All Chapters of Secretly Billionaire After Divorce: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
161 chapters
Chapter 61
Ryan looked around. Was the waiter really talking to him? Before he could ask the waiter what was wrong, he heard the door to the restaurant slam shut. As Ryan went back to his GMC, he almost glanced at his reflection in the door just to be sure he had not grown horns. This is the third restaurant that he would be sent away from tonight without reasons. He couldn't understand what was happening. He decided to drive to another restaurant just to see if he would receive the same treatment from them. He found another restaurant and went inside. This time, no one gave him weird looks or told him to get out. He found an empty table and sat down. A minute passed. No waiter came around to ask him for what he wanted. Two minutes later, no one looked at his side. Three minutes, still nothing. He raised his hand to call the attention of one of the waiters. One of them saw him but he soon looked away. Ryan noticed that
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Chapter 62
Ryan stared blankly at Clark. He knew Clark was pretty close to Mrs Hill. Maybe she had mentioned the amnesia to him but… how could Clark accuse him of faking his amnesia?"In our days, young men were capable and respectful. They don't dare eye what doesn't belong to them," Mr Clark added.Ryan smiled and nodded slowly. "I guess you don't have any problem with me since I already divorced her. You can speak to her mother yourself so that —""Shut your mouth, stupid boy and listen to me. Go to the Villa right now and tell her every good thing about me. Tell how much power I have and how I will treat her like the princess she is. Also, tell her that you regret getting married to her and also apologize to her for the inconvenience you've caused for the two of us and…" Clark raised his voice slightly, "tell her you're an excuse for a man."Ryan chuckled. "You mean I should go to Stephanie and tell her I'm an excuse for a man?"<
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Chapter 63
What was even more funny was the emoji of Clark that was going all over social media pages. The shocked look on his face when the governor pronounced him out of office. A lot of memes posts were made with 'the shock on his face' on social media. Ryan had a good laugh at it. Now that Ryan remembered that Clark had been the reason why he and Stephanie had their first fight after marriage, he laughed more at the memes.That night, Ryan remembered, Stephanie had told him that because of him, Clark was having a fight with her mother. Ryan remembered asking Stephanie if she would have gotten married to Clark if her grandfather had not asked them to get married. Well, for asking that question, Ryan had spent a week sleeping by the door to their room on the cold floor with Stephanie occasionally throwing him new clothes in the morning before locking the door. And because Stephanie's grandfather was still alive then, he had not dared sleep in the sitting room for
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Chapter 64
"Damn. What the hell," the guy behind the wheel said. He glanced at Ryan."Who sent you?" Ryan asked, already pointing his gun at the limping guy's boss.The limping guy's boss raised his two hands as evidence of surrender."I have no idea, Sir." "Do you want to have an experience of what your friend is going through right now?" Ryan nodded at the limping guy who was now groaning, his eyes closed."I am telling the truth, Sir. I don't know who sent us. We just received an order from someone in the Hill conglomerate," the guy said."Hill?" Ryan asked. Why would anyone from the hill family want him dead? "I swear. It was from there. Please don't kill us."Ryan studied the two guys. He was sure the person who wanted him dead wasn't from the Hill family. There could be a lot of shady things going on in those companies that the Hill family handled but he was sure killing wasn
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Chapter 65
Mrs Hill answered the call from Stewart, expecting him to be shouting in joy but instead, she was met with a cold silence that pronounced failure of their mission even before Stewart said it."Mom, I don't know how he managed to escape," Stewart said at the other end of the line.Mrs Hill let out an exasperated breath. "We'll discuss later." For now, only she and Stewart were on the mission to kill Ryan. Stephanie is too kind-hearted to want to do something like that so she has not better been carried along."Who was that?" Stephanie asked when her mother ended the call."Some somebody," Mrs Hill said in a tired voice. She was starting to get frustrated about the whole thing. "Is Stewart now 'some somebody'?" Mrs Hill shot Stephanie a hard look. "This is happening all because of you, girl.""What?""Oh. You don't know? You've forgotten that if you had not married Ryan al
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Chapter 66
For some reasons which Ryan couldn't explain, he had been sitting inside his yellow GMC for the past twenty minutes, watching cars as they pulled in front of the hall where the charity event he had been invited to was going to take place.If he had not been told that this was a charity event, he would have believed that the parking lot was where cars were sold. He spotted different cars. Expensive ones. He also watched as the owners of the cars came out from the car with great caution, as if afraid that the floor was too dirty for their shoes to come in contact with. Even with his window slightly wound down, he felt like he was in some chemistry lab, mixing different out-of-the-world scents together. His phone beeped on the console. He checked it. It was a message from Brenda asking him if he had arrived at the place. Ryan, feeling quite mischievous, replied that he had lost his way and where he was now is a desert.Brenda se
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Chapter 67
"Mr Ryan…" the host called, coming nearer."'Mr Ryan'?" Alice looked from her friend to Ryan. She quickly glanced back at her friend. "Don't tell me you know him, Elsie." "What happened? Why is everyone standing here?" "Assuming you got some security guards like I suggested, all these wouldn't be happening. Ryan wouldn't have tried to come near the place without an access card." "Access card? What are you talking about?""I don't know how you knew Ryan but don't be fooled by his innocent face. He is the biggest liar you'd ever see. He came here with the hope that his charms would get him a free pass—""How dare you, Alice!" Alice was startled by Elsie's shout. Her purse fell from her hand. "Apologize for calling me Ryan a liar," Elsie snapped."Apologize? Do… Do you even know what you're talking about? Or…" Her eyes widened. "Did he also tell you he love
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Chapter 68
"A whopping three years." He shook his head. "You know what I've achieved in the past three years?" He raised his shoulders slightly. "I have built five houses, traveled to… um, how many countries?" He looked at the ceiling for some moment before looking back at Ryan. "I lost count."Ryan glanced around the table, just like he predicted, everyone on the table was looking at him, disgust in their eyes."Actually, Jonah, we don't have to hear about how many countries you've been," Ryan said to dismiss him.Jonah scoffed. "What are you even doing here? Look around," he waved around the hall. "Do you see people like you here?" "Who even allowed him here?" Ryan heard a woman murmur. A few people hissed."Seeing the way you are dressed, I can tell you're from one of those mom-and-pop companies seeking to gain connection but no one will want to make connections with you here," Jonah said.Ry
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Chapter 69
"Sir… did you just say you'd offer five hundred million dollars because of Mr Jonah?" The MC asked, eyeing the clothes Ryan was putting on."Is anything wrong with that?" Ryan asked, a smile at the corner of his lips as he watched Jonah's shocked face."Nothing… Sir," the MC said, smiling uneasily to conceal his surprise.Jonah dashed toward Ryan, he pulled Ryan's shirt, pure fury in his eyes. "Is this a joke to you, Ryan? Do you think you can afford a minute of my time?""I knew it," the woman on the table who had murmured earlier when Jonah was humiliating Ryan said. "I knew from his clothes that he was joking."With the microphone still with the MC, he hissed. "That was a costly joke. I almost believed him.""If you have a difference to settle, do it somewhere else," someone said."Five hundred million dollars? I knew it was impossible," someone chimed in.Read more
Chapter 70
The same way time stopped when Ryan first saw Stephanie is the same way time stopped just now."I'm Elizabeth," the woman said. "I've a boyfriend and we are getting married next month." She raised her hand, showing him the ring on her finger.Ryan found himself laughing. The woman caught him."You're beautiful," Ryan said and smiled again."You're handsome too. You're the second most handsome person I have ever seen," Elizabeth said."So, who are you?" She dropped a file on the table. "I'm a lawyer. I guess you might need my help."Ryan opened the file and looked through it. According to her CV, she's a lawyer in one of the well-known law firms all over the world. The Keith and mint law firm.Ryan looked at her again. This time, with a frown on his face. "How did you know I might need your help?""Does that matter?" Ryan looked at her CV again
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