All Chapters of THE SYNDICATE'S SHADOW AGENT : Chapter 11 - Chapter 19
19 chapters
Chapter Ten (Escape Plan II)
Kira and Raymond sped into Raymond's hotel room. Their exasperated breaths inundated the room as they exchanged glances. Raymond ambled forward, and he collapsed into the bed. Kira stood by the entrance, her back on the door - her eyes staring and examining the luxurious room. "That was close," Raymond said. He sat up on the bed - staring at Kira. She took a step closer to the bed. "Yeah," she said. She moved to the side of the bed and sat on the seat next to it. Raymond had a lot of thoughts and questions running through his mind. He gave Kira another blank stare and rose from the bed. He approached the entrance of his bathroom and took off his bloodstained shirt. "What do you intend to do now?" Kira's voice resounded, causing Raymond to strike a pause. He took off his shirt and flung it on the bed. "I don't know" he muttered, spinning to face Kira. He walked close to her and sat on the bed again - he just postponed taking a shower. He heaved a sigh. "Why did you save me?" He co
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Chapter Eleven (Room 14)
Kira had her heart in her mouth when she stepped into the luxury hotel. She quickened her steps toward the receptionist - every step plodding in outright dread and uncertainty. It felt like she was doing the riskiest thing in the world and a single misstep could render all her efforts useless. "Hi," she muttered when she got to the receptionist. "I'm here to see John Marvin" she added coldly. "Room 14" the receptionist retorted without even giving her a look. Kira clutched her bag tightly as she strolled down the hallway. That wasn't the first time she'd be in this hotel - not only because of John. But for the men, she fucks on weekends. That's the only thing she's resorted to doing. Aside from doing the dirty jobs, John offers her once in a blue moon, shagging men was the only means that was never to an end. Kira felt a bit nervous to walk into the elevator. She strode toward the stairs. She paused at the edge of the stairs and pulled out her phone from her bag. She stumped its
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Chapter Twelve (Close Call)
Raymond huffed at the sight in front of him. He paused and he locked eyes with John Marvin. It dawned on him that it was Kira on the floor. It became obvious that something had gone wrong - the same negative thought Kira had initially. "Don't hurt her" Raymond yelled, moving close to John. John pointed the gun at Raymond's face and he flinched. "Come close and you'd die first" John threatened - staring at Raymond with bloodshot eyes. John laughed hysterically when Raymond stopped moving and suddenly he pulled the trigger. The metallic zest of blood. Chaotic bleeding. Raymond's heart constricted when he caught sight of Kira in a pool of blood with a bullet hole in her head. His heart shredded into tiny fragments at the eerie view and the urge to revenge grew wild. The thought that Kira was lying lifeless on the floor made every vein inside him stick out like spikes. "Ahh" Raymond screeched. He sped to John and landed a huge jab on his face. John fell to the floor, but before Ra
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Chapter Thirteen (Caught)
John slammed the door behind him, leaving Raymond and the guy in the hotel room. John thought there was no way Raymond was going to come out alive. He's got a wound on his arm already, burying another bullet in his chest was enough to jolt him out of life. The guy cocked the pistol and was ready to pull the trigger. The eerie view of Kira and his mate lying on the floor in a pool of blood. He felt like the most loyal dude in the room, and he was ready to do anything in a voyage to uphold that newfound stance. He pointed the gun at Raymond's head, but Raymond caught him off guard as he punched his hand, and the gun fell out of his grip. Raymond gained the momentum to rise on his feet. The guy tried to reach for the gun, but Raymond kicked it and it went under the sofa - close to where Kira was lying. "So what now" Raymond said - letting go of his injured arm. "Let's fight this shit out, homie," Raymond said. A frown appeared on the guy's face. As he raced towards Raymond - hands
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Chapter Fourteen (Nemesis)
Raymond grinned softly as he ended the call. Telling John that he had those conversations recorded felt like the smartest move he'd ever make in a blue moon. He picked up the gun next to him and sat on the bed - he knew John was going to barge in, a bid to rip him off the recording and make sure he kills him - even if it takes every trick in the book. Raymond's heart thumped in rage and a drizzle of pain, the wound in his left arm won't stop bleeding. His gaze met with Kira. Goosebumps shirked his skin at the sight of Kira's lifeless body. Tears stung his eyes, as he ambled towards her. He knelt beside her, caressing her cold hands. He slowly rubbed her bloodstained lips. At this point, Raymond's attempt to restrict the tears from cascading proved abortive as they trickled down like a waterfall. "I'm so sorry" he muttered amidst tears. He hunched his head - his lips trembling rapidly. "The system failed you," he said, and another stream of tears gushed down his cheek again. His he
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Chapter Fifteen (Back Home)
Raymond walked through the entrance with a heart-thumping I'm ecstasy. He'd been away from LA for a couple of days and he had missed Dera and his unborn child to the moon and back. For the first time in a few days, he felt serenity. Serenity away from the pains, sadness, and chaos in Nairobi. After all, the whole storm is over but sadly - Kira had to go with the storm."Honey, I'm home," Raymond said, shutting the door behind him. He didn't hear any response, but the ransacked state of the living room caught his attention and he strode forward to take a closer look. Clothes were scattered all over the floor and on the sofa. One of Dera's underwear was drooping on the TV. Her favorite crop top was swaying on the hand drill and his favorite pants inhabited the dining table. Raymond rolled his eyes curiously, his mind rumbling with a thousand and one questions. Everything seemed odd and usual. "Dera wouldn't have been this disorganized," he thought. He dropped his backpack on the floo
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Chapter Sixteen (Shocker)
Raymond's punch didn't have that much effect on Al. Instead, he staggered backward a little bit. Raymond tried to punch him the second time, but Al blocked his hand. They locked eyes, and Al headbutted Raymond, and he staggered back. Raymond regained momentum and was about to run back to attack Al again, but he was welcomed with a gun. "Step the fuck back," AI said. Raymond's eyes widened, his heart still thumping with rage; it felt like he was getting the sharp edge of the stack, e and he couldn't seem to get that down his throat at the moment. "Where is she?" Raymond asked. His tone sounded tense and it felt like he was directing the question to everyone in the room, even though he was staring into Al's eyes when he asked the question. Al lowered his gun. He adjusted his iconic cowboy hat. He gave Raymond a blank stare and he slid to the side of the room and picked up a bottle of vodka. He gulped it down and walked back to where Raymond stood. "Where is who?" Al asked. "Don't
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Chapter Seventeen (A Shot)
Raymond blinked his eyes rapidly to ensure he wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. He flinched when Dera walked into the room. His lips - were wide open as if he had just seen a ghost. For a moment, he expected Dera to have lacerations on her skin, or blood gushing out of her veins. Because anyone abducted by Trysis is always beaten till their skin is unrecognizable. So what happened? But Dera was hale and spotless. Her face was even adorned with alluring makeup. Raymond squinted his eyes multiple times - unable to process what was going on. And the fact that AI introduced Dera as a surprise heightened his anxiety and shock. "Dera?" Raymond blurted - with a flitting gaze. "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on here?" He gazed at Ria as if he'd found the answer to his question on her face. Ria broke eye contact and dug her fingers into her palms. Ria to disguise her surprise, her body language gave her away. Ria has got snakes in her closet. Tyler had a dismayed look on his f
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Chapter Eighteen (A void)
Tears trickled down Raymond's cheeks. When the first bullet pierced through his chest, he locked eyes with the barrel of a gun - clinging to Dera's hand. It felt like he was lost in a trance until the second bullet pierced through his chest. Raymond groaned in pain. Not only because of the excruciating pain from bleeding scar. But because this whole betrayal scheme had Dèra in it.He fell to the floor - eyes soaked in tears, a heart smashed into fragments, and a chest - pierced with two bullets. AI took the gun off Dera's grip. "You still have the mafia blood running in your veins." Al commended, mashing his mouth on Dera's lips. Tyler and Ria exchanged glances, their eyes - sticking out in terror. The last thing they expected Al to do was kill Raymond. He's the smartest and fastest killer in the gang. At first, Ria wanted to defend Raymond. But Al's ruthlessness sent shrills of fear down her gut. If he can kill Raymond without a flick of remorse, driving a knife into her throat w
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