All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
161 chapters
Chapter 151
"Who sent you, young man?" "No one.""You sent yourself into the lion's den?" Logan walked closer to Ryan. "Does that even sound plausible to your own ears?""Mr Logan, let's discuss this without using guns. ""You started it first. Inside. Remember? You could have asked me whatever you wanted to ask without pointing a gun at me.""At least, I didn't use it on you. You can return that favour.""I don't return favours to enemies."Ryan bit on his lower lip. He should have thought of a scenario like this happening.  Since he had not planned to kill Logan, he had no idea something like this could happen."Mr Logan, if you let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone about this. "Logan laughed. "Sorry, come again. ""If you let me go, I will allow you into Right Life even without you using that painting." Shit. He's never used this kind of power to hi
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Chapter 152
"I'm not in the Mafia." 'Yet', Ryan added in his mind.Landon looked at him for some seconds before pulling out a bandage. Ryan could swear Landon was deliberately being rough with applying the treatment with the way Landon kept on rolling his eyes on him each time their eyes met."When did you find out about the gun?" "This evening," London said."You searched through my room without a warrant?" Deliberately, Landon tightened the bandage more than necessary. Ryan groaned. "Man, it hurts.""Serves you right for lying about seeing a girl.""Did I lie?" Landon rolled his eyes again. "I saw a gun sticking out from your pocket before you left. Enough warrant to search your room. And, I knew you were not visiting any girl with a gun unless you ran mad."Ryan cleared his throat. "Thanks for the treatment." He walked out of the bathroom and went toward his room but Landon drag
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Chapter 153
Ryan stared at Landon for some seconds. He gave Landon a bear hug."I'm in, Landon." He wondered how Landon must be feeling not even knowing who his parents were or if he's family with the current prime minister. Things happen."Don't ever hide anything from me. I'm big on trust but once it's broken, it isn't easy for me to fix it," Landon said."I won't keep anything from you. That is if you agree to pay the house bill with me." Landon pulled away forom Ryan. "Let's discuss that later. For now, you should go to bed."Ryan smiled. "See you tomorrow morning.""Okay."Inside his room, Ryan used a pain reliever. As soon as he lay on the bed, he was drowned in the world of sleep.The next morning when Ryan woke up, he could barely lift his hand. He groaned in pain as he tried to sit up on the bed. The door opened and Landon let himself in."Are you still alive?" Landon asked, walking
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Chapter 154
"What?""That girl," Landon lowered his voice, "she's waiting for me to accompany her to her mother as promised.""Just go. If you don't like her—""I don't like her," Landon said sharply. He stormed inside. He came back some seconds later, already wearing one of the clothes they bought at the boutique yesterday. Really, Landon doesn't like the girl? What if he likes her? He got changed in less than a minute."I'll be back soon. Don't even think about going out of here," Landon warned."If I go out what will you do?""I'm sure you won't go out." With that, Landon hurried outside.Now, the house was quiet. The match had ended, a pasta advertisement was playing on the television.Ryan shut his eyes and thought about last night.One thing was sure, someone had made an artificial piece of that painting. And, the only way he could figure out who did it was to get who sold the piece of a
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Chapter 155
Landon yawned in that loud annoying way that often makes Ryan want to hit his head as he examined Ryan's arm the next morning. "I think it's healed now.""Thanks, doctor Landon.""You're welcome, patient. As much as I'll love you to spend some more time in bed, you'd be discharged today," Landon said."Even if you didn't discharge me, I was going to discharge myself."Landon yawned again. "Why do I feel so sleepy?""Why won't you? You came back around two a.m., wasted like some drunkard.""How many times do I have to explain, man? We visited her mother in the hospital and then...""And then? Got drunk in the hospital?"Landon stood up sharply. "Okay. I will tell you. She was feeling down and she suggested having a drink with me.""Oh. So you both drank till midnight?""Come on, Ryan." Landon groaned. "She was feeling too down and so I couldn't afford to leave her there, drinking on he
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Chapter 156
Stephanie bit on her lower lip. She typed a message. She deleted it. Shs typed another one. Shs deleted it again.There were a lot of questions she wanted to ask Ryan. Is he okay? Why has he not been answering her calls for the past few days, precisely, since the incident where Anderson accused him of raping her? She had sent a lot of messages too, asking to meet him. She even sent one asking him to tell her the address of his house if that was where it would be convenient for them to meet, but so far, Ryan has never replied to those messages.He's never answered her calls.He's never replied to her messages.What the hell is happening?"Babe, are you okay?" She heard a familiar hoarse voice beside her. Even without looking, she knew it was Anderson.She glanced at him and smiled anyway. "I'm fine," she muttered.His head drew closer to her and she knew he was going to ki
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Chapter 157
Funny how the case had not started and the lawyer was already objecting, Ryan mused."Young man, you can't just come out of nowhere and claim that we are liars without any evidence. You could get punished for defamation if you did that," the Hill family lawyer said.Many of the Hill's family nod their heads vigorously in agreement, already feeling the lawyer.The judge could not help the smile on his face. Dramas happen in the courtroom but some dramas are more interesting to watch than the others. Seems this is going to be a remarkable case in the history of his service years."Let's proceed," the judge said into the microphone.After both parties had sworn, the Hill family lawyer came forward."I'd love to ask the accused some questions," The Hill family lawyer said.Ryan stood up and went to the ballot box."Are you aware of the charges made against you?" The lawyer ask
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Chapter 158
 After Ryan left the courtroom, the only question that seemed to be on everyone's lips was "what the hell just happened?"Stephanie's mother stood up, her hands and legs trembling as she walked to the disoriented judge in the front."My Lord, this is an act of tampering with justice!" The lawyer who seemed like he had just woken up from a deep slumber shouted.The judge managed to go back to his seat, trying as much as possible not to fall on his face.He thought it was perfectly covered. He had made sure every information about what his son did was destroyed years ago. All the people that knew about the incident are long dead. Other than himself and his son, he could swear that no one knows about what happened. No one knows about Blake.Just how did Ryan find out? If Ryan... If that guy could find out about something as covered as that, that means... A bead of sweat formed on his forehead. If Ryan
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Chapter 159
Just as she predicted, Ryan turned off the car's engine and came out."Are you out of your mind?" He asked, his voice wasn't raised. Even though she could feel that he was mad at her, his voice was still quiet. Just like her mom?"I said we have things to talk about.""I don't have anything to say to you," Ryan said."At least listen to what I have to say!" "I don't have time to listen to your ranting anymore. I did that for six years and look what it caused us? I'm being sued to court for raping you.""Exactly, Ryan. I knew you were going to misunderstand, that was why I said we needed to talk."She watched Ryan's lips curve in a smile. "Misunderstand?""Ryan, I didn't do this. I swear, I tried as much as I could to stop my family members from taking matters to this extent but they were so adamant. Don't you trust me?""Sorry, Miss; the woman
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Chapter 160
Landon applied the last piece of plaster on Ryan's bandage and stood up properly. "I'm done," he said."Thanks," Ryan muttered."Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" "I didn't lose a lot of blood, why should I tie myself to some boring bed and allow some doctors to keep making a fuss over something as little as this?" Landon wanted to tell Ryan that he did lose a lot of blood, some other person would have fallen into unconsciousness if they encountered that same accident that Ryan encountered but Landon closed his mouth. Very tight. All his life, he's never met someone as stubborn as Ryan and if Ryan says no to hospital, then it's no.Besides, the last thing he wanted to do to Ryan was to force him to go to the hospital. He was pretty sure the guy has a lot of stuff going on in his head right now."Alright," Landon said. "Since you already used a pain re
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