All Chapters of Ascendant Among All: Chapter 81 - Chapter 85
85 chapters
Chapter 81 (Commitment)
As he turned and walked into the house, he felt a strange hollowness settle over him. The hug had given him warmth, but it had also left him feeling more isolated than ever.“Damn it all!” Jeremy cursed under his breath as his fist collided with the wall. The sharp pain barely registered in his mind compared to the whirlwind of problems he faced. Where was he supposed to start? The Freaks were after him, his uncle was a walking enigma of betrayal, strange cryptic messages haunted him at every turn, his family’s financial ruin loomed like a shadow, and the Dark Horses Guild itself was cracking from within. Not to mention his tangled relationship with Owen and the impossible mission of ambushing James Detroit.It felt like his entire life was unraveling faster than he could catch his breath.Jeremy’s jaw tightened as he tried to gather his thoughts. “A darker future and a bitter present create the strongest version of oneself,” he remembered, repeating the lesson Owen had drilled int
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Chapter 82 (Truce)
It was just another day at school, but today, Jeremy felt a weight had finally been lifted off his shoulders. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Kade—the notorious Freaks member—was nowhere to be found. Jeremy could barely believe it. He let out a long breath, his chest finally free of the usual tension. Maybe today would be different. Maybe, for once, he could enjoy a normal day.“Finally, a break,” he muttered to himself, allowing a faint smile to touch his lips.But his sense of peace didn’t last long.Jeremy’s breath caught in his throat as a flash of purple passed in front of his eyes. His heart sank, and he knew exactly who it was before he even turned his head. Noctis, with his unmistakable platinum purple hair, was making his presence known—again.“What are you doing here?” Jeremy’s voice was laced with annoyance, his lips pouting as his brow arched comically.Noctis turned toward him, his expression calm but smug. “I’m your new guardian, of course.”Jeremy’s ja
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Chapter 83 (Escape)
School finally closed for the day, and all Jeremy wanted to do was run home, maybe clear his head before diving back into the chaos that had become his life. But, of course, things were never that simple. Just as he began to pack his stuffs, he saw Celicia approaching, her bright smile like a spotlight cutting through the dimness of his thoughts."Hey, Jeremy," she called out, her voice light and cheerful. He forced a smile and waved, knowing that any attempt to hurry away was now futile."Hey, Celicia," he greeted as she walked up to him. They exchanged the usual pleasantries, small talk that felt distant in Jeremy's mind. Celicia's eyes narrowed slightly as she shifted the conversation. "So, Jeremy, you seem pretty familiar with the new guy. Do you know him from somewhere?"Jeremy’s mind flashed to Noctis. He grinned awkwardly, trying to downplay their connection. "Nah, not really. He just seemed friendly on the first day, so we’ve been cool since then. But I wouldn’t say we’re e
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Chapter 84 (A pawn)
"Stealth mode," Jeremy muttered under his breath, his heart racing as he carefully controlled his breathing. He was hyper-aware of Noctis’s presence, knowing full well that an A- rank Hunter like him could sense the slightest disturbance in the air. Jeremy couldn't risk being detected—not now.**[Stealth]:** *Increases speed by 35% at the cost of draining the user’s stamina. Automatically activates when threatened or experiencing a surge of killing intent.*Before Noctis could react, Jeremy vanished, his body blurring into the backdrop of the crowded street. The only indication that he had ever been there was the subtle shift in the atmosphere, the pressure of his rapid takeoff causing a brief ripple of displaced air.Noctis's sharp eyes darted around, but by the time he sensed Jeremy's disappearance, it was too late.Jeremy was gone.He bolted down the empty alleyways, his mind racing as fast as his legs. Every step forward took him further from Noctis and closer to Burke’s location.
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Chapter 85 (Masked figures)
James Detroit sat impatiently in the passenger seat of the black SUV, his fingers rhythmically tapping against the airbag compartment. Each tap sent a shiver down the spine of the driver, who was nervously parked a few feet away from the Burke's rendezvous point. The driver smiled weakly, trying to hide his anxiety, but he knew all too well what that tapping meant: James was upset."Don’t tell me it’s that stupid boy wasting my time again," James muttered, his voice thick with frustration. "I can’t keep doing this every day."His thoughts wandered as he tapped faster. Next week was the deadline for the Washington family’s debt repayment, and so far, there hadn’t been any sign they could manage it. James had been ready to pounce, to seize the Washingtons’ house."What the hell did father and the Washington family agree to in the first place?" James thought, clenching his fist. His phone buzzed, pulling him from his dark musings. He glanced at the screen, his eyebrows lifting in surpr
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