All Chapters of Once I Accept The Inheritance: You're All Doomed!: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
162 chapters
Chapter 51: Unable to Secure the Contract.
"Are you serious?" Eleanor asked, still in disbelief.Peyton nodded: “I can’t guarantee success, but the odds are high. I’ll ask my father to put in a good word tonight."As the others in the living room celebrated, Alexander, in the kitchen, wiping down the refrigerator, received two text messages on his phone.One was from Sherman."Young Master, it’s done. Tomorrow, we’ll sever all ties with the Marshall family."The other was from Blaine."Young Master Reynolds, as per your instructions, the contract will be delivered shortly."Alexander smiled, replied with a simple "Good.” and then looked over at the joyous group in the living room."Eleanor, go thank Peyton properly.” Valeria urged, unable to contain her excitement.She had always wanted to pair Eleanor with Peyton. So what if her daughter was already married? It wasn’t impossible to change that."There’s no need, Auntie. Between Eleanor and me, there’s no need for thanks.” Peyton said, waving his hand modestly, though his face
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Chapter 52: Impersonation To Secure The Contract.
Alexander casually took out his phone, sent a message to Eleanor, and then headed to the spa.Today, he needed to quickly check on the shop he had inadvertently purchased to see how it was running.Back with Eleanor, while she was listening to Peyton talk, her phone suddenly vibrated. It was a message from Alexander, and the content was simple: "Eleanor, don’t worry. I’ll take care of the partnership with the Welsh Max Group for you. The contract will be delivered soon. As for Peyton, don’t trust him too much."Alexander handling it?Eleanor frowned, glancing out the window, feeling somewhat skeptical.She then laughed at herself, thinking, What could Alexander possibly handle? He's probably just trying to comfort me.Moreover, how could the contract with the Welsh Max Group be delivered so quickly?Of course, Peyton, sitting beside her, noticed the scene. He glanced at the message content and sneered: “Is that a message from Alexander? Let me see what he says. Oh, he claims he can ha
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Chapter 53: Misunderstanding The Name.
"It’s really nothing, just something about the shop. They’re planning a party and asked if I wanted to join."Alexander casually explained as he reached to take the phone from Eleanor's hand.His broad chest blocked Eleanor directly, his face flushed with tension."Don't touch it!" Eleanor stepped back, her expression turning cold.Alexander froze, standing still, his eyes anxiously fixed on the phone in Eleanor's hand."A dinner party, right? Let me see how much everyone pitched in." Eleanor pouted like a little girl as she attempted to open Alexander's messages.At that moment, Valeria walked over with a stern face, glaring at Alexander before saying: “Eleanor, what are you doing here? Hurry up and join Peyton; tonight, we're going out to celebrate.""Ah, I'll be right there.” Eleanor replied reluctantly, handing the phone back to Alexander: “I'll trust you this time.” she said, her tone heavy with doubt.Alexander took the phone, wiping away cold sweat from his brow with a sigh of
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Chapter 54: Arriving At A Luxurious Restaurant.
Eleanor hesitated for a moment, lost in thought, before reluctantly agreeing: “Uh, okay."She was anxious but found it hard to express, especially since they were already there.There was no other choice; she had to go along with it.Alexander stood behind her, noticing her hesitation, and shook his head with a faint smile. He softly said: “Let's go inside. Don’t worry, when it’s time to pay, I’ll take care of it."Eleanor turned around, her face full of doubt, staring intently at Alexander as she whispered: “You’ll take care of it? How? This is Iron Lions; it’ll cost at least hundreds of thousands!"She also felt frustrated with herself for not clarifying earlier. Now, they were about to spend a huge amount of money.But what frustrated Eleanor even more was Alexander.Even now, he was in the mood to joke with her.Couldn't he see how anxious she was?"Do you trust me?"Alexander suddenly took hold of Eleanor's soft, delicate hand. The warmth of his palm calmed her anxious heart.Ele
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Chapter 55: Upgrade To A More Luxurious Dining Room.
Peyton swaggered in, followed by a group of people, while the waitress led the way. As he walked, he turned to say something to Eleanor.But Eleanor only smiled faintly, letting out a few half-hearted laughs.Inside, she was anxious.Just a glance at the menu outside showed dishes starting in the thousand!Too expensive!Once inside the room, Valeria looked around several times, her expression immediately displeased as she exclaimed: “Oh, how can this room be so small? How are we supposed to sit here?"Valeria was the kind of person who couldn't tolerate the slightest discomfort. She glared at Alexander, who was following behind, and shouted: “If I had known, I wouldn't have brought him along. Look, five people—how are we supposed to sit?"Alexander remained silent, having grown used to his mother-in-law's constant criticism.Peyton also frowned as he looked at the small room in front of him. It was indeed cramped, and five people seemed a bit squeezed. He spoke to the waitress: “Coul
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Chapter 56: Upgrade To The Highest Room Category.
“Eleanor, I can…”Alexander barely started to explain, but his mother-in-law’s loud voice cut him off.Valeria’s face was flushed with anger, her finger nearly poking Alexander’s nose as she scolded: “What can you do? You worthless piece of trash! You’ve embarrassed us all! Either sit there quietly and wait for dinner, or get out! You’re just an in-law living off the Marshall family, a freeloader—what right do you have to make decisions here? Are you the one paying for the upgrade?”Valeria’s harsh words, laced with disdain, struck at Alexander’s pride. She truly looked down on him, seeing him as nothing more than a poor, powerless man.Alexander clenched his fists, his face darkening with a cold resolve. Everyone saw him as worthless, but little did they know…He was the Young Master of the Dragon Sect, the future Dragon Master!With a single word, he could buy not just a room upgrade but the entire restaurant!Peyton, sitting nearby, couldn’t hide his mocking grin. Alexander was tru
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Chapter 57: Suspicion!
"Order whatever you like; feel free to indulge."After saying this, Boris whispered to the server beside him: “Bring the special menu, the one with the lowest prices, but make sure the listed dishes remain unchanged. Understood?"Boris was a shrewd man. Through just a few words and actions earlier, he had already gauged the situation.Young Master Reynolds clearly didn’t want to reveal his true identity to these people.Not long after, the server brought in the new menu.Eleanor smiled as she took it and opened it to take a look. She had expected the prices to be sky-high, but to her surprise, the dishes were only in the hundred-thousand range, with the most expensive not exceeding three hundred thousand.Even delicacies like king crab, caviar, and mushrooms were only about a million.What... why is this menu so cheap?"I won't disturb you further. If you need anything, feel free to call for me at any time."With that, Boris exited the private room, casting a quick glance at Alexander
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Chapter 58: Lost All Honor.
Eleanor sighed and ordered a few dishes, also helping to pick some for Alexander.Before long, a team of specially trained servers dressed in formal attire began to bring in the dishes one by one.These were the imperial dishes of Iron Lions!A dozen servers lined up, each holding trays covered with stainless steel lids, containing delicious and tempting dishes, as they entered the private room in an orderly manner.As the lids were lifted, a mouthwatering aroma filled the room, making everyone swallow in anticipation.Valeria was extremely excited, repeatedly praising: “Peyton, we’re so lucky to have you. I really don’t know how to thank you enough."Then she glanced disdainfully at Alexander, sitting quietly, and scolded: “Look at someone else here, utterly useless. He’ll probably never be able to take us to a place like this in his lifetime. Eleanor, you should stay close to someone as outstanding as Peyton, got it?"Eleanor softly acknowledged her mother and smiled faintly.Alexan
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Chapter 59: Just A Small Manager.
Peyton had left, and the gathering dispersed.When it was time to pay, Alexander escorted Eleanor and Valeria's group to the car before turning back toward the restaurant.Boris had already informed the reception that there was no charge for the private room in the Sky garden.As Alexander entered the lobby, a server greeted him with a respectful smile, saying: “Young Master Reynolds, Director Vega and Mr. Lopez are waiting for you upstairs."Alexander nodded, his hands in his pockets, and headed up the stairs.But suddenly, a mocking voice reached his ears.“Well, well, isn’t this Alexander, the useless freeloader of our family? What are you doing here?”Alexander looked up and saw Laurie and a group of wealthy young people descending the stairs.Her long, shapely legs were certainly the kind that made men's hearts skip a beat.Alexander frowned and stepped aside, not wanting to get into a confrontation with Laurie at the moment.But Laurie crossed her arms over her chest, showcasing
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Chapter 60: Even More Suspicious!
Instead, it was Laurie who was holding her cheek, stunned for a long moment before reacting, and then furiously yelling at Boris: “You dare hit me? You hit me over some penniless loser?"Boris’s eyes were icy as he shouted: “If you step into our restaurant, you're a guest of mine. I don’t care who you are—if you cause trouble here, I won’t let it slide! Guards, throw them out!"Immediately, several security guards rushed over, grabbed the shouting Laurie, and escorted her out.The other wealthy young people quickly followed her out.Laurie got up from the ground, her backside aching from the fall.She stood up and cursed until her voice was hoarse: “Boris, you’re done for! I’m the third daughter of the Marshall family! A small-time manager like you dares to do this to me? I’ll have people tear down your shabby restaurant!"After yelling, Laurie tried to charge forward again, but the patrons at a nearby table held her back.The handsome young man from earlier pulled Laurie aside and sh
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