All Chapters of Rise From Prison: Married To A Beautiful CEO: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
73 chapters
Chapter 051 – Getting Chased Off
*****“What’s going on?” Williams and Susan exchanged a perplexed gaze upon seeing Grace’s frantic demeanor.“Hope there is no problem?” Susan eventually inquired and just then, a relieved expression washed over Grace.“Yes, this is Grace,” she said composedly into the cell phone, acting as though she wasn’t the panicky one of a moment ago.Anyone hearing only her voice without seeing her right now might think she was composed and untroubled, but a single glance at her heaving chest would reveal it was merely a façade.The husband and wife duo who were intently studying her couldn’t help but exchange glances at this, after which they smiled wryly.‘Do we even ever truly know when our daughter is genuinely happy or upset?’ they thought in unison.Meanwhile, Grace, unaware of the thought going through her parents’ minds suddenly gasped, momentarily losing her composure to whatever the caller said.“You—you are available now?” She asked dumbly, truly surprised as she had just mad
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Chapter 052 – David & Laura’s Plan
*****Still in the VIP ward.Seated beside Laura on the bed, David who was still utterly confused glanced at his wife. “This jade beauty you wouldn’t stop talking about, how sure are you that something is really going on between her and our son though?” He asked seriously and Laura’s eyes lit up.“My womanly intuition,” she responded eagerly, throwing David off-guard.“You…”“You should know that my instincts are rarely ever wrong, right?” She inquired and David, who was on the verge of challenging her paused for a moment before finally nodding his head.“It would be a wonderful thing then,” he said after which he also became excited, his eyes brightening like those of his wife.“I thought I’d start searching for a wife for him after which I would give them the villa I was given today as their wedding present,” he mumbled with a sigh, his eyes filling with unshed tears, but just then, Laura, who heard what her husband just said stared blankly at him.“The Villa you were given?
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Chapter 053 – Exploiting The Public’s Emotion
*****Xavier’s eyes instantly rose upon hearing this remark while the inside of the huge, magnificent, and well-lit hall turned dead silent in an instant.Several things could cause discrimination in Riverton City and among them is being an ex-convict, a label akin to a blot on something already filthy to the citizens.Whether they were eating, conversing, walking, or drinking, everyone slowly turned their heads, glancing at the speaker—an averagely beautiful lady, who currently had her fingers interlaced with that of a short guy in an Armani suit as she stood, gaping in a particular direction with unmistakable disdain and loathing.“Bi—big sister, what—what did you just say?” A young boy of about four years old, who had just been boasting to his parents about how everyone in his class except himself was frightened when their teacher told them stories of how scary prisoners are, stammered in fear.Jennifer glanced at the boy before looking at everyone else and the instant she saw
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Chapter 054 – The Professional Female Manager
*****The moment Xavier heard the pot-bellied manager’s order, his eyes lifted, and a faint, playful, cold grin spread across his lips.He initially wasn’t mad at all despite the crowd’s unreasonable hatred as he had already anticipated reactions like that before he left prison while for Jennifer, he was just more disappointed in himself for having been blind, but now…Watching the security guards approaching him to throw him out as ordered, he decided to act—when suddenly the elegant female manager, who hadn’t said much since her arrival stepped forward and blocked their path.Being the most beloved of all the restaurant workers, the security guards immediately stopped without hesitation. They even took a step back, and with that, Janet acknowledged them with a gentle nod before addressing the perplexed customers who were staring at her and murmuring.“Although I don’t know the reason behind your displeasure, I apologize,” she began, prompting the crowd to quiet down, after whic
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Chapter 055 – Jennifer Trap
*****“This…” Everyone gaped dumbly at Janet, acting as though they hadn’t heard what she just said right.Even Xavier was struck dumb.Although the Amodu family is the same as trash to the current him, he had thought the female manager would have been tempted to get its favor, given its authority as a third-ranked family, but yet…A look of interest abruptly appeared on his face while the pot-bellied manager shook, his stomach trembling from rage.Despite already knowing Janet’s uncaring attitude right from the onset, even he had never expected her to disregard such a free pie from heaven just like that.His breathing became labored as he glared ferociously at her. “What the heck do you think you are doing?” He growled beneath his voice, trembling all over.“You could have at least used this to give me a face if you don’t need any favor!” He added angrily, but Janet, acting as though she couldn’t feel he was about to burst from rage ignored him, her composed and elegant smile
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Chapter 056 – The Arrival of a Cold Goddess
*****For a moment, nobody could react, staring dazedly as though time and space had stopped for them.This stillness lingered for a moment before suddenly; “Hahahaha!”Jennifer, who had also been taken aback and thunderstruck by Xavier’s unexpected response erupted with laughter, giggling so hard as though she had just heard the most amusing joke in the universe.“I knew it!” She shrieked loudly, staring at Xavier as though he was one kind of an interesting thing, after which she cast a mockery glance at Janet.“Look who you were defending. Someone who only came to dine and dash. Hahaha!” She jeered.“We warned you he was nothing but a common prisoner who doesn’t belong among normal human beings, but you insisted on defending him. What are you going to do now that you have realized his true nature?” she added further, asking a question that made Janet's face flush slightly with embarrassment.This was the most humiliating thing she had ever felt in her life, and it only grew w
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Chapter 057 – An Unexpected Turn of Events for The Crowd
*****The breathing of all the men quickened while the ladies were utterly amazed, seeing this lady, whose beauty was several times above even A-list actresses.“Who is she?” A guy finally whispered quietly, unable to keep his composure again and because the hall was silent at this moment, the question was heard clearly by all, making them gaze at the speaker as though he were an alien.“You—you don’t know Miss Grace, Miss Grace Sky?” A lady inquired with disbelief and upon hearing this name, the guy was stunned.“The same Miss Grace Sky that was just discussed?” He mumbled dazedly, wondering what sort of coincidence had just occurred, and just then, the Pot-bellied manager snapped back to his reality, and his face instantly adopted a fawning expression as he rushed toward the newcomer."I had no idea you’d be visiting today... Welcome, Miss Sky," he said with a deferential tone, his earlier arrogance disappearing completely.“This—” the guy, who was still pondering the level of
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Chapter 058 – Jennifer’s Atrocities Revealed
*****The one who shattered the silence was the pot-bellied manager, badly jolting everyone back to reality, but since the question he just asked was what was in their minds, they Instantly stared intently at Grace in utter bewilderment.Grace, seeing all these gazes frowned.She did not appreciate all the stares being directed at her as they made her uncomfortable, but still, knowing the owner was only curious about whom she was addressing, a reason she had no idea about, she subtly nodded her head after a moment before looking back at Xavier.“Let’s go,” she said emotionlessly, and Xavier, who had remained composed and unbothered by everything going on since the beginning nodded his head casually.He glanced at the crowd and finally decided to speak up when suddenly; “Nonsense!”An outcry echoed, breaking the silliness caused by Grace’s response and her subsequent action.Everyone was startled awake and quickly looked at the owner of the furious cry. Behold, it belonged to Je
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Chapter 059 – Jennifer & Victor’s Embarrassment
***** “What—what are you talking about?” Jennifer now drenched in buckets of sweat stammered with uneasiness. She had never, not even in her wildest imagination expected Grace to know all she had just exposed, and for this reason, she was enveloped in strong goosebumps while Grace, hearing the question smirked playfully. "I simply stated how you did not only betrayed the savior who defended you but also how you chose to turn your back on him for the very beast he saved you from, and how you decided to slander and defame him," Grace replied, helping the crowd realize they had not misheard her the first time. After saying this, Grace’s expression changed swiftly again, becoming icy and severe, as if she were not the same person who had just smirked, making a strong adrenaline crawl down Jennifer’s spine. “Try this nonsense with me again,” She spat coldly with a threatening tone, then not finishing her sentence, turned toward the elevator and walked away, leaving behind a silenc
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Chapter 060 – The Couple’s Evil Plan
*****“Did—did I just hear that idiotic tank of water blacklist my family?” Victor, whose mind suddenly felt empty abruptly stuttered, almost tripping over his own feet.His blood drained in an instant and he felt he might faint, knowing how massively this would affect him later.As for Jennifer, she couldn't have been any paler than she already was—her face was ghostly white.Ever since she and Victor had started dating, tonight was the first time he had invited her to dine at the restaurant she had long dreamed of visiting, and she had been boasting about this night for weeks. She had planned to take dozens of photos, post them on all her social media accounts, and flaunt them, but now...“It—it was that loser’s fault!” she suddenly spat viciously, her teeth clenched tightly against each other, and her eyes nearly blazing with hatred.“I—I want to destroy him! I—I want to kill him!” She forced out hysterically through gritted teeth, trembling all over as she recalled all th
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