All Chapters of The Return of General Cobra claw: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
203 chapters
Chapter Ninety-one:
Eunice Stevens immediately rushed to her cousin and shook him and he immediately jolted back to life gasping for air anxiously.Now seeing how badly Bryan Stevens had been hurt by Max Xanderson, Logan, Eunice and Denise Stevens immediately adjusted themselves and didn't yell at Melissa Stevens again.Max Xanderson stood tall staring at Lady Megan Stevens and her grandchildren angrily.Lady Megan Stevens slowly approached Melissa Stevens and began."Melissa, we are so sorry for everything we have done to you and your family.""I really regret everything we have done to you, your mom and especially little Chloe Maxwell.""I really wish there was anything I could do or say to make it up to you.""Please we need your urgent help.""If you don't help us, we are definitely going to lose the Stevens Global Group and everything we have worked so hard to build in the family."Lady Megan Stevens' voice was laced with a mixture of regret and remorse for her actions towards Melissa Stevens and he
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Chapter Ninety-two:
"Melissa, please you have to remember all the good things I have done for you and your family in the past.""Let that be the reason for which you would be helping us today.""Please, you are our only hope of making it out of this financial predicament in one piece.""Please, find a place in your heart to forgive us all and help us."Lady Megan Stevens' voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety as she tried to emotionally tweak Melissa Stevens into helping them contact Lord George Lucas to have him lift the fine on the Stevens Global Group or at least reduce it by some percentage.But Max Xanderson wasn't falling for any of her little mind tricks anymore."Lady Megan Stevens, can you stop all these emotional mind-tweaking tricks!""It's not going to work on us this time around!""Lady Megan Stevens, why all these lies and propaganda that you usually put up just to get favor from Melissa?!""What annoys me the most is that when you are done with all these things you say, y
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Chapter Ninety-three:
"No Grandma! I will slap myself!"Logan Stevens' voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety as he immediately started to slap himself slowly."Make it louder or you all would be going home without any debt cancellation from Lord George Lucas for the Stevens Global Group!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with authority and determination as he yelled at Logan Stevens."Logan! Don't make me stand up from here and deliver the slaps to your sorry cheeks myself!"Lady Megan Stevens immediately yelled at Logan Stevens from the floor.Moments later Max Xanderson is seated on the pavement and watching Logan Stevens slap himself in humiliation.Max Xanderson immediately signaled to Melissa Stevens to call Lord George Lucas and Melissa Stevens did.To her greatest surprise, Lord George Lucas immediately picked up, it was almost as though he was anticipating the call from the beginning.As Melissa Stevens narrated her issues, Lord George Lucas sighed loudly."Melissa! Why do you alwa
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Chapter Ninety-four:
Moments later Lady Megan Stevens is done talking to Tommy over the phone and has given him some instructions on what to do."Eunice, I will be handing this task over to you.""Make sure you send the address of the school of little Chloe Maxwell to Tommy.""This is our own little way of getting back at Melissa Stevens and Max Xanderson for humiliating us today!""No one dares to humiliate any member of the Stevens family and gets away with it!""This will teach that Jerk called Melissa and her mom, Mrs Sophia, a big wet lesson!""After I'm done with them, they will definitely learn respect and suffering will be their teacher!"Lady Megan Stevens' voice was laced with determination and anger as she spoke.Turning immediately, her gaze fell on Eunice Stevens' other cousins."And as for you all, I don't want to hear any of this outside this room!""Remember our slogan, Whatever happens in the Stevens family stays in the Stevens family until you say otherwise."Denise, Eunice and Logan Ste
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Chapter Ninety-five:
"That's not the answer to my question!""But if you must know, Little Chloe Maxwell is still at her school, safe and sound.""So tell me, what really happened to your face and why are you crying?"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of emotions and feelings.Melissa Stevens was immediately relieved as she heard that little Chloe Maxwell was safe and sound at her kindergarten.Plopping onto the brown sofa, she immediately rests back and hugs Max Xanderson tightly."Can you now explain to me why you are crying and why you have a red sore face?"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of curiosity and bewilderment.Just as Melissa Stevens was about to narrate the whole thing that happened to Max Xanderson, her phone rang immediately."Who is that?"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with curiosity as he and Melissa Stevens stared at the unknown number."I'm not sure, it's such a strange number."Melissa Stevens voice was barely above whispers and laced with a mixture of co
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Chapter Ninety-six:
Max Xanderson immediately walked over to Melissa Stevens and held her by her shoulder and slowly helped her to get up from the ground.With tears still welling down her eyes Melissa Stevens stood up slowly."Max, where and how are we going to find such an amount of money from?""These kidnappers aren't even considerate at all.""Where do they think we are going to find such a large amount of money now?"Melissa Stevens's voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety as she panicked even as Max Xanderson held her closely."Melissa, it's going to be alright, I will find a way for us to resolve this issue.""We will definitely find our daughter and we will get to those who plotted this and they will definitely pay for all their atrocities towards little Chloe Maxwell!""Even if it's the last thing I do!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of anger and determination as he held Melissa Stevens closely to himself.Immediately Mrs Sophia Stevens came back from the marke
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Chapter Ninety-seven:
Meanwhile, in an old abandoned corn processing facility, little Chloe Maxwell is staring at the ceiling, tears welling down her eyes slowly.She immediately stared at the men who had adopted her and shook her head in disbelief as she recalled how she was adopted.Her teacher had informed her that her daddy was waiting for her at the usual park and immediately she got into the car, she realized that the guys weren't with her father but they were kidnappers.She had tried to yell several times but the kidnapper had slapped her pretty badly and taped her mouth with duct tape.By the other side of the factory was Tommy and some of his gang members, they were busy laughing and chit-chatting."We really had a big catch today boss!""Two million dollars is really a lot of money but not as much money as the twenty-nine million dollars we got from robbing the Zex Century bank last week!""That's right!""But twenty million dollars is still quite a lot of money."The voices of the kidnappers ec
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Chapter ninety-eight:
Not long after the middle-aged lady left, Tommy and his men were packing up their gear to flee the abandoned factory.The hanging light bulb is flickering slowly above their heads as they park their gears frantically."C'mon let's move it!"Tommy's voice is laced with a mixture of confusion and urgency as he senses something bad is about to happen.Immediately he turned, Max Xanderson drove into the abandoned factory window with a power bike and immediately landed on the floor, the power bike screeched on the floor and hit one of Tommy's men and he fell down immediately.Max Xanderson immediately walked towards Tommy and his other men who were now beyond surprised.Their jaws dropped in bewilderment as they stared at Max Xanderson.Max Xanderson had a murderous and dreadful look on his face.As he approached Tommy and his men, his hands were on the same Katana he had used to kill Eric Jeremy for desecrating his mom's grave.Tommy and his men were immediately intimidated by the murdero
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Chapter ninety-nine:
The situation was intense and palpable as Max Xanderson continued his countdown and before he could reach three, Tommy immediately yelled, "It was Cody Leonard!""Cody Leonard was the one who orchestrated all this, please don't kill us!"Tommy's voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety as he knelt and pleaded with Max Xanderson not to annihilate him and his men.Cody Leonard was actually one of the loyalists of Billy Mason, the guy that Max Xanderson had beaten up pretty badly some days ago.Max Xanderson immediately stared at Tommy in bewilderment and asked, "Are you sure of what you are saying?!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of determination and authority.Tommy nodded his head and bowed it in humility before Max Xanderson.Max Xanderson immediately called off his team and told Jack Oniels to take them back to the military base and await his next instructions.Turning Immediately he faced Betty Jordan and began."Since you came with your own private
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Chapter one hundred:
"Melissa! Are you there?!""Please help me!""Your cousins, Bryan, Logan Stevens and Cody Leonard are at the Lexington Corporation and are destroying everything and demanding that we pay them the sum of Fifty million dollars for the debt incurred by your Grand…"Before Mrs Sophia Stevens could, Cody Leonard took her phone and crushed it on the floor breaking it to pieces.Melissa Stevens' phone was on the loudspeaker and Max Xanderson had heard everything that Mrs Sophia had said, her voice was laced with a mixture of confusion, urgency and anxiety.Melissa Stevens had managed to get the Lexington Corporation from Lady Megan Stevens with the sole vision of reviving the corporation at least for the late Mr Walter Stevens's sake, her dad.Mrs Sophia Stevens had gone to the Corporations to check out some things and now Melissa Stevens was hearing this disturbing information."Melissa! Is that your mom's voice at the Lexington Corporation?!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture
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