All Chapters of The Billionaire Nobody Noticed: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 chapters
Chapter 21
“You’re dismissed from your position effective immediately,” Carl declared. “Security, throw him out.” The guards wasted no time. They grabbed the manager, despite his protests and pitiful cries for mercy. His desperate pleas fell on deaf ears as they unceremoniously dragged him toward the exit. The manager, once so confident in his authority, was now reduced to a snivelling wreck, thrown out of the store and onto the street. Meanwhile, the middle-aged man, who had earlier considered confronting Dave, now stood pale and trembling when he recognized Carl Mullen, a man he had only seen on local TV and heard about in business circles. His knees nearly buckled at the realization of whom he had crossed paths with. Meanwhile, his mistress who was beside him, emboldened by her earlier defiance, opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a word, a sharp slap from the middle-aged man silenced her. The slap echoed through the store, stunning everyone. "Keep shut?!" The
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Chapter 22
After instructing Carl to deliver the gift to the Dexters' mansion, Dave's thoughts turned to more pressing matters. He needed to head to the local branch of the Great Empire - Velcro Company. Earlier, he had received a text message from the secretary of Velcro Company, who of course, was his subordinate. The message informed him that a shipment of precious herbs and crystals had arrived. These resources were crucial for the training of novice warriors and considered strategic assets. Without Dave's signature for distribution, approval, and allocation, the department responsible couldn't proceed.Dave knew he needed to act quickly. Despite his recent arrival in the area and his new marriage, responsibilities awaited him. This was not the time to delay so he quickly hailed a cab and directed the driver to Velcro Company, his mind already racing through the tasks he needed to accomplish.Meanwhile, at the Dexters' mansion, the atmosphere was abuzz with excitement. Ava had invited
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Chapter 23
Ava, Hannah, and Jerry were ecstatic, their excitement palpable as they clutched their invitations to the charity gala. This was a golden opportunity, one that could potentially cement Ava’s place as a candidate member of the prestigious Great Kevton Chamber of Commerce. It was a goal Ava held dearly, one that she believed would significantly impact her career and her family’s business.“Ava, this is fantastic!” Hannah exclaimed, her eyes shining with delight. “You’re going to make such a great candidate member. This is exactly what you needed!”Jerry, standing beside Ava, smiled confidently. “I’m glad I could help, Ava. This gala is going to be a turning point for you.”Ava turned to Jerry, her eyes filled with gratitude. “Jerry, thank you so much. This really means a lot to me. The membership could change everything for my career and my family business."Hannah praised Jerry effusively. “Jerry, you’re amazing. You’ve done so much for Ava. You’re thoughtful and resourceful, just
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Chapter 24
With a scornful look, Hannah continued her tirade. "Look at you, Dave. Your shabby appearance alone suggests you couldn’t possibly afford luxurious jewellery, let alone obtain such rare invitations which require strong connections. You’re out of your league!"Hannah’s mocking words completely dispelled Ava’s earlier confusion about Dave. Instead of clearing things up, it deepened her misunderstanding, making her inwardly believe that Dave was not only boastful but also trying to steal credit from others, reflecting poorly on his character. Upon hearing Hannah’s mockery, Dave maintained his composure. He knew that trying to explain himself to people who were determined to believe what they wanted was a fruitless endeavour. Instead, he decided to take a different approach."Hannah, Jerry," Dave said calmly, a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "it’s interesting how you both are so quick to dismiss the truth. Hannah, I must say you’re shameless for twisting facts to suit your narrative.
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Chapter 25
Ava’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief. To Ava, it was laughable to think that someone like Dave—a nobody—could even get close to the mansion, let alone, lodge there!“Right,” she scoffed, folding her arms tighter. “You haven't even desisted from being such a shameless braggart! We both know you couldn’t go near such a place, let alone, logde there. You’re just sulking over what happened last night, and instead of apologizing, you’re getting worse!”Dave didn’t bother to argue. He knew there was no point in trying to convince Ava of anything. Her mind was already made up, and her disdain for him was evident in every word she spoke. She had assumed he was lying, just as she had assumed he lied about the gifts and invitations last night!Ava looked straight into Dave's eyes. She didn’t want to waste any more time pretending to be something they weren’t. “Listen, Dave,” she began with a firm voice, “before my grandfather arrives, we need to talk. Now, I want you to reject whatever pro
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Chapter 26
Ava hurried out of the living room, as she thought about the money she had promised Dave. The faster she prepared the funds, the quicker she could get rid of him!Despite her deep disdain for him, Ava couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety at the thought of him changing his mind. She couldn't afford to let him slip through her fingers now, not when she was so close to getting him out of her life for good!Not long after Ava left, Greg and Joyce Smith, Ava's parents, arrived at the mansion. As they stepped into the living room, their eyes immediately locked on Dave, who was still lingering near the entrance. Their expressions darkened, and without a moment's hesitation, Greg spoke first, his voice dripping with contempt."Hey, what the hell are you doing here?" Greg sneered, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "You're not welcome in this house. You never were!"Joyce, standing beside her husband, crossed her arms and glared at Dave with equal disdain. "He's such a gold
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Chapter 27
Ava’s eyes narrowed as she had overheard Dave having a smooth talk with her grandfather. She hated to admit it, but he had handled the situation well, deflecting her grandfather’s suggestion without causing any tension. Although she still looked down on him, Ava couldn’t help but mentally applaud his ability to navigate the conversation so deftly.However, she quickly pushed those thoughts aside as she focused on the task at hand. She had the money, but she couldn’t very well present the bank card to Dave in front of everyone—not with her grandfather and parents watching so closely. She needed to find a way to do this discreetly, but for now, she had to maintain the facade.Almost immediately, Gordon noticed her and his expression darkened slightly with displeasure. “Ava,” he said, his voice carrying a hint of reproach, “why haven’t you acknowledged and welcomed Dave properly? Come on, he’s your husband!”Gordon couldn't help but think Ava was being somewhat inconsiderate toward D
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Chapter 28
Dave watched her with an amused expression, his lips curling into a faint smile. He knew the truth behind that invitation, but he kept his silence, not wanting to expose her in front of her grandfather. Ava caught his eye and shot him a warning glare, silently daring him to say anything that might undermine her story.Gordon leaned in to examine the invitation, his face lighting up with approval. “Excellent work, Ava. This is exactly the kind of progress I was hoping for. Keep it up, and you’ll make us all proud.”Ava beamed, her confidence bolstered by her grandfather’s praise. For a moment, she felt a surge of triumph, as if everything was falling into place just as she had planned.But then Gordon looked at Dave.“Dave, I think it would be a good idea if you became Ava’s assistant. You could help her with her work, reduce her stress, and the two of you would have more opportunities to spend time together and understand each other better.”The suggestion hit Ava like a ton of br
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Chapter 29
As soon as Dave mentioned having his own money, Ava’s parents, Greg and Joyce Smith, exchanged sceptical glances. Greg shook his head, unable to believe Dave's audacity. How could a nobody like Dave have the guts to say he had money?! “Money, huh?” Greg scoffed, his voice thick with derision. “You expect us to believe that you’ve got your own money, but you’re still here, living off of our daughter?” Joyce folded her arms tightly across her chest, her eyes narrowing as she looked Dave up and down. “You see, we know your type. Just trying to get a free ride, aren’t you? Do you think you can mooch off our family and live comfortably without lifting a finger? Well, let me tell you, it’s not going to work!” Dave stood calmly, his face betraying no emotion despite the biting words being thrown at him. And before everyone knew it, Gordon, Ava’s grandfather, stepped forward, his presence commanding immediate attention. “Enough!” Gordon said firmly, his voice carrying
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Chapter 30
Meanwhile, Joyce who had been in the kitchen stepped into the living room and saw Dave still standing there. She folded her arms, glaring at him with a smirk. “You know, loser,” she began, her voice laced with disdain, “you’re like a toad lusting after a swan. Do you really think someone like you has any chance with someone like my daughter? It’s pathetic, really. You should just give up while you’re ahead.”Dave’s expression didn’t change, but there was a glint in his eyes as he listened to her words. Joyce continued, her voice growing colder. “My ideal son-in-law is someone like Jerry, Ava's friend. He’s successful, wealthy, and comes from a respectable family. He’s everything you’re not. So, do yourself a favour and stop this ridiculous charade! You’re out of your league!”Before Dave could respond, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the hallway. Greg, Ava’s father, entered the living room, his presence commanding immediate attention. He had come back into the livin
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