All Chapters of Transcendental Cyber God: Chapter 51 - Chapter 57
57 chapters
Chapter Fifty One
"Terry hates you," Valerie spoke in a singsong voice, ignoring the glaring looks of disdain sent their way."Get used to it, it's part of the trade," Zero deadpanned, stabbing his fork into the tough piece of meat he had rolling around his plate."If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under by now. With the way they're staring, you'd think we killed their favourite pet," Valerie was having a field day with the new development, and Zero lost his chance to tell her he was asexual. Although, who could blame him? The kiss was something. But he didn't want to repeat it. It served no purpose."You get used to things like this," Zero paid it no heed, he was just being hassled by the number 1000-1500. They weren't even enough as a warmup. "You've made an enemy of virtually everyone. From a legend to a villain. How does it feel?" Valerie was giddy, for reasons Zero did not understand. But he tucked the information away in the recesses of his mind. There were more important things to watch o
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Chapter Fifty Two
Zero didn't like calling people assholes, but Terry was downright insufferable. If only he listened, but no. There were many things wrong with the Enforcers, but Terry was one of those things that irked Zero to no end. Which is why he decided to talk to Terry. He came out of his room and saw the military base looking deserted and lifeless. It was early in the day, at least 2 A.M, and he never really bothered to check. He made his way soundlessly down the hallway and took a right turn, where he climbed a flight of stairs. He was downstairs, whereas Terry was on the upper floor. Third floor, if he remembered correctly. The stupid place's elevators weren't even working.But Zero wasn't deterred, he had always lived in uncommon odds. And a flight of stairs were the least of his worries if he was being honest. He made his way to the landing, spotting Terry's room. The numbers didn't lie, it was 1,990-1200. He heaved a breath of annoyance. Terry was being a child, and Zero needed to sho
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Chapter Fifty Three
The room smelt damp, and Fred felt like his mouth had turned sandpaper, so dry from thirst, it felt like he hadn't had a drink in days.He tried to speak, but the words didn't come.Pathetic.He couldn't move, his arms shackled to something. It felt ice cold on his wrist, and he could feel the cold seeping into his skin like a virus, shutting down his body system."That is to keep you from having any ideas," Alistair was framed in the bars of the cell, his pearly white teeth shining in the dim light of the cell."Don't bother to talk, you'd just progressively get weaker. I wouldn't mind that in the least. But, I wouldn't want you passing out on me." Fred could make out a figure close to Alistair, a figure dripping with blood. "This is your pet, eh, boy? Doesn't look like much," Fred could vaguely make out the shape of Saphrana, and he tugged at his chains but they didn't budge in the slightest."I wouldn't do that if I were you. Those are mana-restrictive chains. The more you fight,
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Chapter Fifty Four
Cincinnati was hungry. And doing her best to look out for Dante too. At first, she didn't see anything worth mentioning in him, his broodiness was starting to irk her. But she got to know him more and she could see that he was just someone who needed love.A lot of it.He didn't know because he acted self-sufficient, but she could see through the bullshit. He reminded her of Mark, the way he put on a brave front even when he knew nothing about what he was doing. She found it endearing, and maybe a little bit sad.That was the problem with people like Dante, they didn't know when to ask for help and when to be independent. She could see that he wasn't comfortable in his skin, and she didn't blame him, she once wasn't comfortable here. But things had changed, and now she was someone who could face the inevitability of a future and smile through it all.What Dante didn't know though, was that the world that'd been revealed to him was little compared to the truth. Gilgamesh wasn't the sec
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Chapter Fifty Five
They needed each other and the sooner they realised it, the better for everyone involved. It didn't seem that way though, especially since Crystal was meant to be pissed off at Dante for killing her half-sister. But what Dante needed to learn, Crystal had already perfected. The ability to pick her fights with clarity and avoid senseless mistakes that would jeopardize the lives of others.Dante was young and needed to be guided. She felt like she was watching Mark all over again, and he was giving her a second chance. Darkus was… complex. He played both sides, and she didn't know if it was because Crystal ordered him to, or because he wanted to.A lot of things were going on, and she wished she had someone to talk about these things with. Dante was bashful and acted unsure of himself, and she wanted to pat his head and tell him everything was fine but she didn't know how he'd take it. He acted like he was sure of himself, even though his inner child was confused and scared, trying to
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Chapter Fifty Six
Moriarty’s mouth tasted like ash. The world below him was revved up for the morning, their bodies swinging like pendulums to the tune of the new day.But, they were all going to die.At first, he had qualms about it, but thinking deeply, he became able to use more sigils when his mind dissociated from his emotions and let him create havoc without hassles."Funny, they act like they are gods. Walking about without a care in the world," Luka, his vice commander, stated, and Moriarty mirrored the sentiments. "You can't blame them, they don't know what war is," he replied, eyes forward. There were just two other people with him, but those two were enough."I feel guilty for wanting to kill them," Asher, his subordinate and one of the most ruthless women he'd ever seen, spoke. "Zip it, Ash," Luka chided, all good-natured. They always had a banter going on and Moriarty suspected they were going out, but he had no proof. "Okay, let's turn this place into a playground," Moriarty raised his
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Chapter Fifty Seven
"That was dangerous. If he sensed you, you'd have died," Number 4 chided Number who just shrugged. She bent the burglary bars and grabbed the boy inside. Then she knocked him out with a well aimed hand chop. That was the only way she could reach him, and that was the only way she could stop the disaster that was coming for them.Number 9 looked up to see Moriarty, but ignored him. That wasn't the time for it. In that young boy, an ancient being slept. And it was being roused from its slumber by the extreme emotions the boy showed. It was one of the most dangerous situations she'd ever seen."Is he fine?" Number 4 asked and she nodded in affirmation. Number 4 wasn't part of The Executives of The Order. But she was pretty handy to have around. Her sigil was Precognition/Foresight and in her words, everybody was going to die if that boy was left unchecked. "Still can't believe a small child like this could be the problem of the world," Number 9 admitted and 4 just shrugged. Her sigil
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