All Chapters of Trillionaire Ex husband's Revenge : Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
372 chapters
Chapter 0281
Elijah got down the taxi which had pulled up outside Gordon's Delivery co. The first person he saw was a man crying outside the gates of the building. Elijah approached the man and asked, "Excuse me, good sir. Sorry if I'm running into you at the wrong time. Are you by any chance, Tom?" Tom gla
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Chapter 0282
"I've had enough," His words came low and sharp. The three men flinched. "Huh? What did you say, trash?" "I said I've had enough of this bullshit," he bawled at them with the strength left in him. "What's the deal with you guys? What have I done wrong? So you think being a Bronze holder makes you
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Chapter 0283
"Where is he heading to?" Elijah asked as he kept following Tom from behind. It has been over thirty minutes and Tom was still walking. Zenith sent a response by displaying the map of the city on Elijah's screen. From the direction Tom was heading it was obvious he was going to the hospital.
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Chapter 0284
Elijah regarded him closely. "What about your family? Do you have any kids or a wife." Tom bared his teeth at Elijah. "The heck I do. My wife left me for an older rich man when things got tough. I lost everything I ever held dear to me. My own son wouldn't even look at me. I'm a failure." Tom paus
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Chapter 0285
There was a long period of silence as Elijah waited for Sheila's response. "She's offline," he said more to himself than to Tom. "I just need to be sure. She'll be active in a few minutes." "What's the use," Tom said, dragging his feet over to where his mother was fixed to beeping machines. He
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Chapter 0286
Sheila caught her breath. "That's terrible. Is there anything I can do to help?" "You don't have to worry about that, Sheila," Elijah said. "I'm here now. Let me handle this." Sheila looked very anxious. "You mentioned she's battling a rare disease. What disease is that." "I don't think you shoul
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Chapter 0287
Elijah took Mary's hand and shut his eyes. He had never done this before but deep inside, he felt like he could cure her. A transferred his life force inside him to her body, enveloping her totally. Dr Lee and Tom watched, earnestly. Then Elijah stopped what he was doing and stepped back.
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Chapter 0288
Dr Lee was dumbfounded as he watched Mary sitting up on her bed and eating the food that was served to her. He had never seen anything like this before. It was a miracle. Tom rushed into the ward like a bat out of hell. "I'm here, where's my mother?" Tom stopped in his tracks when he saw his mo
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Chapter 0289
Sanchez turned to face Elijah fully. If there was one thing Sanchez resented more than anything, it was a good looking man, and Elijah was too good looking for his age. "I must have you a death wish to confront me," Sanchez said. "You just made a mistake, Elijah." Elijah wasn't surprised he kne
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Chapter 0290
Dr Lee didn't expect to see Elijah return back to the hospital but he was ready regardless to meet his own side of their deal. To the nurses Surprise, Dr Lee bowed his head to the ground and apologized to Elijah wholeheartedly. "I acknowledge your awesome powers, Elijah and I seek for your forgi
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