All Chapters of Ascendant Among All: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
85 chapters
Chapter 71 (Meeting)
As Jeremy and Celicia approached the designated meeting point, a row of sleek black cars lined the curb, their polished surfaces gleaming under the afternoon sun. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and an unspoken tension that hung heavily in the air. James Detroit stood at the forefront, exuding an unmistakable air of authority. He was dressed immaculately in a perfectly tailored black suit that hinted at both power and sophistication. His polished shoes glinted as he shifted his weight, and the black goggles perched on his forehead gave him an enigmatic edge, masking his eyes and adding to his imposing presence.For the first time, Jeremy felt a surge of confidence as he locked eyes with James, a silent challenge passing between them. "He is still stronger!" Jeremy noted to himself, acknowledging the disparity in their power even as he approached with a newfound determination."Get in the car, Celicia," James commanded, his voice firm and unyielding. Celicia nodded, her
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Chapter 72 (Reputation)
Jeremy didn’t respond as he exited the office, the door closing behind him with a heavy thud. His mind was already racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. The Detroit family, the Dark Horses Guild, the mysterious Blackthorn—everything seemed to be converging on him at once, threatening to overwhelm him. But Jeremy was determined to stand his ground. He wasn’t going to let anyone—not Burke, not the Detroit family, and certainly not some shadowy figure from his past—control his destiny.As he stepped out into the cool night air, the city’s lights casting long shadows on the pavement, Jeremy’s resolve hardened. He knew what he had to do. The time for doubt was over; it was time to take action.“Now it’s time,” he thought to himself, the words echoing in his mind like a battle cry. “Dark Horses Guild, here I come.”*> <*Jeremy’s footsteps echoed ominously through the dimly lit corridors of the Dark Horse Guild, each step a haunting reminder of the battles he had just survived. His fac
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Chapter 73 (Wanted)
Out of respect, Jeremy complied, settling into the chair with a calm demeanor. Elijah’s presence alone commanded reverence—not just within his own guild but across several others. His leadership was legendary, and his strength, though still at A+ rank, was spoken of in tones usually reserved for S ranked hunters. The S rank, the threshold where heroics transcended into the realm of the supernatural, had eluded him. Now, with the weight of time bearing down, Elijah had resigned himself to the likelihood that he would never cross that final threshold. Retirement loomed closer than ascension to the god-tier, and his thoughts increasingly turned toward Jessica, the C+ ranked hunter he planned to groom as his successor.Elijah's eyes, sharp and intense, radiated a cautious energy that kept everyone on edge.“Jeremy, I’ve heard quite a bit about you—from Jessica and other sources,” Elijah began, leaning forward slightly, his chin resting on his clasped hands, supported by elbows planted
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Chapter 74 (Intel)
"Shit, damn it!" Burke cursed vehemently, his fist connecting with the desk with a resounding thud as he absorbed the news relayed to him over the phone. His frustration was palpable, a storm brewing in his chest. "Jeremy decided to remain a member of the Dark Horses Guild at the last minute," the voice on the other end reported, every word cutting deeper than a knife."Okay, keep me updated, Russell. Do not fail me," Burke replied, his voice a mixture of command and barely contained rage. As he ended the call, he hurled his damage-proof phone to the floor, the device bouncing harmlessly yet failing to relieve the tension that was coiling tighter within him."Elijah and Jessica keep messing up my plans!" he thought bitterly, gritting his teeth as anger swirled in his mind. "Who are these people calling themselves 'the Freaks'? This is war—an all-out war against anyone who dares to obstruct my path to acquiring Jeremy!"Burke's temper flared as he paced the room, the shadows of his
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Chapter 75 (The newcomers)
After Elijah's departure, an uneasy silence enveloped Jessica's office. Jeremy sat with his head bent low, the weight of recent events pressing heavily on his shoulders, while Jessica stared into space, lost in her own thoughts."Are you okay, Jer?" she finally asked, breaking the stillness."Um, I’m fine," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.Inside his mind, Jeremy wrestled with conflicting emotions. "I almost accepted Burke's offer," he pondered, a wave of guilt washing over him. "I almost went against my own principles.""Listen, what we did was for your good—" Jessica began, trying to reassure him."I know, at least I’m well aware of that now," he mumbled, his tone reflecting his inner turmoil."I think you need a timeout from your current struggles," Jessica advised, offering him a warm smile that felt like a breath of fresh air amid the chaos."What do you think I should do?" Jeremy inquired, looking into her eyes, searching for guidance."I'm quite free tomorrow eve
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Chapter 76 (Doubts)
Jeremy’s eyes widened, recognition hitting him like a wave. "He’s from the Dark Horses Guild, but I’ve never seen him before…"His gaze fell on the badge—an unmistakable symbol of the Dark Horses, but this wasn’t just any badge. Noctis was A-ranked, one of the elite.Jeremy’s smile was brief, more a flicker of relief than anything else. He knew better than to let his guard down completely. There was something off about the timing of these newcomers, even if Noctis claimed to be an ally. And that first guy? There was no mistaking the unsettling feeling Jeremy got from him—the grin, the casual arrogance, the air of something sinister.The rest of the class, oblivious to the undercurrents of tension, continued to watch the exchange with wide eyes and murmurs of curiosity. Jeremy could feel the weight of their stares, but he pushed it aside. His focus was on the two strangers who had walked into his world unannounced.Noctis took a step back, still maintaining that strange smile as i
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Chapter 77 (Marked)
As Jeremy pushed through the crowded hallways, his mind was still reeling from the cryptic message. 'Blackthorn.' The name echoed in his thoughts like a drumbeat. He couldn’t shake the feeling that everything was closing in on him faster than he could comprehend. But then, a chilling realization struck him. _Burke._ His estranged uncle had always been lurking in the shadows, tied up in mysteries that Jeremy had never fully unraveled. Could this be his doing?The memory of Burke abandoning him and his mother came flooding back—his uncle disappearing without a trace after his father’s death, only to reappear years later with wealth and connections that didn’t add up. Meanwhile, across town, Burke sat in a sleek, dimly lit office. The soft hum of his phone on the table in front of him caught his attention. He smirked as he glanced down at the screen, seeing the confirmation that his cryptic message had been delivered to Jeremy. "That should buy some time," Burke muttered under his
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Chapter 78 (Intercepting the Freaks)
Jeremy took a deep breath, his hand instinctively going toward his side, ready to fight back."Join us willingly," the first figure continued, "or we’ll make you. Either way, you belong to us now."Jeremy’s blood ran cold, but he kept his face stoic. "I don’t think so," he said calmly, his body tensing, ready for what was about to happen. "I’m not joining your twisted group."One of the figures laughed, the sound low and sinister. "It’s not really a choice, Jeremy. You’ve been marked by us for a while now. We’ve been waiting for the right moment. We've exercised patience enough, but that’s over. Join us, or we’ll drag you into the fold."The one standing closest to Jeremy lunged first, moving with blinding speed, aiming a powerful strike at Jeremy’s chest. Jeremy barely had time to react, ducking and sidestepping just as the blow grazed past him. He spun, driving his elbow into the attacker's ribs with a solid thud, but the figure barely flinched, as if pain didn’t register."That
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Chapter 79 (A small task)
Burke stepped forward, his eyes cold and calculating as always. "I told you to be careful," he said, not offering any comfort. "You’ve attracted the wrong kind of attention."Jeremy wiped the sweat from his brow, glaring at his uncle. "And whose fault is that?" he snapped. "You’re the one who brought me into this mess."Burke shrugged. "Maybe. But I also just saved your life. So, you’re welcome."Jeremy was about to retort, but he stopped, realizing that Burke wasn’t wrong. As much as he hated to admit it, he owed his uncle this time. If the latter hadn't intervened, he might have been severely injured by these unknown identities the Freaks had sent."You need to stay sharp, Jeremy," Burke continued, his tone colder now. "The Freaks won’t stop. And neither will I."Jeremy stood still for a moment, watching as Burke made his way toward the black sedan. His uncle’s expression was unreadable, but there was always a hint of menace lurking beneath that calm exterior. “Get in the back sea
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Chapter 80 (Distant)
The tinted car came to a slow halt in front of Jeremy’s house, its presence almost ghostly in the dimming light of the evening. The windows remained dark, offering no glimpse of the figures inside, but as the back door swung open, Jeremy stepped out, his expression a blank mask. The vehicle pulled away with a low hum, disappearing into the distance just as quietly as it had arrived.Standing at the front door was Sophie, his mother, her eyes immediately lighting up at the sight of her son. She had been waiting, as she always did, for him to return home. But tonight, there was something different about her stance—an unease lingering just beneath her warmth.“Jeremy!” she called softly, moving toward him with arms wide open. Jeremy gave her a small, fleeting smile as they embraced.“Hey, Mom,” he mumbled into her shoulder, the hug tight, but brief.As they pulled apart, Sophie’s hands rested on his shoulders, and her eyes searched his face, sensing something was amiss. “You’re late. I
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