All Chapters of Rise From Prison: Married To A Beautiful CEO: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
73 chapters
Chapter 061 – An Unexpected Marriage Proposal
*****Inside a VIP dining lounge."Thank you." Xavier, unaware that his heartless ex-girlfriend and Victor had already plotted his downfall, suddenly spoke sincerely, gazing at Grace with an expression that was hard to read.Grace, hearing Xavier's words, which felt so genuine they seemed to be the most sincere words she had ever heard in her life, paused briefly, staring back at him, but then her countenance turned icy-cold again."Don’t mention it," she replied dismissively, before gently and elegantly taking her seat.Xavier, hearing her question remained silent for a second before shaking his head."This is the second time you've helped me today, and neither was a small matter," he admitted with a sigh, staring unflinchingly at the icy-cold beauty before him.Although Xavier could have managed on his own in both situations, Grace’s assistance had saved him a great deal of time and stress, so, he recognized that he owed her for that, and since he disliked feeling indebted, h
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Chapter 062   – Conclusion 
***** The document Grace handed to Xavier was a marriage contract proposal, detailing various clauses, including but not limited to Xavier's responsibilities within the marriage and what he would gain at the end if he agreed to it. Xavier read the contract more than once to make sure he hadn’t misread it, but even then, he remained utterly perplexed. “Why though?” He asked, his expression puzzled. “Why?” Grace mumbled blankly to herself, seeing his confused face after which she let out a small sigh. "This is the only way I can save myself," she explained, which only baffled Xavier further. Grace took a deep breath, her face blank and detached. "There’s a massive project my family is eager to win because it could elevate its position within the second rank," she began, pausing briefly to make sure Xavier was following before continuing in a calm, measured tone. "But... it's a project that many families are vying for, particularly those supported by first-rank powerhouses, and sin
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Chapter 063 – The Excited Parents
*****By the time Xavier returned to the hospital, it was already very late into the night and his parents were already fast slept.‘How I wish I could find a genuine love like theirs, a love that never dwindles, no matter how old we both become or what happens,’ he thought with a sigh, gazing at his peacefully sleeping parents.Xavier sighed emotionally after a second and then he quietly excused them, not wanting to disrupt their sleep.He wandered to the spacious reception area after a moment of thought and took a long chair in the back, lying down on it.Although the hospital policy did not allow people to sleep in the reception, no one said anything to Xavier, given the connection they assumed he had to Grace, the queen of the business world.Xavier, having no idea that he had just broken the hospital’s rules soon fell asleep no sooner had he laid down.…Around 5 – 6 am the following morning, the eyes of Xavier, who had long honed his instinct to the very peak possible su
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Chapter 064 – An Attack Plan in The Underground Fighting Club
*****While Xavier was helplessly answering his mother’s endless questions, inside a crowded and rowdy underground fighting club that was filled with disgusting and heavy stenches, a bunch of sweaty gangsters with different sorts of menacing tattoos on their skins stood in agitation, mumbling listlessly to one another.“Silence!” A muscularly built man, who stood on a platform, constantly releasing dark, scary killing intent, who had gathered his men together abruptly barked and in the next instant, the bunch of menacing-looking thugs trembled all over and subconsciously focused their attention toward the platform.Jazzy, whose eyes were still crimson red and burning with pure hatred stared through the crowd below him, after which he clenched his fists aggressively.“I’ve just gotten all the information related to that motherfuk*r who turned my brother into a sudden monk,” he announced with a voice dripping with hatred, madness, and killing intent, and in the following second, all
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Chapter 065   – David’s Anger 
***** Xavier had no clue that trouble was already knocking on his door; otherwise, he would have hurried to confront it or, better yet, decided to spend the rest of the day with his parents to face it once it arrives, was currently staring at them in a daze. “You—you are handing me the house you were given?” He asked vacantly, struggling to process his present emotions. David and Laura, hearing their son’s question exchanged smiling gazes after which David intertwined his fingers with Laura’s, and together, they nodded their heads to Xavier. "But..." Xavier began, intending to protest, but then his mother gently interrupted him with her kind and soothing voice. “Didn’t the two of us already have a house?” she asked, and before Xavier could reply, she continued. “As your father explained it, the house was given because of you, so it’s only fair that we pass it on to you and your wife, especially since your father and I can't live in two places at once. You wouldn’t want to live i
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Chapter 066 – Grace’s Strange Displeasure
*****"Why hasn't he arrived yet?" Grace abruptly mumbled nervously, standing beside her sleek black car.Today, she was dressed in a formal attire of lemon-green palazzo and matching blazer, looking so stunning, like the goddess of the business world she was known for.She glanced around once more, for what felt like the hundredth time, and when she still couldn't spot the person she was waiting for; she began to fidget anxiously."Could it be he has forgotten?" she suddenly wondered after which she swallowed hard. "Or... could—could it be he wants to go back on his word?"A whirlwind of thoughts flashed through her mind in an instant, and each one only increased her tension.Beside her, Dorothy, also elegantly dressed in formal attire, silently observed Grace, momentarily questioning whether this was still the same composed boss she knew—someone who would never lose her cool or panic, regardless of the circumstances. Finally, she sighed inwardly, understanding the reason beh
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Chapter 067 – An Office Conspiracy
*****Inside a luxurious, spacious CEO’s office, a majestic elderly man with a head full of grey hair was currently seated on a sofa, his face heavily etched with a frown.Accompanying him was a young man of 22 to 23 years old, excluding an aura of arrogance and superiority, seated in an ergonomic chair behind the executive desk in the office, and a lady of about 25-year-old with an overtly pampered demeanor, seated beside the old man, both of them dolled up in expensive and limited-edition designer wear.The tension in the office was so thick at this moment that if an unrelated person were to enter, they would feel overwhelmed to the core.“Grandfather, are you truly certain that b!tch will surrender this company today?” Mason, unable to mask his anxiety any longer, suddenly broke the deafening silence in the room, focusing his attention on the old man.The old man, upon hearing his only grandson’s question and seeing his hopeful gaze, his lips curved into a faint smile.“Don’t
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Chapter 068 – The First Encounter With Grace’s Family
*****“You’re definitely going to love this news!” Honey began, casting an excited glance at Grace after dismissively addressing Xavier, but then a small frown appeared on her face after which she returned her gaze to Xavier.“Is it that you’re deaf or what? Did you not hear me ordering you to get your worthless self out of this room?” she growled harshly, causing both Grace and the previously unbothered Xavier’s eyes to harden immediately.In the following moment, Honey, who was staring at Xavier as though he were not a human being suddenly felt a cold sweat break out on her skin.She was so unnerved by the coldness in Xavier’s eyes that she almost broke down.“You…” She swallowed hard subconsciously in fear, but in the next second, her eyes turned aggressive. “How dare a lowlife entity such as yourself look at me in such a way?!” She barked in fury before looking at her grandfather, acting as though she had been bullied.“Did you see that, Grandfather? It must have been her wh
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Chapter 069 – Lucius’s Arrival
*****The inside of the office is so quiet at this moment that if an ant were to crawl by, its sound would be clear for all to hear, and in this suffocating silence, every pair of eyes was currently gaping at Xavier.This lasted for what felt like an eternity before suddenly;“You—you did not just address my grandfather like that, did you??” Honey exclaimed, asking the question on everyone’s mind and jolting them awake.‘This…’ Even Grace was stunned at this moment. In fact, she was the most flabbergasted, never expecting Xavier to utter the bold words he just did.She instantly shot him a chastising look, wondering why he had spoken and just at that moment, a mocking laughter exploded through the room.“I’ve always told you, Father, that we should have expelled this arrogant brat after her father decided to sever all ties with the family. I warned you that her ambition is to take over the entire family and become its leader. Did I lie now?”“She even dared to bring an outsider
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Chapter 070 – The Servitude Marriage Contract
*****Despite Grace’s and Dorothy’s attempts to unravel what her family was hatching, their brainstorming yielded zero to no clues.Eventually, Grace exhaled deeply, letting her expression revert to its usual calmness after which she glanced at Xavier.“Let’s go,” she said before turning towards the door, about to leave when;“Bo—” Dorothy raised her hand and started to speak, but Grace, understanding her concern forced a small smile.“I have everything under control,” she assured her, though her tone suggested that she was merely trying to convince herself more than anyone else, but since Dorothy knew there was little to nothing she could do, she forced a helpless sigh before abruptly narrowing her eyes at Xavier.“If you mess this up for my boss again… hmph!” she growled before storming out, leaving Xavier bewildered.‘What a two-faced girl,’ he thought speechlessly before glancing at Grace when he felt her gaze on himself.“Please, don’t mind her,” She said softly, and Xavi
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