All Chapters of Trillionaire Ex husband's Revenge : Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
372 chapters
Chapter 0271
The Gregory household were summoned for a meeting in the hospital where Mr Gregory was hospitalised. Will Gregory stood amidst his family members, his head hanging low. Mr Gregory was on life support. He looked so pitiful. When he opened his eyes and saw Will, Mr Gregory scowled weakly. "Will, wh
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Chapter 0272
"Mr Crosby," Will Gregory jumped to his feet, his eyes dancing with excitement. "Where the hell have you been? I've been raking the entire city, searching for you."Elijah, still keeping his identity hidden, smirked. "I've been around. Come on, let's drink and talk. I heard what happened to Gregory
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Chapter 0273
Mr Gate was sweating. Despite his best efforts, he found himself losing hand after hand against Elijah. He had never met anyone so skillful and formidable as Elijah. The mounting losses fueled his anger, nearly driving him insane. "Damn it! How is this happening?" He scowled at Elijah. "You must
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Chapter 0274
A man in an expensive tuxedo stepped out and accessed the documents in the envelope. He nodded to Mr Gates. "Indeed, he has shares amounting to $150 billion."The Gates couples mouths watered at the mention of all that money. $150 billion? The Gates couples were worth $200 billion. This could be
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Chapter 0275
Will Gregory couldn't believe his ears when Elijah delivered the news of the Gates couples loss. "You can't be serious," Will Gregory said in a tiny voice. "The Gates couples staked their entire asset for a poker game? Were they drunk?"Elijah laughed. "Probably, but that isn't important. What matt
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Chapter 0276
The border between the Northern country and the Southern country was separated by a canal. A fleet of Northern battle ships sliced through the tranquil waters of the canal towards the Southern borders. At the helm of the fleet stood the new appointed supreme leader of the North, Lord Azar II. He
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Chapter 0277
Lord Azar turned to face his general but he was met with disappointment. His generals, whom were once pumped up for battle suddenly looked anxious. "What is the meaning of this?" Lord Azar barked. "Don't tell me you old cows are scared of one man!"The generals exchanged uneasy glances. One of the
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Chapter 0278
Lord Azar II scrambled for shelter along with his generals as the hailstones relentlessly assaulted them. The hailstones battered the ground, shattering the Northern army's tanks and armoured vehicles. Men screamed in agony as their bodies were bruised and battered mercilessly by the hailstones.
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Chapter 0279
"Hello, darling. It's been a while. When are coming home?" Elijah stopped at the top of the hill to catch his breath. It was his morning jogging routine. He had just covered two miles. "I'm supposed to be back in Crestwood yesterday but I had to take care of the Northern army." "Yeah, I saw it o
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Chapter 0280
It was a hard slap, very hard that he tasted blood in his mouth. Tension filled the air as the other staffs watched in hushed silence the brewing confrontation between Tom and his manager. "You fucking swine," Gordon was heaving with rage. "Look at the mess you made. I'll kill you today. I'll fu
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