All Chapters of The Return of General Cobra claw: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
204 chapters
Chapter 181:
Max Xanderson was still a bit bewildered at everything that Mrs Sophia Stevens had just told him over the phone.His eyes widened in astonishment as he just stared at Jack Oniels, the phone was still etched into his left ear."General Cobra…"Jack Oniels voice was immediately muted as Max Xanderson waved him off and continued listening to what Mrs Sophia Stevens was saying over the phone."Mrs Sophia Stevend, I really don't understand what you are saying?!""Where are you as we speak and what did you say happened to Melissa Stevens?!"Max Xanderson asked, his voice was laced with a mixture of authority and determination.He immediately began to walk away from the factory and beckoned on Jack Oniels, his second in command, to join him as they went outside the factory gate."Max, I and little Chloe Maxwell, your daughter, had gone to the house to pick up some things for Melissa Stevens and when we returned, we found everywhere almost scattered as if the hospital was raided or something
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Chapter 181:
Max Xanderson walked around the hospital ward of Melissa Stevens and immediately dashed out of the ward.His eyes widened in a mixture of anger and determination, his fist was clenched in vexation as he immediately walked towards the doctors and nurses who were still fidgeting due to the raid that just happened at their hospital."Who is the Doctor that saw the men who took Melissa Stevens?!"Max Xanderson asked, his voice was laced with a mixture of authority and anger.The whole Doctors and nurses fidgeted and shuddered backwards in trepidation and anxiety.Max Xanderson's gaze fell on one of the Nurses who was still kind of traumatized from the whole event that just happened in the hospital."Don't make me ask again!""Who and who actually saw the people who raided the hospital and took my wife?!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of authority and determination.His eyes reeked with anger and venom."I saw them…they were all armed and mean-looking."The voice of one of
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Chapter 183:
"Max! These scumbags tried to annihilate my only daughter but failed. Sometimes I do think that Lady Megan Stevens and Melissa's cousin might actually be involved in her recent predicaments!""Max, they took my only daughter, she is all that I have and you are asking me to calm down!""She hadn't even recovered from the ambush and stabbing that was plotted against her!"Mrs Sophia Stevens' voice was laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety.Max Xanderson immediately held Mrs Sophia Stevens up and tried to wipe her tears but she immediately hit off Max Xanderson's hand."Tell me, Max, how on earth are you even going to find Melissa Stevens adopters?!""For all we know, they could be anywhere now!""We don't even know if they are alive or if my daughter, Melissa, is even alive!""We don't even know what their devilish intentions are towards kidnapping my daughter!""Max, we have to contact the local police department, I know someone in the Westerville Police Department who can be o
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Chapter 184:
Her voice was laced with a mixture of emotions and feelings.Max Xanderson immediately walked over to her and perked her on her forehead."Chloe, I promise, I will bring your mom back home without anything bad happening to her!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of authority and determination.He immediately took a deep breath and gazed at the door before he and Jack Oniels walked into the stormy night and drove off in the military van that he and Jack Oniels had driven in.As they drove off into the Stormy night, all of a sudden, the rain stopped and it began only drizzling.Parking by a gas station, Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels alighted from the military-grade van and added more gas to their military-grade van.The gas station was empty, Max Xanderson gazed at Jack Oniels and said,"Jack, once we get into the car, I need you to call General Stan immediately!""I have something very important to tell him!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with a mixture of authority and
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Chapter 185:
Moments later, Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels landed at the Supreme Elite Forces headquarters.Stepping outside of the helicopter, Max Xanderson's foot hit the hard concrete floor.His gaze immediately fell on the General's and the military parade that was staged for him.There were heavy banners lifted up showing and reading, Welcome back to the Supreme Elite Forces, General Cobra Claw!Max Xanderson immediately managed to force a little smile, he walked through the parade, waving and returning the General's and military team's salutes."Welcome back General Cobra Claw!""We really missed you!"The voices of many of the army personnel voice were heard as Max Xanderson and Jack Oniels walked right to the military team and headed towards his main office.A lot of the military men and generals thought that Max Xanderson, the Grand General Cobra Claw was actually returning to the Supreme Elite Forces, but Max Xanderson was only here to get information that would lead to the finding of Mel
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Chapter 186:
Max Xanderson immediately gazed at General Stan and said with determination and reassurance reeking all over his voice."My wife and Betty Jordan are still alive and we will definitely find them no matter how and where Adrianna Harrison and her stupid cousin, the Southern Pacifier are hiding them!"Max Xanderson walked over to the table and took one of the documents that General Stan had sourced for him, he immediately gazed through it and immediately gazed at General Stan."Someone who has been with the Southern Pacifier knows his mode of operation and really wants Adrianna Harrison and her cousin, the Southern Pacifier dead, that's exactly who we are looking for right?!"Max Xanderson's voice was laced with curiosity as he spoke more to himself than to General Stan or Jack Oniels."I know the perfect man for the job general Stan, where is Kevin Darren?!"Max Xanderson asked, his voice was laced with a mix of authority and determination.General Stan immediately replied, "General Cob
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Chapter 187:
General Stan immediately removed Kevin Darren's handcuff and pushed him towards Max Xanderson.Max Xanderson walked around him and continued gazing at Kevin Darren as if he were scanning him.Clearing his throat loudly, Max Xanderson immediately began, his voice laced with a mixture of power and determination."Kevin Darren, I have had my doubts about you, especially since you had worked with Adrianna Harrison and the Southern Pacifier before now.""My subordinates think you are a liability to my current mission of finding and putting the hurt on the Southern Pacifier and his cousin Adrianna Harrison."Max Xanderson said, his voice laced with a mixture of authority and determination, he gazed at Jack Oniels and back at Kevin Darren before continuing."But I'm willing to give you a try!""I'm willing to give you a chance to avenge the death of your brother, Alvin Darren!""All we need is insider information on the whereabouts of Adrianna Harrison and her cousin, the Southern Pacifier!"
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Chapter 188:
Kevin Darren's voice was laced with a mixture of anger and determination as tears fell down his eyes profusely.He immediately gazed at General Stan, Jack Oniels and Allen Becker who just walked into General Cobra Claw's office, "General Cobra Claw, I promise you, you wouldn't regret giving me this opportunity to avenge my brother's death!""I promise to be ever loyal to your course if you really mean taking me on this mission.""I wouldn't forget all you have done for me, General Cobra Claw, just allow me to join you on the mission!"Kevin Darren's voice was laced with a mix of determination and loyalty as he spoke and gazed intently into Max Xanderson's eyes, the Grand General Cobra Claw.General Stan, Allen Becker and Jack Oniels all had their gazes on Max Xanderson, the Grand General Cobra Claw.Max Xanderson took a deep breath and gazed at General Stan, the rest of the military men in his military office and back at Kevin Darren."So Kevin Darren, I have heard all you just said,
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Chapter 189:
"General Cobra Claw, the Chameleon's pit, is the most guarded and secret underground network of the Harrison family!""The Harrison family have been running this underground network for many years now, I suppose!"Kevin Darren's voice was laced with a mixture of determination and reassurance."My best guess is that Adrianna Harrison and her cousin, the Southern Pacifier, are at the Chameleon's pit and most probably holding your wife, Melissa Stevens and Betty Jordan in one of the dungeons there!"Kevin Darren's voice was a bit above whispers as he spoke whilst pointing at the display monitor using the electronic pointer he had in his right hand.The display map immediately zoomed as he operated the electronic pointer and he highlighted an Island, a remote Island to be exact."General Cobra Claw, this is the location of the Chameleon's pit!""The Southern Pacifier and the Harrison family had built this underground network with the most sophisticated of technologies!"Kevin Darren's voi
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Chapter 190:
Immediately, the two guards cleared the blue heavy truck that had brought in more weapons and ammunition for the Southern Pacifier and Adrianna Harrison.The both of them walked around the building as if they had noticed something odd and strange happening."Did you hear something?!"One of the henchmen asked and the other one shook his head in disapproval.One of them immediately flashed his gun-attached flashlight towards the direction of Max Xanderson, the Grand General Cobra Claw, but Max Xanderson was swift enough to dodge the heavy security light beam and the security guard didn't notice a thing."All clear at this point!"The security guard's voice was laced with a mixture of exhilaration and happiness as he walked towards the second guard and the both of them brought out some packets of cigarettes and started smoking while twerking to a low jazz music.Jack Oniels immediately took another gaze at the both of them and shook his head in disapproval."General Cobra Claw, should w
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