All Chapters of Ascendant Among All: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
83 chapters
Chapter 41 (Victory)
“Just a little closer…” Jeremy grunted, finally managing to grasp the key. The moment he felt the cool metal in his hand, a wave of relief washed over him. He could still turn the tide if he could just find a way to use it.Jeremy focused on the key, feeling its power surge through him. “Owen, I’m coming!” he yelled, preparing to activate the dimensional key to give them a chance to regroup.But the beast had other plans. It had spotted Jeremy moving, its eyes narrowing as it honed in on the vulnerable target, charging toward him with terrifying speed.“Jeremy! Get out of the way!” Owen shouted, panic flooding his voice as he saw the impending doom.In a split second, Jeremy made a choice. He could either run or stand his ground. “I won’t run,” he declared, before the beast sent him crashing into another rock once again.Owen stood alone, the creature loomed over him, its massive form a tempest of fury and strength. Each strike against it had been met with relentless force, and Owen
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Chapter 42 (Insane)
**[B ranked beast has been defeated]****[Wave 2 has been completed]****[Wave 3/7 underway]****[User has ascended]****[User can now choose to quit wave in-game]**“Wait, so even if I had used the dimensional key, I wouldn’t have been able to escape earlier?” Jeremy pondered, the weight of the battle still hanging in the air. “I really would have died if not for the old man.”“You know, Blackthorn was a natural leader, even though he was quite crazy in the head,” Owen remarked, his heavy breathing disrupting the flow of his words as he leaned against a nearby tree for support, the remnants of their recent struggle evident in his demeanor.“What was his goal? What did he aim to achieve so badly that he went to such extremes?” Jeremy inquired, curiosity flaring within him.“That I cannot tell you, kid. The mention of it could destroy your life. I'd rather you remain oblivious to it,” Owen replied, his tone serious, a shadow crossing his face.“Still, you know nothing can beat curiosit
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Chapter 43 (Retreat)
“Not much left,” Jeremy grunted, slashing through another giant fowl, feeling the resistance of its feathers give way beneath his blade. “We can do this, Owen!”But just as they thought victory was within reach, one of the fowls let out a furious caw, rallying the remaining beasts. They charged in a united front, their beaks snapping and wings flapping with renewed fury. “Chickens!” Owen shouted, instinctively moving closer to Jeremy. He threw needles with desperation, each one aimed with precision, but the sheer number of beasts began to overwhelm them. The air thickened with the scent of blood, and the cacophony of squawking filled their ears.*> <*“Here!” Jeremy shouted as he slashed through the last of the fowls, a wild swing that sent blood spraying across the ground, soaking Owen’s legs. The last chicken crumpled to the earth, its beady eyes rolling back, and for a moment, silence fell over the battlefield.**[Wave 3 has been completed]****[Wave 4/7 underway]****[User can n
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Chapter 44 (A haunting legacy)
**Reason for loan acquisition: Colwill Blackthorn**As Jeremy absorbed the chilling information from Burke Washington, he felt a shiver run down his spine. The mention of Blackthorn’s name sent a wave of unease through him. “So Blackthorn is indeed involved with all this,” he thought, his mind racing. The implications were staggering. If Blackthorn had ties to his family and their dealings, what did that mean for him now that Blackthorn was gone? “What should I do next?” he pondered, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on him. Should he reach out to his uncle for more information? Confront Jessica about keeping it a secret? Or perhaps speak with his mom or Celicia to uncover the truth? The thought of pretending to be oblivious crossed his mind, but it felt disingenuous. His thoughts drifted to Owen. “I want to inform Owen of this,” he mused, but skepticism crept into his mind. “What if Owen is also manipulating me? What if he’s aiming for something else?” The uncert
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Chapter 45 (Improvements)
As Jeremy stood before the imposing entrance of the Dark Horses Guild, he pulled his pullover hood down, shrouding his face in shadows before stepping inside. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation, and a low murmur of voices greeted him as he crossed the threshold.“Welcome, Jeremy! We were almost about to send the participants,” Jessica said, her voice bright yet tinged with urgency. Despite her warm welcome, Jeremy remained silent, maintaining his poker face, a mask of indifference that concealed the myriad of thoughts swirling within him. In a bid to keep his defenses intact and to center himself, he decided to check his system. The familiar holographic interface materialized before his eyes:---**[User rank: B-]**- **Strength (STR)** - 30 (+15)- **Agility (AGI)** - 45 (+35)- **Vitality (VIT)** - 28 (+20)- **Intelligence (INT)** - 10 (+9)- **Charisma (CHA)** - Nil- **Luck (LUK)** - 30 (+22)- **Stamina (STA)** - 25 (+16)- **Experience Points (EXP)** - 580,000/1,000,000
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Chapter 46 (An order)
Days earlier, after reporting the contract situation to the guild master, he had requested Jeremy’s details, including his school and mission history. After careful analysis, the guild master had deemed it necessary for Jeremy to take on another dangerous mission, but this time with more scrutiny. The issue surrounding Blackthorn loomed over them, and they could only wait and watch for the right moment to act.Jessica cleared her throat, drawing everyone’s attention back to her. "We are going to raid a B-rank dungeon; however, it’s filled with C-ranked beasts according to reports. I’m going to send the seven of you, which includes you, Jeremy," she announced, her gaze steady.His eyes met Jessica’s, and a brief tension enveloped the atmosphere between them. She seemed to be assessing him, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that he was hiding something."Wait! Jeremy? The last mission nearly killed him and even got Stella killed. Now you want him in a B-rank dungeon?" Warhuz interjec
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Chapter 47 (Protect me)
The descent into the b- ranked dungeon felt like stepping into the heart of darkness itself. The air grew colder and denser as the entrance closed behind them, the last vestiges of daylight swallowed by the overwhelming gloom. As they ventured further in, the dungeon revealed itself in a disorienting labyrinth of shadowed corridors and cavernous chambers. The walls, composed of a dark, crystalline rock, absorbed every bit of light, leaving them bathed in an unsettling, dim glow that seemed to flicker with the pulse of an unseen heart.Every footfall echoed off the jagged walls, the haunting sounds warping and shifting as if mocking their efforts to navigate this subterranean maze.The ground beneath was treacherous, uneven and covered in a slick, bioluminescent moss that glowed faintly, its light swallowed by the oppressive darkness. Every step was fraught with danger; geysers of toxic steam erupted unpredictably, and the occasional tremor from the unstable platforms sent a shiver o
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Chapter 48 (Samantha)
Linda felt her heart race, the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she drew upon her magical energy, anxiety mingling with determination.Jeremy, caught up in the chaos, glanced at Linda, their eyes locking for a brief moment."Ready?" he mouthed, and she nodded, steeling herself for whatever horrors lay ahead.As the echo of the cry faded, a low growl reverberated from the depths of the dungeon, accompanied by the sound of claws scraping against stone.Suddenly, out of the shadows emerged a pack of C+ rank drakehounds, their eyes glowing with a predatory hunger.The Drakehound is a formidable beast resembling a blend of a large, predatory canine and a mythical dragon. It stands on four muscular legs, each ending in powerful, clawed paws capable of rending through flesh and bone. Its body is covered in dark, scaled fur that shimmers with an iridescent sheen. The Drakehound's long, sinuous tail is tipped with a barbed, spiked end, and its head features a pair of piercing, reptil
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Chapter 49 (Misinformation)
As the next group charged in, teeth bared and claws extended, Samantha met them head-on. She spun, using the momentum to slice through a drakehound on her right, then pivoted sharply to her left, where another beast lunged. With a quick sidestep, she dodged its attack, countering with a brutal swing that severed its leg at the joint. The drakehound yelped, collapsing to the ground, and she followed through with a swift kick, sending it crashing into its companions.Bodies began to pile up around her, the once-fearsome pack reduced to chaos. Blood dripped from her axe like a warrior's trophy, each drop a testament to her prowess in battle. The remaining drakehounds, now wary and hesitant, exchanged nervous glances, realizing they were up against a force of nature.Samantha could feel the thrill of battle coursing through her, a wild exhilaration that ignited her spirit. She was more than just an exorcist; she was a predator in her element, and the dungeon was her hunting ground.Sama
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Chapter 50 (Weak)
“One, two, three! That’s the spirit!” The figure dressed in a white overall burst into the scene, a pendant dangling from his neck and an unsettling ear-to-ear grin plastered across his pale face. “Who is this guy?” Jeremy thought, instinctively tightening his grip around the hilt of his sword, a cold shiver running down his spine.“Oh?! What are these hunters doing here?” The creature’s grin widened impossibly, and he began pulling at his wild hair as if in some manic frenzy.“We just bumped into a creep,” Warhuz muttered, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as he eyed the eccentric figure warily.“Who?! Who?! Who?! Who?! Who?! Who?!!! Are you all?!!!” the being ululated, veins pulsing grotesquely through his pale neck, a bizarre mix of excitement and madness lighting up his features.“We are the inevitable…” Jotaro responded calmly, his voice steady despite the absurdity surrounding them. “Prepare yourself; they are coming.”“They are?” Linda mused, a flicker of fear cros
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