All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
161 chapters
Chapter 131
Nathan looked stunned but it only made the woman laugh at Ryan."If you need evidence that what I've been telling you is true, this is one. Because of his arrogance, he's offering you a new investor. And fifty percent more of what what we agreed on? Is that a joke?"Ryan didn't mind the woman, he just focused his attention on Nathan. "What do you think?""Well…""The offer is off in the next thirty seconds," Ryan said.Nathan took several deep breaths. "If what you're saying is true then I'm in.""Deal." Ryan knew there was an organization in the Lt group that focused solely on investment. He sent a quick message to Edison's personal assistant to draft an investment document for Nathan's bank."Tomorrow, the assistant CEO of the Lt group is going to meet with you, you can better discuss the investment with him," Ryan told Nathan as they made their way away from the crowd, leaving the wo
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Chapter 132
Anderson's phone rang. A smile fell on his lip. He answered the call and plugged his airpods in his ears as he continued driving."Hello," he started to say but the person at the other end didn't seem to be in the mood for courtesy as such."You cannot be offered the loan, Mr Anderson Harris. Come to my office right now if you  don't want things to escalate."Anderson's foot slipped off the gas pedal, the car veered toward the car in front of him. Before Anderson could pull himself together and control the car, he hit the car in front of him, creating a dent on it.The driver of the car came out to examine his car but Anderson didn't have that much time to spend on nonsense so he just turned his car around and headed back to the bank, ignoring the  shouts from other cars that he hit as he drove past.Anderson kept on hoping one of those stupid cops on the road would try to stop him for overspeeding so that he'd gl
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Chapter 133
Later in  the evening, Ryan drove back home after work.  Since he had missed Logan before going to the bank, he had missed him for that day. Copper had called to inform him that the man already left his rest house. There was no use following the man around when the price of artwork wasn't with him.Ryan got down from the car. He noticed one of the girls that had introduced their laundry business to him standing some meters from his car. From the way the girl was looking faraway or pretending to be, Ryan knew she was waiting for him.He cleared his throat and started walking to his apartment and just as he predicted, the girl walked over to him."Excuse me, Sir," she said.Ryan stopped walking and smiled at her. Ryan wouldn't deny that the girl is beautiful but really, she's not his type of girl. Like, just looking at her… Damn. God help him, if she's trying to ask him out, he'd turn her down right on the spot.Read more
Chapter 134
No. Ryan convinced himself. No.He couldn't be sure that Anderson was coming here. He couldn't be sure Anderson would go to that girl's apartment.But still, Ryan couldn't stop the bitter feeling he had at the back of his throat.He watched as Anderson stepped into the compound. He went directly to the girl's apartment.Ryan came out of his hiding and watched the girl hug Anderson before going inside with him.The only thing Ryan ws sure of was the fact that it was his legs that carried him into his apartment and the reason he knew that was because he didn't have wings nor some super powers. He managed to press the password before crashing on the sofa in the sitting room."Ryan?" He heard Landon calling from the kitchen."Yeah.""I'm preparing dinner but I can't find the salt. Where is it?" "If you
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Chapter 135
"Why do she want to meet us?" Ryan asked pacing around the room."Lame excuse: she wants to see our faces. She's missed us so much that she might not survive another week if she doesn't see us so her doctor prescribed seeing us as the antidote to her rare disease."Of all times, Brenda shouldn't be this sarcastic but it doesn't seem like she can help it when it comes to talking about their stepmother."Listen, Brenda. She doesn't know I have recovered my memory so when we meet her, I'm going to pretend as if I don't know you or her really well. ""Alright.""I will meet you at the hotel. To make it effective that I really don't remember, we shouldn't go together.""You're right. Meanwhile, make sure to wear bulletproof under whatever you want to wear 'cause we can't be sure.""I will remember that.""Seems she's already waiting, you can start preparing to leave your house
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Chapter 136
She was shouting happily on top of her lungs. Just as Ryan started to wonder why she could be so happy, another a boy slightly older than the girl also dashed into the reception.The girl looked back, seeing the boy behind her, the girl screamed wildly.She ran to the person in sight which at that time was Ryan. She hid behind Ryan, holding firmly to Ryan's trousers."I'll catch you!" The boy shouted, running toward Ryan.The girl continued shouting on top of her voice, totally ruining the silence in the hotel.  The two kids didn't seem to realize what they were doing. Ryan, just like the mischievous guy he is, swoops the girl from the floor as the boy was going to catch her.Enjoying the fact that the boy had not been able to catch her, the girl let out another loud scream."You didn't catch me!" The girl shouted, giggling."That was because
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Chapter 137
Everyone in the reception was surprised. Ryan's greatest guess was that the receptionist had shown the owner of the hotel his picture."I deserve to die," the owner of the hotel said, his face to the ground."Well, before you die, I will love that you apologize to the mother of those kids for what you called her kids," Ryan said.Quickly the owner of the hotel got on his feet, he went to where the mother of the kids were. The mother of the kid's expression had changed from fear to shock in such a short while. All her life, this is the first time someone would stand up to her.  She tried to recollect where she had met Ryan before but she hit a dead end."Kids, I'm sorry. I was just out of my mind the other time," the owner of the hotel said."Does that mean you are drunk, Mister?" The boy asked, giving the owner of the hotel a scolding look.The owner of the hotel smiled
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Chapter 138
His stepmother seemed to be taking in his appearance as if he'd disappear from her sight if she took her eyes off him. All of a sudden, his stepmother burst into tears. From where he stood, Ryan could hear the sound of Brenda's hiss. He almost glared at her for being so loud."Ryan...?" Stepmother took some steps toward him. She stopped some feet from him, tears flowed down her face like she's got a tank of them stored in her lacrimal glands."Yes, ma'am.""You don't remember me too?" Shs asked.Ryan smiled awkwardly, hoping it seemed really awkward."My goodness, Ryan. What… What should I do?" More tears.Ryan glanced at Brenda. She wasn't even making any attempt to hide her disgust at their stepmother."Oh, my God, Ryan." Ryan took out a handkerchief and handed it to her. She cleaned her eyes with it, smearing her makeup."I'm
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Chapter 139
"He did. I was there when he made a prank call, telling her that he had been diagnosed with a terminal disease. Montana came running to see him.""And you think he flirted with her? She had a crush on him, that was why she ran over to see him," stepmother said defensively."You don't know anything, Mom. The only girl he didn't flirt with was Bailey. All the others, he attracted them without their consent.""Just listen to yourself."Ryan tried not to laugh but when he realized he couldn't stop himself, he turned his head to the other side and laughed. He had no idea how much attention his stepmother and Brenda had been paying to him back then when he was surrounded with those girls."Flirt or no flirt, Ryan wouldn't have had so many girls who loved him if he were not handsome," Brenda said."And intelligent," their stepmother added.At the same time, the two women took th
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Chapter 140
"Excuse me, Sir," the man said.Ryan peeped out through the window, watching the man.The man had a white overgrown bead. He had grey hair and he looked like one of those grandfathers who takes pride in seeing their grandkids pull their beards."Please, could you give me a lift to the next street?"Next street? " "Yes. I forgot my wallet at home and my car is over there, broken down. If you're going my way, could you please give me a lift?" The man asked."Oh, well...""If you're not going that way, it's okay.  I've been trekking for the past thirty minutes. I'll soon be there anyway," the man said with a smile.Ryan remembered those two weird guys. He glanced at this man with grey hair. Could they have any connection with each other? Just because he saw some two guys staring at him, he shouldn't be unkind to this old man. He wanted to drive away but the th
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