All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
161 chapters
Chapter 141
Mrs Hill watched her precious son kick the second chair at the wall. It caused a little scratch on the wall. She'd have to take care of that later, but first, Stewart should keep calm. "What is the mystery about him, mom?" He turned to look at her. His face was red. Really red. "This is the second time. The fucking second time!" Stewart directed his anger at the study table. Mrs Hill shut her eyes tightly. It must hurt Stewart the way he's kicking at things. She felt his pain to the core of her bone. Really, who does Stewart inherit his temper from? "I want to end his fucking life!" He hit his fist on the table again. Mrs Hill swallowed hard. She knew better than to say anything at a time like this. She should allow Stewart to let out his anger. She should be there for him. Right now, Stewart isn't asking for her opinion. He just needs a listening… "Fuck you, Rya
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Chapter 142
"Sir, are you sure you're okay?" Cooper asked for the hundredth and one time that night."What more do you want me to do to convince you after a video chat?" Ryan asked."I really can't believe you survived after meeting Mona. None of those who ever saw him dressed like an old man survive." Ryan dropped the phone on the table and took off his shirt. "What did you find out about him?" "He's a hitman known for disguising as an old man. He's around thirty years old and till date, he's killed  seven hundred and seventeen people.""Murder must be his daily job." Ryan put on his pajamas."Exactly. Who do you think could have sent him?" "No idea." Ryan took the phone and lay on the bed. "I just met with my stepmother and this is happening. Do you think it can be related to her?""I'm not sure but…  I can check her out again.""What do you want to tell me, Cooper?
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Chapter 143
"Fuck me!!" Landon quickly opened the cover of the pot. "I can't believe I burnt the soup I've been making for the past two hours." Ryan cut the last piece of onion and dropped the knife. "The soup is still manageable, right?" "You think I'm going to throw it away? Are you kidding me?" They heard a knock on the door. They both looked at each other at the same time. "Are you expecting a visitor?" Landon asked. "No." He has not told anyone this is where he is living. Not as if there is anyone to tell that other than Brenda. "I'll go and answer the door." He took off the gloves and went to open the door. A man in a three piece suit was standing in front of the door. He stared at Ryan for some moment before asking, "are you Mr Ryan Lopez?" "Yes… How can I help you?"
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Chapter 144
With a groan, Ryan opened the door. It wasn't the man that was standing there, it was a woman. The woman that was going to propose to  Anderson last night.It didn't seem like she was able to do that because her eyes were swollen and red like she just lost her entire family in a second."Ryan. Can I come in?" She asked, not noticing Landon."Well…" Ryan glanced at Landon. Landon's lips were slightly parted, his eyes on the girl, drooling over her. Ryan quickly  stepped on Landon to remind him that the girl might see him. Landon growled in pain and limped to the sofa.That was when the girl realized someone else was in the room. She smiled apologetically to Ryan. "I didn't know you had a visitor."" No, he's not a visitor. We live together.""Oh..." the girl said."How can I help you?" "I was dumped yesterday. If I had known he isn't one of those guys who be
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Chapter 145
He answered the call as he parked in front of his apartment."Ryan? " "Yes. It's me.""How are you doing?" "I'm great, ma'am.""Hope it wasn't late before you got home last night?" "Not at all." Really, getting home around twelve p.m. isn't a big deal."That's a relief. I just finished calling Brenda too.""Okay…?" So what? Ryan almost snapped."Are you sure you're fine?" "Yes.""I tried asking precious why he had not allowed you to come home but he said you are the one who doesn't want to come home.""Yes, I don't want to go yet.""Ryan, don't you believe us? All of us cannot be lying about the fact that you are the Lopez's family heir.""It's not about believing. I know you guys cannot be lying.""So why are you not coming home?"  Ryan is starting to see r
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Chapter 146
Landon looked at Ryan sharply. "I'm not even in love with her." "Geez. How would you know if you're in love? You've never loved a girl before." "Stop with the joke. It's... I just saw her today and…" Landon scoffed, "in love with her? She is not even my type." Ryan picked one of the clothes Landon had dropped on the floor. "Since she's not your type, just wear this shirt and…" He picked a pants from the floor. "Wear this too, you shouldn't be concerned with what you wear if—" "Ryan, I'm being serious here. I'm not the type of guy that falls in love with a girl when I'm meeting her for the first time. I just want to look presentable." Landon's phone beeped. He took his from his pocket and checked it. His eyes widened, the phone slipped from his hand to the floor and he fell on the ground with a thud. Alarmed, Ryan took the phone a
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Chapter 147
"How do you know her?" Ryan asked, he resumed walking with Landon to the cashier."She comes to the restaurant where I work  to get most of her meals.""I hate her already." Ryan hissed."That's just how she is. Like, she's an influencer so she's got a lot of power. She knows a lot of politicians and some of them respect her because of her social media accounts.""She had better not come near again or else I won't let her go scot free. "The cashier started calculating what Ryan and Landon had bought. "You've purchased a total of five hundred thousand and seventeen dollars items," she said at last.Some of the people waiting on the line to pay for what they bought gasped.Landon stretched the card to the woman to swipe it, but just as she proceeded, the cashier saw the manager of the boutique coming toward her."Don't allow those guys to pay for what they bo
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Chapter 148
"Man, I'm the owner." The manager quickly left the person she was attending to and came over to the guy. "What brings you here, Sir?""I asked you if you're crazy or slightly sick in the brain.""Well…" The manger fumbled with her fingers looking in confusion from her boss to Ryan."Who among you is the customer who is nosy enough to humiliate Ryan?" By now, the murmuring had stopped.Taylor came forward. "Hey, Jude," she said."Wait a minute. Taylor?" The guy, Jude, adjusted an imaginary sunglasses on his face and looked at Taylor closely."Yeah. Actually, I know the guy's friend, he used to be a worker at a restaurant were I frequent and—""Wow. Wonder shall never end. Because you were my one night stand, you think you have got some say in my boutique?" Taylor's cheeks coloured. She looked around quickly, her e
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Chapter 149
"Don't be late.""I won't." Quickly, Ryan went to his room and slipped a gun in his pocket.The GPS in the car led him to Logan's house. Seventeen minutes later, Ryan arrived at a black gate.From the information he had, Logan is one of those men who would do anything to make sure that their daughters get married to a very wealthy family. Because of that, even though Logan's daughter is already of marriageable age, she isn't married.Ryan honked the horn and waited for the gate to open. A security man came out from the gate. Ryan wound down his window and popped his head out slightly."Is Logan home?" He asked.Maybe it was because of the way Ryan called the man's name as if they were friends, the security man looked quite shocked."Well… Who are you? " the security man asked after some moment of silence."I asked
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Chapter 150
"Kelly?" Logan called, noting that Ryan was no longer coming with him."Papa, what's that?" Ryan pointed at the painting, already going to it.He took the painting carefully. He caressed it. All of a sudden, Logan ran to him, the bottle of wine that Logan was holding fell from his hand, the content spilled over the floor and seeped down the marble-floored staircase.Logan grabbed the painting from Ryan, an unmistakable anger on his face."Papa..."As if he suddenly realized that his reaction seemed too suspicious, Logan busted into laughter. "Don't mind me. It's...old age?""I was just looking at…""Yeah. You can look at it but you have to wash your hands first.""Why? It's just a painting.""You know what, Kelly, let's go back to the living room. I have something I want to show you. Do you even know how beautiful Sarah had grown in the last te
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