All Chapters of Death of an Arrogant Prick; I Reincarnated as a Skeleton?: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 chapters
Chapter 11: Free attribute points
“System, assign 0.5 attribute points to my strength attribute”.***{0.5 free attribute points have been assigned to the strength attribute!}{You have 0.5 free attribute points remaining!}***Clinton’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. ‘What the f*ck?!’Clinton was so shocked by what his miserable undead system just showed him at this moment that his skull was almost trembling.‘D-d-did my strength attribute just increase?’Clinton asked the question in his mind not because of the notification of the system, rather because of the sensation that just went through his skeleton body.As an athlete in his previous life, he had ample experience with working out in the gym.When a newbie decided to start going to the gym, for the first few days of working out, the newbie would experience rapid growth in his muscles and body accompanied by some pain as his body tried to adapt to the new experience.This did not mean that the newbie’s muscles suddenly became twice as strong or twice
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Chapter 12: Raiding the decaying forest! [1]
***{Your attempts to craft a low-tier bow has failed!}***A good hour and thirty minutes were just wasted but Clinton was not disheartened, this only made him verify his observations about this world again.From the onset, he was never good at crafting bows to begin with.Crafting a Wooden Spear and a Wooden Dagger compared to crafting a bow was a whole other level of complexity.For the first 2, any random hunter could do it but the same could not be said for a bow, it was much different.If somehow, the miserable undead system registered it that he successfully created a low-tier bow, he would have been suspicious about the true intentions of the cursed system since then, that would be the system helping him already.Clinton may have lived in the countryside with his grandmom for a time but that was it, he only had basic knowledge of the wild and some experiences due to his adventurous nature.Clinton may have seen the local hunters use bow and arrows to hunt a few times but this
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Chapter 13: Raiding the decaying forest! [2]
Before Clinton pounced on the Green Goblins, there was a little problem.Clinton was just one human skeleton with 2 bony hands and 2 bony legs. There was no way that he could carry 10 Wooden Spears and 9 Wooden Daggers around this decaying forest while hunting for prey.This dilemma came once he got set to embark on his raid across this forest.The skeleton sighed. “In one of those manga that I remember reading, in situations like this, the main character’s system is supposed to have something like an inventory to store weapons, right?”“Where the f*ck is my own inventory?” The skeleton grimaced.At this moment, Clinton could either ascribe this oversight of his system to the fact that his system was simply defective or due to the fact of its name, it was just a miserable undead system.‘It’s probably that ugly angel that caused this through her curse, right?’ Thinking of the angel, Clinton only felt hatred simmer in his heart.In the end, he had to improvise.For his first official h
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Chapter 14: Raiding the decaying forest! [3]
***{You have killed a level 3 Green Goblin!}{You gained XP!}…{You have killed a level 2 Green Goblin!}{You gained 0 XP!}…{You have killed a level 2 Green Goblin!}{You gained 0 XP!}***In 3 minutes, Clinton made short work of the pack of Green Goblins.After killing their two level 3 leaders first, the others panicked and, in that time, he was able to kill two of the level 2 Green Goblins easily.In the end, spooked, the last Green Goblin of this pack was able to escape death as turning without shame, it ran and escaped at astonishing speed.In 3 short minutes, Clinton just destroyed a level 3 pack of Green Goblins.Clinton raised his right skeleton hand holding one of his Wooden Daggers and looked at it. “Hehehe,” he chuckled which only sounded eerie when coming from a skeleton. “I truly am growing stronger”.Before now, he was scared to even take on a single level 3 Green Goblin in battle but after spending his free attribute points and crafting weapons, killing multiple lev
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Chapter 15: Battle against a level 3 Stone Ogre! [1]
***{CRITICAL HIT!}{Your enemy used a skill on you: Might Punch!]{You have received +2.2 damage!}{HP: 0.3/3}***Clinton was rattled to the very depths of his being.‘0.3 HP remaining?!!!’‘What the f*ck!’Clinton abandoned his weapons, running for his life without shame but even this was not enough as his enemy went in pursuit.The Stone Ogre was adamant in taking his life.“F*cking Christ!” Clinton cursed.“I swear I’m going to kill you!”Despite his words of bravado at this moment though, Clinton felt like his heart was right in his throat if he had one, beating rapidly in crazy rhythms.At this moment, Clinton felt the threat of death again vividly just like he felt during his first encounter after reincarnating into this world against the Holy Knights. He felt like a pig on the slaughterhouse before the Butcher.And at this moment, the Stone Ogre was the Butcher.Thud! Thud! Thud!The Stone Ogre pursued relentlessly.And for a moment, Clinton finally started regretting past de
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Chapter 16: Battle against a level 3 Stone Ogre! [2]
***{Your crafted weapon, Wooden Spear has been destroyed!}***‘F*ck!’Despite the sharp pang of pain that Clinton felt in his skeleton chest and despite cursing, he did not waste a single moment as that Wooden Spear was smashed into pieces by the Stone Ogre.Despite just losing a weapon that he spent so much time and love crafting, at this moment, his 0.3 health points were what dominated Clinton’s mind.Saving his life was what dominated his mind.This was why as the Stone Ogre smashed the wooden spear to pieces with its powerful arms, its red eyes glowing with fury, Clinton finally saw a weakness.He saw a weakness because he was perceptive enough.During his preparations to go for his raid across the decaying forest, Clinton crafted 19 weapons; 10 Wooden Spears and 9 Wooden Daggers.For his first hunt, he took 2 Wooden Daggers and 3 Wooden Spears with him.The deadly encounter against this Stone Ogre though made him lose all his weapons that he originally took out for his hunt an
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Chapter 17: New Class- Spear Master
Badump! Badump!Clinton was a skeleton; he was supposed to have no heart.But at this moment, as he finally got a moment of reprieve for the first time in like forever as reward for his efforts and determination, he hallucinated.Clinton could hear something like a heart rapidly beating in his mind.If he was still a human, at this moment, he would be hyperventilating.This feeling made him remember one of the closest competitive races of his life in the track in his previous life when he went up against one of his fastest opponents ever, a prodigy who once represented an opponent school.‘D-did I do it?!’ Clinton thought incredulously, unable to believe it, but then…Thud!The Stone Ogre collapsed; it was dead.This was all the evidence that he needed.He killed it.Somehow, against all odds that were against him, Clinton managed to rise from the ashes of death to kill this formidable level 3 monster.0.1 HP…, that was how much of his vitality was left at the end.That low, even a me
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Chapter 18: Testing out new power
***{0.6 free attribute points have been assigned to the speed attribute!}{0.5 free attribute points have been assigned to the vitality attribute!}{0.9 free attribute points have been assigned to the strength attribute!}{You have 0 free attribute points remaining!}…Attributes:STR- 2.3VIT- 2.1SPE- 1.1MIN- 0.6***In one go, Clinton made his strength attribute his strongest attribute.After the intense battle against the Stone Ogre, Clinton learned a few things.First was the importance of the speed attribute. Against the much larger Stone Ogre, it was exposed to him how glaringly lacking his speed attribute was and how much it could contribute to victory in battle.By now, he already confirmed that the speed attribute did not just affect his running speed but his body coordination and reaction speed in battle.A high speed attribute was vital for him to win battles.If he had all the strength in the world but without the speed to hit his opponents accurately, it would inevitab
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Chapter 19: The hunter in the decaying forest
***{You have killed a level 4 Stone Ogre!}{You gained XP!}***Clinton managed to kill his first level 4 monster and soon enough, he learned one of the major differences between high-leveled monsters and lower-leveled ones in the decaying forest.Unlike the level 3 monsters and lower-leveled monsters that would respawn into this forest after mere hours of being killed, it took a full day, 24 hours for a level 4 monster to be respawned.Apart from the Gate Guardian of this level of the dungeon, after his exploration, Clinton was able to establish the number of high-leveled monsters.In the decaying forest, apart from the Gate Guardian, there were five level 5 monsters. A single level 5 Green Goblin, another level 5 Undead Tree, but three different level 5 Stone Ogres.Only in the highest level of this part of the dungeon did the Stone Ogres have the numbers superiority.This was likely because of their bloodline superiority.Compared to the other monster species, the Stone Ogres had
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Chapter 20: Battle against two level 2 Undead Trees! [1]
Somewhere in the decaying forest, a pack of 6 Undead Trees wandered, two of them being level 4 Undead Trees.Suddenly, this pack of Undead Trees stopped.They stopped because they stared at a handless skeleton.Right on their path, this handless skeleton stood, it’s hand from the elbow gone like they were never there.The skeleton had a big grin on its body skull as it stared at them.The Undead Trees were bewildered, until it spoke.“F*ck you”. Clinton taunted.“F*ck all of you!”And that was it.The Undead Trees may not know what f*ck you meant but they subtly understood emotion in words, and they knew that the emotion being portrayed by those words were clearly not friendly.This was a provocation!Whoosh!The Undead Trees immediately went after the skeleton angrily who on seeing their reaction turned around and shamelessly started running in the opposite direction.Even as he ran, he taunted. “Catch me if you can, f*ckers!”That was it, these Undead Trees were determined all of a
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