All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
161 chapters
Chapter 121
To Ryan's greatest surprise, the man got up from the floor, dabbed at his nose with the back of his hand. He glanced at it, noticing the blood that was now on his hand.He looked at Ryan, an unmistakable anger had replaced the fright on the man's face."I should have known Anderson cannot be trusted," the man blared."He made me come here after setting you here. Go tell that idiot that I'm done having anything to do with him." The man hissed and went to where his clothes were.Ryan was... speechless? That was an understatement. He couldn't even bring himself to hit the man anymore."If he knows he doesn't want me to fuck his girlfriend, he should have made me aware instead of making me come here and play a fool of me." The man hissed again. He zipped his trousers."How come I wasn't even aware of it? It's been more than two months since he's been giving me excuses as to why he can't make the thing wo
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Chapter 122
The only reason he's here is to make Anderson feel some pain in his damn body, Ryan reminded himself this as he walked into the Hill's Villa.Right from the moment Ryan had left Stephanie in the hotel yesterday, he had not been able to get a grip on his anger. He had let a lot of punches at the punching bag, played baseball, ran around a field as many times as he could imagine, but still, this had not been able to soothe his anger.How could Anderson do that to a woman?Hell, it doesn't matter if Stephanie is Anderson's girlfriend or fiancee or whatever it is they called themselves, nothing gives Anderson any right to drug Stephanie without her consent and set her up with a man. If he had not shown up in that hotel yesterday, that man would have definitely raped Stephanie. The thought alone made another set of seething rage to arise in Ryan's body.The thing he hates most, he convinces himself, is for a man not t
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Chapter 123
A gasp escaped Stephanie's lips. She covered her mouth with her hand."What did you just say, Anderson?" It was Stephanie's mother who broke the silence first."I'm sorry, mother…" Anderson muttered, looking down and biting his lip as if he regretted saying what he said. He had actually been meaning to get Ryan in trouble all these while. There is no fucking time better than this."No, Anderson, talk to me. What did you say just now?" Stephanie's mother asked again, her lips trembling in what Anderson had known to be rage."Well...actually…" Anderson continued looking down. He raised his head slightly before looking down again, trying as much as possible not to meet anyone's glance.Stephanie's mother stood up from where she had been sitting all along, she walked over Anderson. "Son, talk to me." Her voice was extremely quiet. Extremely angry."Mother, I just mistakenly said that. I shouldn't have sa
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Chapter 124
"Eh! We are in trouble," someone broke the silence long after Ryan had left."Real big trouble." "I knew the boy meant trouble when grandfather brought him that day."Someone started crying. "I insulted him once. What would he do to me? If he could steal the partnership document, there is no telling what he can do," another person said."See the way he even spoke and left. He obviously has no respect for anyone.""He's not even denying that he raped Stephanie.""God! What do we do wrong in this family?" "Wait a minute," Stewart said and the murmuring stopped. "Big brother, you said Ryan raped and drugged Stephanie twice?" "Um, yes. The second time was yesterday. I don't how he met her but he drugged her and took her to a hotel room where he raped her again. Actually, Babe called me and explained everything to me. I figured out that… Well, I wasn't going to mention all t
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Chapter 125
Stephanie slammed the door after she had finally succeeded in convincing Alice that she was okay and that she wasn't planning to commit suicide and wasn't watching any of those videos about a hundred ways to die."What the hell are you doing, Anderson?" "Don't you need to rest?" He asked."Are you kidding me? Rest? I asked you a question."Anderson Sat on the bed and leaned backward, using his hands to support his weight. He stretched out his long legs in front of him."Babe, what exactly are you asking me?""Why did you lie? You and I know Ryan has never drugged me.""But he has raped you before," Anderson said, a serious expression on his face."He didn't rape me."Anderson scoffed. "He didn't rape you? Have you forgotten what you told me on my second day here?" Stephanie remembered it. She remembered how she had told Anderson
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Chapter 126
As soon as Ryan got home, he ordered pizza and sat down to set up the plasma television. He has really never enjoyed the one week vacation.  There is no better time to enjoy it  than now. Who knows what might happen when he gets back to work next week?He took the remote from the stand and turned on the plasma TV. It brought a few prompts which he followed. The television was still loading the channels when his phone rang. From the screen of the phone, Ryan realized it was Landon calling."Man, how are you doing?" "I have a small problem.""Small enough to kill?" Ryan asked, trying to joke."Yeah. You could say that.""Hey, are you kidding?" "Well, the rent for the house where I'm living is due and the landlord already threw my stuff out.  As I'm talking to you now, my properties are outside."Ryan relaxed. "That's crazy but I don't think something like that can kill you
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Chapter 127
Ryan shrugged. "I already divorce her." Landon unclenched his fists. He shook his head slowly. He had been thinking about that incident at the party when Ryan confronted Anderson. With the tension between those two that day, Landon had started wondering if Ryan had really divorced Stephanie. Later, he had heard about the news of Stephanie's fiancée being Anderson.Now as he looked at Ryan, he could only shake his head and imagine what it felt like being envied when what Ryan was facing was pure hell. He'd rather live as a poor man than have some woman treat him like some piece of rag. Forget about what he told Ryan the other day, he was just bluffing and trying to discourage Ryan from divorcing Stephanie. If he had any idea it was this complicated, he would have literally drafted out the divorce letter for Ryan if he couldn't do it."I wish to be like you when I grow up," Landon said.Ryan laughed. They both wen
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Chapter 128
"Good. Where is he heading to?" "His house. I mean, his rest house.""Okay." Ryan hung up.He glanced at the time. One hour and thirty minutes to go. He still has enough time to visit Logan.None of the work on his table is really important. By the time he comes back, he'd be able to finish them up.Ryan grabbed his key from the table and went out of his office, heading to the garage where he parked his car. He noticed some people, about five of them, one of them had a camera, he seemed to be filming something. Ryan frowned. The security guard at the gate has been clearly warned not to allow reporters in the company. Just how did these ones slip in? Since they won the case against the Lt Group, the reporters have not stopped coming, trying to get a word with some of the workers here. What those reporters don't know is that most of the  workers here don't have a clue of what has been
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Chapter 129
Reporters have never been normal people to Ryan and they won't start being one now. He hissed. "Take off your heels from my phone.""Mr. Man, are you not going to apologize for what you said earlier? As a manner of courtesy, you should just say 'I'm sorry'," Isaac said."Tell your madam to take off her heels from my phone.""What?! Madam? Did you just call me a madam? I will kill you!" Really if Ryan had known telling reporters what he said earlier would have gotten this much on their  nerves, he'd have said it to a lot of reporters when he was still back at New York. Maybe that would have lessened the numbers of microphones shoved at his mouth.The woman was going to say something when she stopped. She looked in front of her and took her heels from Ryan's phone. She folded her arms as if waiting for the right person who would make the judgment."I didn't know this is t
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Chapter 130
Ryan watched Anderson go inside the company. Before Ryan could question himself of what he was doing, he opened the door to his GMC and went after Anderson. Anderson didn't look behind him, he just walked straight to an office. The office of the manager. The same manager Ryan had come here to see.As Anderson was going to open the door to the manager's office, as if by impulse, he suddenly looked around. Seeing that Anderson was going to see him, Ryan took two steps backward to hide behind a pole. In his bid to hide, he must have stepped on someone because she heard a woman cussing him out.He turned to the woman and muttered his apologies to her bowing repeatedly as he did that."You must be blind," the woman said, staring at her shoes that Ryan had stepped on."I'm really sorry, ma'am," he said again."This is the only type of this shoe in the whole world. And you ste
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