All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 161 - Chapter 164
164 chapters
Chapter 161
He could hear Landon's distant coughs from the bathroom. By the time he got to the bathroom, poor Landon was vomiting like crazy. "Sorry," Ryan said.Landon washed his face. "How long will the vomiting stop?""It should be over tomorrow."Landon wanted to say something but another hysterical cough stopped him.Ryan pat Landon slowly on the back. "It will be gone soon, buddy.""Where are you going?" Landon asked, looking at Ryan dressed in black."I found the bad guy who ruined my GMC.""You should call the police..."Ryan placed a finger over his lips. "Don't try to. I can go to jail for illegal possession of ammunition." Even though it was a lie, the lie seemed to scare Landon a little. The last thing that could ever happen to Ryan was to go to jail. No prison would even dare to lock him up but he saw no reason w
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Chapter 162
"His business card is on the table over there."Ryan took the business card from the table. He also got the number of the person who had sent the guy."Sorry, man, but I have to do this," Ryan muttered. He took out his gun from his pocket and shot the guy dead.The guy's existence is already a threat to the guy's sister and if Ryan doesn't end the guy's life, several other people will take advantage of the guy's murder incident and force him to do similar things he did to Ryan earlier today. All those will only happen if the guy will be able to recover from the injuries he sustained when Ryan dealt with him.So, Ryan concluded as he left the guy's house, it's way better for the guy to die when things are not too complicated.By the door, Ryan took the pizza box he had used in tricking the guy to come out. Back inside his car, Ryan dialed the number on the business card. There was no answer on the first ring.
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Chapter 163
Ryan tried to examine his clothes through the glass door. Nothing looks out of place. "Hey!" The first security guy cautioned the second one but it didn't look like the second security guard was ready to listen."Of all the people who come here, how many of them have you seen wearing clothes like this?" The second guy asked."Excuse me, can you tell me where I can get the membership card?" "Sorry to tell you this, but go look for another club, we don't allow paupers here," the security guard said."Do I look like one?""Look, struggling people don't come here. Only very rich people. Besides, we don't allow payment made in installments because..."Now, Ryan was running out of time. The lawyer can be here any moment from now and that lawyer seeing him here arguing with some security guards wouldn't be a good impression.Ryan walked closer to the second security guard. He looked the guy straight in the eyes.
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Chapter 164
"You don't expect that I would come to the den of lions without being armed, do you?" The lawyer asked, a smirk on his face.Ryan also smiled. "I love your spirit, attorney.""Don't flatter me, what do you want to talk about?" "Shall we drop the guns first?" Ryan asked."I'm afraid, no. You can drop yours but I can't drop mine because you're more advantaged here than I am. You know me but I don't know you." Ryan smiled. "The guy you want to defend in court...the one who murdered someone and you want to help him reduce his jail terms...""What about him?" "Who consulted you to help the guy?" Ryan asked.The lawyer laughed. "You think I'm going to tell you?" Ryan slowly took off his face cap. "I almost died today...""Oh... You're the one the guy hit with his trunk?" "That's right.""Well, this has nothing to do with me. I was only going to defend him in court.""M
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