All Chapters of Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
162 chapters
Chapter 111: The Mother-In-Law Lacks Integrity!
Alexander casually lied: “Last time, I met Chairman Lopez on the street; he didn't know the way, so I gave him directions. He was probably in a rush to get to the hospital, nothing major." "Aiya, didn't he give you any money?" Valeria's eyes fixed on Alexander as she spoke. The last time, he had given her 1.5 million dollars, which had caused quite a scene. Could it be that this money was from Sherman? Surely, it wasn’t just 1.5 million! This guy must be
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Chapter 112: Not Easily Believing Anything.
However, Alexander calmly said: “Do as you please, but I warn you, if you dare cause any trouble, you'll have to face the consequences yourself!" With that, Alexander turned, hands in his pockets, and walked away. Watching Alexander’s departing figure, Laurie was furious. She stomped her foot in frustration and angrily declared: “Alexander, how dare you provoke me! I will make you regret this! So mad!" She was determined to teach Alexander a lesson! After leaving, Alexander headed to Timber Grove Corporation to meet with Sherman.<
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Chapter 113: The Poor Guy Can't Afford A Car!
At that moment, the lady of the house next door arrived in her luxury car, lovingly accompanied by her husband and two children. Alexander envied the scene, thinking that it was time to buy a car for Eleanor. She would be very busy soon, and having a car would make her commute much easier. With that thought, he called Wendy Mark. Soon after, Wendy drove Alexander to a nearby 4S car dealership. This road was lined with 4S car showrooms.Read more
Chapter 114: Incredibly Strong!
Soon, more than 10 minutes passed. Ansel checked his watch, a cruel smile forming on his lips: “It’s been 12 minutes. Where’s our boss?" Alexander said nothing, his face indifferent. "Security, throw these two out!" Ansel, no longer interested in wasting time, called for the guards. As several hostile-looking guards moved toward Alexander— Suddenly! Read more
Chapter 115: The Madman Fears No Death!
At this moment, among the crowd, there were a few people who kept staring at Alexander. Naturally, Laurie was one of them. Today, she had arranged for some of her close friends to get filler injections and a bit of cosmetic work done. When she saw Alexander, she was genuinely shocked. "Is he really just a useless man? How could he be this powerful?" Laurie Marshall looked confused, her mind reeling. A useless man—could he really turn the world upside down? All
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Chapter 116: The True Power Holder.
Alexander shook his head, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. This Xavi was on the verge of death and didn’t even realize it. And this scene didn’t escape Xavi’s notice. What did that mean? Was this brat mocking him? How infuriating! How dare a useless nobody like him show such a mocking smile! "I don’t care who you are. Today, you hurt
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Chapter 117:
Alexander kicked some of the money towards the man who had answered him earlier and said calmly: “Here's three million. Take it as a reward. Tonight, you can go to any club you want, and there will be plenty of women to keep you company. Take the money and leave.""This..."The man was stunned, unable to believe what was happening, his body trembling as he stared at the stacks of cash in front of him.He was extremely excited, eager to pick it up!That was 3 million!He couldn’t make that much in a year!And just like that, it was given to him?Just for answering a question.Without a second thought, the man quickly bent down to pick up the money, his face beaming with delight and flattery."Th...thank you, Young Master Reynolds!"The man was so excited his voice trembled, repeatedly bowing in gratitude to Alexander before scurrying away with the money.Then, in front of everyone, Alexander casually kicked a few more stacks of money, as if he were playing a game.Without needing Alexa
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Chapter 118:
Suddenly.Laurie’s emotions spiraled out of control; she bit her lip, her face full of anger: "How dare you! Alexander, who do you think you are to repeatedly oppose me! Eleanor is a fool to marry a useless man like you. She signed a contract with Welsh Max Corporation—I’m sure she sold her body!"Hearing this, Alexander stopped abruptly, his body frozen in place.Laurie continued, still arrogantly cursing: "The Marshall family is being criticized because of her. Eleanor is the jinx of our family, and that idiot doesn’t deserve to live!""Laurie, you’ve successfully ignited my anger. I didn’t want to—" Alexander turned back, his dark eyes locking onto Laurie, his voice cold.But.Before he could finish, Sutton, who was standing next to Laurie, interrupted him."Goddess Laurie, did this idiot upset you?"Hmph!Laurie snorted coldly, her emotions heightened: "His name is Alexander.""Hah, so this is the useless Alexander?" Sutton’s face was filled with surprise, along with a mocking gri
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Chapter 119:
Alexander nodded slightly at Remington, which filled the latter with such joy that his smile blossomed like a rose, his face flushed with excitement."Youth Master, please, step out of the car.""Alright."Alexander responded with a brief hum as he stepped out of the Bentley.Because he had arrived in a hurry, Alexander hadn’t changed his clothes. As soon as he stepped out, the people around Remington glanced at Alexander's attire and were momentarily dazzled.Had it not been for the fact that Alexander arrived in a Bentley belonging to the Dragon Sect, they might have thought he was an imposter pretending to be the Young Master of the Dragon Sect.Remington's lips twitched as he tried to find the right words but hesitated, afraid that saying the wrong thing might offend Alexander. He turned to exchange glances with the other local magnates behind him.Remington Phillips: "Is it trendy now to dress casually for banquets? Are we overdressed compared to the Young Master of the Dragon Se
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Chapter 120:
However, Laurie only gave a fake smile.With the mysterious rich young man right in front of her, Laurie had no interest in being Sutton’s girlfriend. She was already plotting how to get close to that mysterious rich young man.If she succeeded, she would directly leap into a prestigious family!Someone like Eleanor would have to bow to her from now on!Seeing that Laurie wasn’t taking the bait, Sutton felt a bit irritated.Not long ago, Sutton had boasted to his friends that he would definitely get Laurie, but seeing her not respond to his advances now made his anger rise. He wanted to show off his power to Laurie.At that moment!They heard the sound of footsteps, and Sutton turned his gaze to see Alexander and his group slowly approaching.However, because everyone was wearing masks, no one could recognize anyone.Seeing Alexander’s group wearing masks, Sutton was momentarily stunned, wondering why there were masked people in the Sea Swallow Pavilion. It seemed ridiculous.Then, se
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