All Chapters of OLIVER'S RISE TO INFLUENCE : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
95 chapters
Oliver remained unnervingly calm as Mr. Smith's voice escalated, his threats echoing through the luxurious hall of the VIP section. His demeanor was as steady as a still lake before a storm, showing no hint of the tension burning beneath the surface. The more Mr. Smith ranted, the less Oliver seemed to react, his composed expression only further fueling Mr. Smith’s fury.Mr. Smith sneered, his voice thick with venom. "You act like you’re above it all, like you own this place, you think everyone else is just as deceitful as you?"The other customers, were now turning their heads, their curiosity piqued by the growing commotion. Some whispered among themselves, while others watched intently, their food momentarily forgotten.Oliver, sensing the perfect opportunity to twist the knife, leaned back in his chair, his expression calm. "Well, Smith," he said with a casual shrug, "if you must know, I own this place."Mr. Smith froze mid-rant, his eyes narrowing as he processed what Oliver had
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The tension in the air was electric, thick and oppressive like a storm cloud ready to burst. The other guests, who had been observing the escalating situation with a mix of curiosity and skepticism, began to murmur amongst themselves, their voices tinged with both anticipation and judgment."Serves him right," one diner whispered, barely hiding a smirk. "He must be out of his mind to go up against someone like Mr. Smith.""Foolish, really," another chimed in, shaking their head. "He’s asking for it. The manager’s going to toss him out on his ear, just wait and see."The whispers grew louder, with some even casting pitying glances at Oliver, while others openly mocked him. "He has no idea who he’s dealing with," one person commented with a sneer. "Smith’s a regular here, practically untouchable. That guy is done for."Anita, sitting beside Oliver, could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She was visibly fidgeting, her fingers nervously tapping on the edge of the table. The thought
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As Oliver’s words hung in the air, the atmosphere in the room grew tense. The other guests, who had been watching the confrontation with varying degrees of interest, were now visibly stunned. "Did you hear that?" one man whispered to his companion, his eyes wide with surprise. "He just told the manager to throw them out, like it’s nothing."Another guest, trying to maintain a semblance of composure, muttered under his breath, "This guy must have some serious clout if he can talk to the manager like that. Who is he, anyway?""Forget who he is," a younger man added, his voice tinged with admiration. "Did you see the manager’s reaction? He didn’t even hesitate—just went along with it like he had no choice."A woman at a nearby table shook her head slowly, clearly impressed. "I don’t know who this guy is, but he just made Mr. Smith look like a fool. This is something you don’t see every day."Mr. Smith, still caught up in his own ranting, didn’t immediately register what had just happened
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As soon as the words left her mouth, Oliver's eyes widened in shock and frustration. "What kind of problem have I gotten myself into?" he thought, his mind racing with the implications of her request. But he quickly caught himself, knowing he couldn’t afford to let his true feelings show. With a forced smile, he nodded in agreement, masking his inner turmoil and trying to be calm. He played along, pretending to flow with the situation, even though inside, he was anything but at ease.He sighed deeply, knowing there was no easy way out of the situation. With that, they both stepped into the car, and Oliver pulled out his phone, quickly searching for the nearest clothing and jewelry store.As they drove, Anita, always one to start a conversation, began talking about what had happened at the Luxor Hotel. "So, how did you manage to pull that off? The way you handled things there... it was impressive," she prodded, trying to draw out more information.Oliver, however, wasn’t in the mood t
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The words hit Lila like a slap to the face. Her eyes widened in shock, then narrowed in fury, her face flushing with a mix of anger and embarrassment. For a moment, she was rendered speechless, her mouth opening and closing as she struggled to find a retort. But soon, the anger boiled over, and she exploded into a furious rant."You—how dare you!" she sputtered, her voice rising in pitch. "You think you can talk to me like that? Do you know who I am? I’ve got more class in my little finger than you’ll ever have! Those bags—those bags are worth more than anything you’ll ever touch! You’re nothing but a lowlife, a pathetic little con man who can’t afford even a scrap of what I have!"Lila’s face contorted with rage, her voice dripping with venom as she continued to rant, her words becoming more disjointed and desperate as she tried to regain some semblance of control over the situation. "You’re the joke here, Oliver! A joke! And as for you," she spat, turning her glare towards Anita,
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Oliver let out a calm smile, his eyes narrowing slightly as a cold expression settled on his face. "You're right, why won't I?" he responded, his tone icy and composed.Lila's scorn was unmistakable. She threw her head back and let out a sarcastic laugh, her eyes gleaming with mockery. "Really? Oliver afford a bag this much?" she sneered, her gaze landing on the $89,000 price tag of the bag Anita had been eyeing earlier. "You? A pauper like you? Trying to level up so bad—it’s laughable!"She continued, "You’re in way over your head, Oliver. You’re just digging your own grave, pretending to be something you're not. This is going to put you in serious trouble one day, mark my words."Her words dripped with disdain, but beneath her confident exterior, a seed of unease began to sprout. She couldn’t shake the memories of her past encounters with Oliver. She recalled their run-in at the Luxor Hotel—how she had expected him to be exposed as a fraud or a thief, yet, to her bewilderment, he h
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Lila and her companion stood frozen, their eyes locked on Oliver. The confidence with which he moved, the calm in his demeanor, and the absolute lack of fear in his voice were all completely at odds with the image of him they had clung to for so long. Every word he spoke, every action he took seemed to defy the expectations they had so carefully built around him.Lila's breath hitched as she watched Anita wheel the overflowing cart towards the register. Her gaze darted to the items, her mind racing as she tried to calculate the worth of everything piled inside. Her heart sank as the numbers began to add up—thousands upon thousands of dollars. The realization was like a punch to the gut. Could this really be happening? Could Oliver, the man she had always considered beneath her, actually afford this?For years, Lila had carried a deep-seated belief that Oliver was a nobody, someone to be mocked and dismissed. But that belief was now crumbling under the weight of what she was witnessi
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The air in the room seemed to grow heavier as the final figure was announced. Lila’s heart pounded in her chest, her mind reeling at the sheer audacity of it all. How could this be happening? Oliver was supposed to be the pauper here, the one barely scraping by, not the one making extravagant purchases without a second thought.Meanwhile, Anita’s smile grew even wider, a mix of disbelief and glee painted across her face. To her, it felt as though she had won the jackpot, her wildest dreams unfolding right before her eyes.Oliver, however, merely smiled sheepishly, his calm demeanor unshaken by the staggering total. He turned to Anita and said, "I hope you’re satisfied with your picks. Let’s get these wrapped up."At the same time, When the assistant called out the total—$350,000—the shock on Lila and her companion’s faces was almost palpable. Lila’s eyes widened in disbelief, her carefully calculated confidence beginning to unravel as she processed the staggering figure. The man bes
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Lila's face turned a deep shade of red, her anger bubbling to the surface. She opened her mouth to retort, but no words came out. The sting of Anita's words cut deep, leaving her seething with rage and embarrassment. She could only watch, helpless and fuming, as Oliver and Anita walked away, leaving her and her companion in the wreckage of their shattered pride.As they exited the store, Oliver couldn't help but relish in the moment. The bewilderment, the disbelief, the raw anger—it all gave him goosebumps. He smiled to himself, satisfied that he had once again proven his doubters wrong. With Anita by his side and the memory of Lila's stunned expression etched in his mind, Oliver felt a sense of triumph that would stay with him for a long time.As Oliver drove through the city streets, the sun was beginning to set, he had just dropped Anita off at her house, and as he headed back home, he found his thoughts drifting. The day had been a whirlwind of unexpected events, and he felt th
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Mrs. Martha looked at the money in her hands, her eyes widening with surprise. "Oliver, this is… so generous of you. Thank you! The children will benefit so much from this. You have no idea how much this means to us."Oliver felt a deep sense of fulfillment seeing her reaction. "I’m just glad to be able to help, even in a small way," he said warmly. "It was really good to catch up with you, and I’m happy to see that the orphanage is doing well."With that, he bid her farewell and made his way to his car. As he drove home, his mind wandered back to the events of the day, a sense of peace settled over him, knowing that he had reconnected with a piece of his past.The next morning, despite the lingering exhaustion from the previous day's stress , Oliver woke up with a renewed sense of determination. He was set on having a productive day at the office. After getting ready, he made his way to the company headquarters, his mind focused and ready to tackle whatever the day would bring.When
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