All Chapters of Ascendant Among All: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
83 chapters
Chapter 51 (Panic)
“Weak, you say?” Jeremy mumbled, using his arms to push himself up from the mossy ground, resembling a grueling set of push-ups. Each movement sent fresh waves of pain through his battered body, but he was determined to stand tall against the odds.Just as he gained a semblance of strength, another massive stomp followed, crashing down and sending him back into the ground with a bone-jarring impact. A huge crater formed beneath him, the force of the blow reverberating through the dungeon. His vision went white momentarily as the pain shot through him, and he felt the crushing force of the impact against his facial bones. For a fleeting moment, he feared he might not recover. But slowly, he felt the familiar warmth of healing magic beginning to mend his injuries, a comforting reminder of his resilience.“Weak…” the feminine voice repeated, her disdain echoing through the chamber like a taunt.“Jeremy!” Linda shouted, her voice slicing through the haze of his thoughts. She swung her
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Chapter 52 (Stronger)
Jotaro, ever the stalwart warrior, sprang into action, dashing toward the manic being that had first appeared. He was the most likely to be the strongest out of the four of them, and he intended to put that strength to the test.As Jotaro closed the distance, the creature cackled with glee. “Oh, a bold one! A brave little mouse coming to play with the cat! Let’s dance, shall we?”Without hesitation, the being unleashed a powerful beam from its mouth, a searing blast of energy that shot toward Jotaro. In a fluid motion, Jotaro dodged to the side, countering with a condensed blast of energy that resembled a disc, aimed directly at the creature’s head.The impact sent the creature reeling back, but it quickly regained its composure, laughing maniacally. “Oh, that tickled! Is that the best you can do? I expected more from a hunter! Or perhaps you just want to hold my hand! Ha!”Jotaro remained stoic, his focus unwavering as he rushed in closer. “Enough of your games.”The two locked in
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Chapter 53 (Persistent)
As Jotaro prepared himself for the next wave of attacks, the chaos of battle continued to unfold around them. The air was thick with tension, the sounds of combat echoing through the dungeon. It was then that Samantha, her crimson axe glowing fiercely, charged into her own fierce encounter with another being—a wizened old man with a long beard that flowed down to just below his chest. His eyes glinted with malevolence, and a dark aura surrounded him, marking him as a necromancer.“Face me, you child of the light!” the old necromancer bellowed, raising his hands to summon dark energies. With a flourish, he beckoned forth the spirits of the dead, their decaying forms rising from the ground like grotesque marionettes on strings, their eyes hollow and lifeless as they surrounded Samantha.Samantha met the oncoming horde with fierce determination, her crimson axe slicing through the air as she struck down the first of the summoned undead. The blade glinted in the dim light, a vibrant re
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Chapter 54 (Fusion)
As the chaos of the battlefield raged on, and the trio—Warhuz, Brandon, and Russ—were deep in their own struggle, facing their own set of nightmarish foes. “Are you a male, female, gay, trans, what the hell are you?” Brandon cursed, his voice strained as he swung his tonfa gracefully, the sound of metal slicing through the air echoing around him. Half of his attire had been torn away, and bruises marked his skin, but he remained undeterred, his focus locked on the grotesque creature before him.The being they faced was a twisted amalgamation, shifting between forms that looked equally male and female, its features morphing with each passing second. It laughed maniacally, reveling in Brandon’s confusion. “Does it really matter? I’m whatever you want me to be!” it taunted, its voice a dissonant blend of pitches, the words dripping with mockery.Brandon grit his teeth, frustration boiling within him as he attempted to gauge an opening. “You’re just a freak!” he retorted, feinting to
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Chapter 55 (Find a way)
But then, something strange happened. As soon as the old being died, a small red fruit materialized in the hands of the other summoned creatures, glowing with a strange, otherworldly light. “Thank you for the meal,” the being that Jotaro fought with uttered, its voice dripping with a mix of glee and hunger. Without hesitation, it tore into the fruit-like substance, and the others followed suit, ravenously devouring their portions.Samantha’s eyes widened in horror as she watched the transformation unfold. Within moments, the air around them buzzed with newfound energy, the creatures visibly growing in size and power. “No, this can’t be happening!” she thought, dread pooling in her stomach. They were now almost twice as strong, their dark auras pulsating ominously.“This is not good! I have to help Jotaro!” Samantha realized, adrenaline kicking in once more as she turned and sprinted toward the direction of the ongoing battle. She could see the flicker of energy from Jotaro’s fight,
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Chapter 56 (A strange fruit)
As the chaos of battle unfolded around them, Fushi found himself being tossed around like a ragdoll by the spiky maul of one of the beings. Each brutal slam left him gasping for breath, his body colliding violently with the ground and the surrounding debris. “Maybe I should get serious,” he pondered, the thought flickering through his mind like a fleeting shadow as he struggled to regain his footing. The being loomed above him, a malicious grin spreading across its grotesque features, the spikes on its maul glinting menacingly in the dim light. With every swing, Fushi felt the impact reverberate through him, the pain sharp and overwhelming. “Come on, Fushi! You’ve fought tougher than this!” he chastised himself, trying to shake off the disorientation.Meanwhile, the trio—Warhuz, Brandon, and Russ—were engaged in a fierce battle against the two beings that had split apart. The male and female, now fully revitalized and brimming with strength, fought with a ferocity that matched t
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Chapter 57 (A surge of concern)
“You think you can stop us? You’re too late!” the male being boasted, a sinister grin spreading across his face as he flexed his newfound power.“Let’s go!” Jotaro shouted, launching himself forward alongside Samantha. The duo charged at their foe, their minds focused and their bodies ready for the intense battle ahead.The clash was immediate and brutal. Jotaro unleashed a barrage of punches, each one fueled by determination and adrenaline. Samantha followed closely behind, her crimson axe slicing through the air like a deadly whirlwind.The male being retaliated with a series of swift strikes, his newfound strength evident as he deflected Jotaro’s punches with ease. “You’re nothing compared to us now!” he taunted, his confidence swelling with each attack he landed.The battle raged on, filled with intensity as both sides fought fiercely. Jotaro and Samantha worked in tandem, their movements synchronized as they attempted to wear down their opponent. But the beings, now bolstered by
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Chapter 58 (A fool)
In that moment, something within Jeremy ignited. He drew upon every ounce of strength he had left, fueled by the determination to protect his friends and prove himself. “I won’t let you win!” he roared, forcing himself to rise despite the pain that coursed through him.Jeremy charged at the female being again, his katana glinting dangerously in the dim light, launching a desperate series of strikes, his movements fueled by raw determination and a desire to protect his allies.The fight reignited with a fury, Jeremy throwing everything he had at her—his skills, his katana, potions, and relentless punches and kicks. The being, taken aback by his sudden resurgence, struggled to defend herself against the onslaught, her confidence wavering as Jeremy’s strikes began to connect.But just as the tide seemed to shift, the female being regained her composure, her expression hardening. “Enough!” she screamed, unleashing a whirlwind of energy that sent Jeremy staggering back, the force of it
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Chapter 59 (The last being)
Just as victory seemed within reach, the female being unleashed a counterattack, her fists moving with blinding speed. Jeremy tried to dodge, but she caught him off guard, landing a heavy blow that sent him crashing to the ground once more.Jeremy gasped for breath, the pain overwhelming him. He lay there, staring up, feeling the darkness creeping in. “No… I can’t give up now,” he thought, clenching his fists as he struggled to rise again. But the female being approached, ready to finish what she had started. “You’re nothing but a fool!” she spat, preparing her next devastating strike. Jeremy felt a surge of energy welling up inside him, a fierce determination ignited by the thought of his friends. He remembered his mother’s words, the strength of love and connection. “I won’t let you take anyone else!” he mumbled.In that critical moment, as the being raised her spiked maul above her head, Jeremy felt a surge of determination coursing through him. “No one is dying here!” he gritt
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Chapter 60 (Punishment)
“Let me show you true power!” he shouted, channeling his energy into one final, devastating attack. With a mighty leap, he soared into the air, katana raised high. “This is for Linda!” he declared, bringing the blade down with all his might.The impact was catastrophic, a shockwave of energy exploding outward as his sword clashed against the being. The very ground trembled beneath them, and the air filled with a blinding light. As the dust settled, the battlefield fell silent for a moment, the tension palpable. Jeremy stood there, panting heavily, the adrenaline coursing through him as he surveyed the scene. The being lay defeated, her form dissipating into a swirl of dark energy, a testament to the power he had unlocked temporarily.“I did it…” he whispered to himself, the reality of the victory slowly sinking in. He glanced down at Linda, still unconscious but safe, and a sense of relief washed over him. *_*As the defeated form of the female being dissipated into a swirl of dark
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