All Chapters of The Return of General Cobra claw: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
203 chapters
Chapter 161:
"Lord Leonard, you and the rest of your family members have to pay a price for the grand general's generosity!""I mean, it's not every day that the Grand General Cobra Claw let's trouble seekers like you and your family walk away freely!""You all are just lucky to be alive and breathing!"General Stan said as he immediately shot one member of Leonard's family who was trying to escape through the window.The shot was precisely aimed at his left arm, the nine-millimeter pistol coupled with its NATO standard bullets was designed to totally annihilate the enemy.With a heavy thump, the dude fell on the floor and yelled out in pain."Ah!""Ah…Ah!""Help me!... I'm so sorry!""General Stan….""Please don't…kill me!"His voice was laced with a mixture of anxiety and trepidation as he rolled over on the floor.General Stan immediately walked over to him and bent over to gaze into his face.The situation was intense and palpable as Lord Leonard, Andy Leonard and the other family members star
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Chapter 162:
Max Xanderson immediately gazed at Lord Leonard and Andy Leonard, his fist clenched in vexation."Yes I said two billion dollars, do you have a problem with that?!"General Stan asked, his voice was laced with a mixture of authority and anger.He immediately gazed at Lord Leonard and Andy Leonard, his eyes widened in astonishment.Lord Leonard and Andy Leonard immediately fidgeted."Not at all, General Stan!""I, I mean my dad and myself were just thinking and wondering, since Bryan Stevens and Logan Stevens were also among the people who were destroyed by Lexington Corporation, that is Melissa Stevens company, why not split the bill.""It's only fair if Bryan Stevens, Logan Stevens and Lady Megan Stevens also participate in fixing the destroyed Lexington Corporation."Lord Leonard immediately added, his voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety.Jack Oniels immediately gazed at Lord Leonard and moved to connect a heavy slap to the old man for making that suggestion, but
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Chapter 163:
"Yes, General Stan…I will make sure Melissa Stevens's health status is back to normal in no time."Lord Leonard immediately replied, his voice laced with a mixture of remorse and humility as he gazed at Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels before falling on the feet of Max Xanderson the second time."Thank you for having mercy on us, General Cobra Claw.""I'm so sorry…this type of thing will never repeat itself."Lord Leonard immediately added as Andy Leonard and the whole of Leonard's family fell on their knees before Max Xanderson with their heads almost touching the floor as if they were about to bow down before him."General Cobra Claw, we are really sorry for everything, please don't annihilate us."Andy Leonard's voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety as he spoke almost immediately after Lord Leonard, his father.Max Xanderson immediately walked over to General Stan and took his Custom-made nine-millimeter pistol and gazed at it.He immediately pointed it at the window
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Chapter 164:
Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels walk over to the front door of Melissa Stevens's hospital ward, as they are about to enter the hospital ward, Max Xanderson immediately halted and whispers something into the ears of Jack Oniels and immediately dismisses Jack Oniels."No problem, consider it done already!"Jack Oniels voice was a bit above whispers and laced with a mixture of loyalty and dedication as he immediately left the hospital premises on the military-grade van he had driven Max Xanderson, the Grand General Cobra Claw in on their way to the Hospital.Max Xanderson immediately took a deep breath and opened the door of the hospital ward.Entering the hospital ward, his gaze fell on Melissa Stevens who was now almost recovered from the poison that Doctor Walton and Nurse Vivian had administered to her.Little Chloe Maxwell and Mrs Sophia Stevens were cuddling Melissa Stevens tightly."Mom, thank God Almighty you are okay!""I thought we were going to lose you."Little Chloe Maxwell sa
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Chapter 165:
Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of authority and determination, he immediately gritted his teeth and clenched his left fist.He wanted to be sure, Lord Leonard and Andy Leonard weren't playing games with him.Mrs Sophia Stevens gazed at Max Xanderson and immediately replied, "The old doctor, doctor Walton and Nurse Vivian were reported missing…for some weird reasons!""We have heard rumors that they were ambushed by some wild animals or something related to that.""I really don't know what happened to them, but the new doctors and nurses had really done a great job and they said Melissa will be ready to go home by tomorrow morning."Mrs Sophia Steven's voice was laced with a mixture of exhilaration and happiness as she held Melissa Stevens's hand and slowly massaged it in a bid to relieve her of the pain she felt in her left hand.Max Xanderson immediately gazed at little Chloe Maxwell and carried her up, his gaze fell on Mrs Sophia Stevens as he replied."Okay, that's
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Chapter 166:
The two men were actually handymen who had come to pack Doctor Walton's stuff from his office space since he and Nurse Vivian were no more.Max Xanderson reduced his pace immediately and eavesdropped on their conversation."Yes, I heard he and Nurse Vivian messed around with the dreaded Grand General Cobra Claw!""I mean how could they be so senseless!*"Rumors have it that they were annihilated, beheaded and fed to the sharks!""They must have felt excruciating pain at the point of their death!"The tall handyman's voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety."Why wouldn't they?""No one messes around with the Grand General Cobra Claw and sees the next day alive, they should have known that before messing and fooling around with the Grand General Cobra Claw of the Supreme Elite Forces!""They really messed up, they shouldn't have messed around with the Grand General Cobra at all."The second handyman who was a bit short, added almost immediately.His voice was barely abov
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Chapter 167:
The Southern Pacifier's henchmen immediately gazed at the Southern Pacifier and shook their heads."Clearly, he doesn't know who he is talking to!"One of them yelled out loudly, his voice was laced with a mixture of anger and venom.The Southern Pacifier had put the phone on the loudspeaker as he walked around the factory in his luxury Armani Tuxedo and his Oxford luxury men dark tan shoes.His voice was laced with a mixture pride and disdain as he immediately began."Did you just try to shout at me!""I don't understand you, Maxwell Xanderson, I have your loyalist, Betty Jordan here with me and I intend to annihilate her and the best you can do is just shout at me!""C'mon, I expected more from the man who saved the Grand General!""Max Xanderson, shouting at me wouldn't kill the fact that I have Betty Jordan and I will definitely come for you and your daughter!""No one messes around with us, the Harrison's and gets away with it, not you, not anyone!""Not now, not ever…you wouldn'
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Chapter 168:
"Does all this seem like a joke to you?!""Do you think I'm kidding, Max Xanderson?!""Seems like I haven't made my intentions clear and now I intend to!""I will show you firsthand what happens to people when they mess with me, my family, my cousin, Adrianna Harrison and more especially my business!""I will make sure you see what's on the other side of pain and sorrows!""But first, I must begin by showing you what I intend to do to you and your little daughter, Chloe Maxwell or whatever you call her!""By the time I'm done with you and your minions, you will understand why the Harrison family has a scorpion symbol as our logo!"The Southern Pacifier's voice was laced with horror and anger.He immediately switched the call to video and set up his phone on a tripod which one of his henchmen had just brought for him."Max, I hope you are watching this?!""Watch it! Because you and your whole family, especially your daughter, all of you will definitely face the same fate for messing wi
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Chapter 169:
One of the dudes in the Scientist lab coat immediately dropped a heavy crate on the floor making a loud thump that caused none of them to fidget.The noise was strong enough to cause Betty Jordan to shake her head but she wasn't totally awake at the moment.Adrianna Harrison immediately smiled gleefully at her cousin the Southern Pacifier and walked over to the guys dressed in scientist lab coats."It's ready boss!""These are some of the most poisonous scorpions on the planet as we speak, boss."One of the guys in the scientist's lab coat said, his voice was laced with a mixture of exhilaration and anxiety at the same time.Adrianna Harrison immediately gazed at the southern Pacifier who smiled and gazed back at Adrianna Harrison, his cousin.He immediately stood up and walked towards the guys in scientist's lab coats.His feet hit the cold concrete factory floor as though he would break it open with his feet."Well, well, well!""So how did you both manage to retrieve these rare col
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Chapter 170:
Kevin Darren's voice was laced with a mixture of determination and trepidation at the same time.The Southern Pacifier immediately smirked, his voice was laced with a mixture of authority and determination as he began."Kevin, I know what I promised you and I will definitely make sure you and your brother get everything I have promised you both!""Your sister, Mara Darren and your daddy, Mr Darren will be released and your family's debt of one million dollars will be wiped off in no time!""I'm a man of my word Kevin and I intend to keep to my words, and by my words, I mean all of it!"The Southern Pacifier's voice was laced with a mixture of authority and influence.His cousin, Adrianna Harrison had immediately understood what he meant when he had stretched his words.She immediately signaled her men and the two brothers were restrained immediately."What's the meaning of this?!""What are you doing?!""Boss! You can't allow this to happen to us!""My brother and I have served you al
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