" "Who is Billy?" Ryan asked. She looked in a direction and started crying. Ryan had almost forgotten they were in the middle of The road until he heard cars honking at him. He noticed people give him disapproving stares through the windows of cars that drove past them. "We can help Billy later but first let's get off the road." Ryan told her. He wasn't sure she understood what he said but she didn't fli
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Chapter 120
Ryan didn't drive inside the hotel. He watched Anderson drive inside the hotel. As he parked his car, Ryan suddenly felt like a stalker. No matter how he thought about it, this doesn't sound right. Stephanie is an ex wife. Her boyfriend, the man she loves, just drove her into the hotel. What one earth was he thinking to have come here?But… Anderson impregnated another girl… Still, that didn't seem like an excuse for him to come here. Now that he's here, what would he do? Go inside and watch Anderson and Stephanie make out?For some inexplicable reason, Ryan felt a bile rising in his throat. Disgusted at himself, Ryan turned on the ignition. He shouldn't be here. He shouldn't be doing this. Thanks to his impulse act, he missed out on almost everything Landon explained to him about the Lt Group.The last thing he should be doing now is to allow a woman, the same woman who broke his heart, to disrupt his life agai
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