All Chapters of Ascendant Among All: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
83 chapters
Chapter 61 (Reopen portal)
The being staggered back, surprise etched across his face as he felt the weight of Jeremy’s attack. “What? How is this possible?” he spat, his confidence wavering.With the momentum of his attack, Jeremy pressed forward, swinging his katana in a flurry of strikes. With a surge of adrenaline, Jotaro pushed against the being’s weight, finally breaking free. “I’m not done yet!” he yelled, joining Jeremy in the fight.In no time, Samantha joined the fray. The being, now on the defensive, tried to counterattack, but the trio was relentless. They struck with precision and power, each attack chipping away at the dark aura that had once surrounded the being.*_"“Five hours… They are taking longer than usual for a weak dungeon filled with weak rank beasts,” Jessica pondered, glancing at her watch, which now read 4 AM. Her brow furrowed with concern, the creeping unease in her gut growing stronger with each passing minute. “Are you sure they are going to be safe?” one of the support staff i
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Chapter 62 (Soul beam)
The battlefield erupted into a symphony of chaos, the atmosphere heavy with tension as Jeremy, Jotaro, and Samantha convened for their final confrontation against the malevolent entity. They had managed to push him back, yet the battle was anything but finished. The being stood imposing, a wicked grin etched across his face, unfazed by their collective efforts."I detest those who feign strength," he sneered, effortlessly parrying Jeremy’s sword with a mere flick of his wrist, gripping the blade as if it were a fragile twig.“Ugh!” Jeremy hissed, frustration boiling beneath the surface as he felt his weapon dismissed with such ease.“Oh, you know I was speaking directly to you,” the being taunted, his voice dripping with derision. In an instant, he unleashed a merciless kick to Jeremy’s diaphragm, sending him sprawling backward, breathless.“And as for you two,” he continued, shifting his gaze toward Jotaro and Samantha, “I must commend your strength. I would have relished the opport
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Chapter 63 (Last stand)
The battlefield erupted into a tempest of chaos, where every clash of steel and surge of energy reverberated through the air like a shockwave. Jotaro and Samantha stood resolute, their determination solidifying as they confronted the malevolent entity, emboldened by his recent triumph over Jeremy. The being’s sinister grin widened, fueled by the tumultuous energy of the moment.“Now that we’re back in business,” he jeered, dark energy crackling around him like a tempest, “let’s see how long you can endure my fury!”“Don’t get overconfident,” Jotaro shot back, his fists aglow with a fierce purple light. “You might have the advantage, but we’re not backing down!”As if to reinforce his words, Jotaro lunged forward, unleashing a barrage of punches directed at the entity. Each strike was infused with his Ninjutsu, designed to break through the shroud of darkness enveloping their foe. The being smirked, effortlessly dodging the initial blows, but Jotaro pressed on with unwavering tenacity
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Chapter 64 (Elijah)
“Is this your final stand?” the being roared, struggling to maintain his form as the combined power of the two warriors bore down upon him.“We're not finished yet!” Russ shouted, channeling every ounce of his strength into one final strike.The battlefield was engulfed in a blinding light as their combined forces surged forward, aiming to shatter the being’s dark aura once and for all.“NO! You cannot defeat me!” the being howled, his grin faltering as the light enveloped him.But just as the being was about to unleash a devastating soul beam from its mouth, he suddenly stopped, a look of confusion crossing his face. “Who dares?” he muttered, glancing sideways with narrowed eyes.The shift in the battlefield caught the attention of Jotaro, Samantha, Warhuz, Brandon, and Russ, who all turned to see what had made the being halt in its tracks. A blue light shimmered across the dungeon, blinding a few momentarily. Everyone felt a chill run down their spine; they knew what this meant. S
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Chapter 65 (Consideration)
Jeremy’s vision was a kaleidoscope of blurry shapes and blurred colors, the world around him spinning in a disorienting haze. His body felt weak and bruised, each breath a reminder of the pain coursing through him. “Shit, that hurts!” he cursed, the words barely escaping his cracked lips as he spat out a chunk of blood, the metallic taste lingering bitterly on his tongue. He lay supine on the cold ground, staring up at the darkened sky, his teeth stained red as he groaned in agony.After several futile attempts to rise, Jeremy finally managed to push himself up with a grimace, feeling the sickening crunch of his bones realigning beneath him. Each movement was a battle against the pain, but he refused to succumb, driven by a flickering flame of determination. He fell back to his knees, crawling through the debris, his breaths labored as he fought against the despair clawing at his heart.“To what end, to what end must I suffer?” he mused, frustration welling up within him. The we
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Chapter 66 (All or nothing)
A violent headache split his vision in two, sending blood trickling down his nostrils as he instinctively pulled his hands away, clutching his head and letting out a pained yelp. “Arrggh!” he screamed, frustration mingling with a strange sensation. Yet, as he touched the beast’s wound, the system flickered to life within his mind, offering cryptic messages that captured his attention.[Creature is palatable with user][User must be A rank to bond with a S ranked creature] [Rank needed to use animal bonding skill: B+]Coughing out blood, Jeremy felt his body tremble, the realization dawning on him that the beast was too strong. “My eyesight! The beast is too strong,” he thought, groping around blindly for a moment as he crawled, his vision clouded and becoming increasingly desperate.“Is it possible? I’m a B- exorcist... Yet, this temporary ascension should qualify me, right?” Jeremy mused, turning toward the beast with bloodshot eyes that seemed to reflect his inner turmoil. The
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Chapter 67 (The incredible guild master)
The being, cornered and desperate, summoned all its cursed energy for an attack.“You will regret this! Cursed technique: Oblivion’s Wrath!”The being unleashed a massive wave of dark energy, threatening to engulf Elijah, but he stood his ground.“Not today!” With a primal roar, Elijah gathered his own energy, pushing back against the wave with a powerful technique, the clash of energies creating a blinding explosion that lit up the battlefield.The shockwave sent everyone reeling, but in the center of it all stood Elijah, unwavering, channeling all his strength into one final strike.As the two forces collided, the ground shook violently, and the air filled with a deafening roar. The being’s expression twisted with rage and desperation as it tried to withstand Elijah’s might, but the overwhelming force of the guild master began to shatter its defenses."No! I will not be defeated!”As the battle reached its climax, the air crackled with energy, and the tension was palpable. It becam
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Chapter 68 (It is done)
"I think the animal bonding was also influenced by what Owen told me the other day about being related to the wolves," he thought, a newfound sense of connection stirring within him. But as he contemplated this, an irritation welled up deep inside his gut."I think this is what vampires and werewolves feel for each other," he mused. A moment later, he added with a hint of envy, "I wish I had belonged to the vampire’s history instead; they sound cooler."Almost immediately, a flood of memories began to pour into his mind, overwhelming him. "Whose memories are these?" he pondered, trying to sift through the chaos. He saw a younger version of someone with similar appearance to Owen, standing opposite another individual who possessed an athletic physique and an undeniable aura. The man's glowing eyes were fierce, contrasting sharply with Owen's own glow and red veins visible on his temples and forehead."What does this mean..." Jeremy's wonder was abruptly interrupted by a sharp pang
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Chapter 69 (Resolve)
"I'm supposed to be ready by now," Jeremy mused, his gaze fixated on the bright screen of his phone. The clock read 6 AM, and a wave of anxiety washed over him. "I hope she isn't mad!" he exclaimed under his breath, hastily inserting his spare key into the lock of the front door."I knew this spare key would come in handy," he muttered to himself, closing the door behind him with the utmost care. As he turned to survey the living room, his heart sank at the sight of his mother, Sophie, slumbering peacefully on the worn-out couch. The dim light of dawn cast a soft glow over her features, highlighting the lines of exhaustion that had carved themselves into her face over the years."She waited up all night," Jeremy noted, a pang of guilt settling in the pit of his stomach. The sight of her, vulnerable and tired, stirred something deep within him.He glanced around the living room, taking in the fraying furniture and the clutter that had accumulated over time. "Don’t worry, Mum," he t
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Chapter 70 (Looming shadows)
"Say, old man—" Jeremy began, but he was quickly cut off."Don't call me an old man!" Owen retorted, his voice a mix of irritation and mock indignation."Fine, Prince Owen," Jeremy teased, a playful grin spreading across his face. "Have you ever fought a werewolf before?" "Dumbass... of course! We were literally at war in times past," Owen replied, rolling his eyes at the question."Okay then, during those times, have you ever encountered an individual who possessed an athletic physique and fierce, glowing red eyes?" Jeremy inquired, his curiosity piqued."Of course!" Owen exclaimed, punctuating his point by thrusting a needle toward Jeremy, who barely managed to dodge it. "Werewolves are naturally physique freaks, and—wait, did you say he had red eyes?!" Owen’s tone shifted, a newfound intensity in his gaze."Yes?" Jeremy uttered, intrigued by the sudden change in Owen's demeanor."Then that one is special. He is what we call an alpha," Owen stated, his expression serious."An alpha
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