All Chapters of Death of an Arrogant Prick; I Reincarnated as a Skeleton?: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
37 chapters
Chapter 21: Battle against two level 4 Undead Trees! [2]
***{You have dealt +1.2 damage to your enemy!}{You have dealt +1.3 damage to your enemy!}…{Undead Tree!}Level: 4HP: 8.1/10.7…{Undead Tree!}Level: 3HP: 5.4/7.0…{Undead Tree…}…{Undead Tree…}…{Undead Tree…}…{Undead Tree!}Level: 4HP: 9.3/10.1***Clinton’s 2 daggers only affected one of the two level 4 Undead Trees, yet at this moment, all the Undead Trees’ HP was lower than their peak.This was because his plan was already in motion.The fire was already spreading its vengeful wrath.Immediately after throwing the wooden daggers, Clinton dug his hands into the ground and retrieved 2 sharp wooden spears from the soft soil.And then, he set his sight on the second level 4 Undead Tree that triggered the fire that was now burning.He grinned. “You first!”He pounced!His battle against a level 4 Green Goblin was in no way a work over. Taking the fight to an even stronger monster in the form of an Undead Tree was a bigger risk but Clinton had reasons for his confidence.He
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Chapter 22: Plans for level 6
5 days later…***{You have leveled up!}{You are now a level 5 high-tier skeleton!}{HP regeneration has been upgraded!}>You naturally regenerate +0.1 HP every 10 minutesWhile fighting with a Dagger in hand, your body movement will be as fluid as water, enabling you to exert the greatest threat with your daggerTraining with a dagger and getting stronger to learn powerful techniques have never been easier, you are on track to become a skeleton impressively skillful and deadly with a dagger or multiple daggers in handWhen activated, your killing intent is par
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Chapter 23: Back to the world of light
***{You have crafted a low-tier utility tool: Wooden Mask!}***Before embarking on his journey, Clinton did one last thing which was crafting his first utility tool.Despite the fact that for the past few days, the only things dominating in his skull were the decaying forest and its 3 different monsters, Clinton still had something else at the back of his mind, the world of light.He never forgot the world of light where he reincarnated into this world.That sensation of seeing nothing due to the overly bright light, it was traumatizing and when he conjoined it with his encounter against the Holy Knights, it only left him with more mental wounds.Despite his mental wounds though, Clinton was not deterred.He was determined to get stronger and to get stronger, he needed to beat the Gate Guardian which to him was directly proportional to going to that pile of bones to get a new weapon for himself.As for the reason why he took his time to craft a wooden mask?First, it was that sensat
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Chapter 24: A mythical bone?
***{You have come into contact with a mythical tool: Bone of Magedon, the Doom Knight!}{WARNING! You have broken the enchantment of light!}***“…”“…”“…..!”In total silence, Clinton paid attention to the notification that just superimposed with his vision through his miserable undead system.‘Huh?’‘A mythical bone?’Clinton finally raised the bone that he just picked up to look at it.It was the bone of the hand of a skeleton just like himself.He was surprised. ‘This guy, was he an undead skeleton just like me?’‘His name says he’s a Doom Knight, what the hell is that?’He was also curious. ‘Mythical, what does that mean? Is there a ranking for monsters and creatures in this dungeon?’And then he hit his head. ‘F*ck! I should have thought of this before now’.‘In games, there’s a ranking for most things including the power of monsters and creatures. I should have known that a similar setting would be used in this world. F*ck, I’m so slow’. He lamented.Holding this bone at this
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Chapter 25: Is that a human?!
***{You have come into contact with a god relic: Tail Bone of the Winter Dragon, Syrax the Dread!}{WARNING! You have broken the enchantment of light!}***‘Huh?’ Clinton stared in confusion. ‘A god relic?’CLICK!Right at that moment, amid a loud rumbling sound, the majestic door filled with enchanted runes was pushed open from the other side forcefully.Clinton looked, and then he froze.‘I-is that a human?!’What he saw made Clinton’s heart shudder.Out of not just fear, but dread, and also excitement.Clinton felt all these contrasting emotions at the same time because at this moment, before his eyes, he saw a mighty contingent of strange warriors rush into the corridor through the suddenly opened majestic door.As soon as he thought it, his miserable undead system confirmed it for him.Beep!***{Warning! Multiple enemies have been detected!}{You have encountered a Holy Knight! ×8}{You have encountered a level 7 Holy Knight!}{You have encountered a level 8 Holy Knight!}{You h
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Chapter 26: I am no more human
‘Why?’ Clinton barely asked the question when he threw it back at himself, he felt like chuckling in his mind. ‘Why?’ He asked himself.‘I should have known’. He thought.Looking into the eyes of that slim human, Clinton saw an emotion that he recognized, that of an experienced hunter focused on hunting his prey. ‘I should have known,’ he lamented.‘I am such a fool’.‘Maybe it’s because I never had the opportunity to look at a mirror surface yet, or I would react exactly the same way he’s reacting’.‘Back in my previous world, what will I do when I see a dangerous snake?’‘It’s a wild animal, of course I’ll try to kill it immediately’.‘To me, that’s not wrong, it’s only a natural reaction’. He chuckled in his mind at the irony of the situation. ‘To think that one day I will no longer be the human looking revoltingly upon the wild beast, but rather be the wild beast instead’.‘The irony’.‘Worse still, I’m not just any wild beast either, I’m an undead skeleton’.‘What did I expect?’‘
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Chapter 27: Escape from Humans!
Clinton ducked and rolled backward, and then springing back to his feet, he immediately embarked on a sprint.“Stop him! He’s escaping!”Immediately, the contingent of strong human warriors and their Holy Knights raised their weapons as they got ready to attack.The slim human who just attacked him was the one to start the pursuit as ahead of all the others, and with his superior speed, he chased after the skeleton.Despite his speed though, the skeleton did not seem much slower.Clinton may be levels lower than this human but his skeleton body was far lighter than the biological body of the human. It took him less effort to get into stride and start sprinting away.Besides, after spending over a week in the decaying forest already, he was pretty good at running away from things that were stronger than him.Even as the slim human went in pursuit, the other human who was built like a hefty bodybuilder immediately started looking around for something.The next moment, his eyes stopped on
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Chapter 28: The pain of rejection
Thud!Clinton fell back down into the decaying forest, at the edge of this first level of the dungeon where he also collapsed in during his first time here.Like the first time that he collapsed here, Clinton did not move immediately.Sensing no danger behind him, he confirmed that the humans were either too preoccupied with dealing with whatever it was that affected the skeletons or they were too scared to come down here.Well, it worked in his favor because at this moment, Clinton was not in the mood to do anything.He just wanted to sit down like a corpse there, tired and exhausted.Lying down in a pile of dried tree leaves, Clinton looked at the gloomy sky of the decaying forest with his hollow eyes, despair reflecting from the image.At this moment, Clinton was simply tired.And for the first time in both of his lives, this ever exuberant and boisterous personality felt tired of living.The mere thought of it would have pushed him into a fit of laughter in his previous life but in
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Chapter 29: Reconciliation
Clinton was subjected to the greatest reality check of his 18 years of existence.For the first time in his life, he was made to understand that he was nobody.For the first time in his life, he was made to understand where he stood in the grand scheme of things.He was made to understand that he was just a cog in the grand wheel of existence, a cog that could be rejected and discarded at wheel.For the first time in his life, he felt ugly.For the first time in his life, he understood rejection.All these were things and emotions that Clinton had never experienced in his 18 years of existence before now and as expected, experiencing it was draining.“Uhh,” Clinton groaned as his hollow eyes looked at the gloomy skies of this forest. “Now would be a good time to end it all, right?”As soon as he muttered that, he let the seed of thought generate in his head, watered by his emotions as it blossomed into a sapling and then a big tree.The idea of committing suicide was getting more prom
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Chapter 30: I will live!
“He’s still alive”.“He’s there”.Clinton raised his head and saw… humans.He raised his head right in time to notice one of the more overenthusiastic humans reveal his head past the boundary of the world of light into the slope, into the boundary of the decaying forest only to be affected by a strange dark power.This power seemed to have rotting properties.“Ahhh!”The young human who seemed inexperienced immediately grabbed his face in horror as the other humans reacted.“You fool, stand still!”Clinton recognized that human. It was the lady among the first 3 humans he met in this world that was a mage.Raising her staff up, she spoke a word as green light left her staff, coalescing on the face of the other human as the strange dark power was expelled.His skin that also started being eroded by the dark power was healed.‘Healing magic’. Clinton deduced immediately. ‘But why?’Thinking deeper into it, he understood. ‘Humans are not allowed in the world of darkness?’He was puzzled
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