Chapter 55 (Find a way)

But then, something strange happened. As soon as the old being died, a small red fruit materialized in the hands of the other summoned creatures, glowing with a strange, otherworldly light.

“Thank you for the meal,” the being that Jotaro fought with uttered, its voice dripping with a mix of glee and hunger. Without hesitation, it tore into the fruit-like substance, and the others followed suit, ravenously devouring their portions.

Samantha’s eyes widened in horror as she watched the transformation unfold. Within moments, the air around them buzzed with newfound energy, the creatures visibly growing in size and power.

“No, this can’t be happening!” she thought, dread pooling in her stomach. They were now almost twice as strong, their dark auras pulsating ominously.

“This is not good! I have to help Jotaro!” Samantha realized, adrenaline kicking in once more as she turned and sprinted toward the direction of the ongoing battle.

She could see the flicker of energy from Jotaro’s fight,
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