All Chapters of OLIVER'S RISE TO INFLUENCE : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
95 chapters
The menacing rumble of the bikes closed in, signaling that the time for talk was over. Oliver’s heart pounded as he braced himself for whatever was coming next, hoping against hope that Simon’s backup would arrive in time.The guy had barely finished his statement when three roaring motorbikes and a battered mini car screeched to a halt in front of them.The bikes, ridden by men wearing dark, intimidating gear, skidded to a dramatic stop, their engines growling aggressively. The mini car, old but rugged, parked with a commanding flair, its tires kicking up dust as it came to a sudden stop. The men got off from their bikes flaunting heavy sticks and iron bars, while the people in the mini car stepped out, with chains. They moved smoothly and with a threatening air, each step showing they meant business.The men gave a ghetto salute, nodding respectfully and addressing the guy with deference. “Boss, what’s the play?”The guy, now basking in his newfound power, pointed directly at Olive
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The guy and his men, once brimming with arrogance, could only stare in stunned silence, their confidence evaporating like mist in the morning sun.The harsh reality of their situation hit them like a sledgehammer, leaving them breathless and wide-eyed. Never in their darkest nightmares could they have foreseen such a sudden and catastrophic turn of events.The guy’s demeanor changed in an instant. The menacing confidence melted away, replaced by a desperate attempt to salvage the situation. He forced a smile, the kind of smile that someone wears when they realize they’ve bitten off more than they can chew. “My friend,” he stammered, his voice shaking, “can’t one joke with you anymore? Because of a little joke, you’ve decided to call the entire military?”Oliver’s laughter grew colder, more menacing. “Did you just say ‘joke’? With all those threats of taking my entire money, my car... those slaps?” He touched his cheek where the sting of their blows still lingered. “You call those jok
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Oliver’s men’s faces showed a mix of satisfaction and happiness as they heard Oliver's command. Their eyes focused, ready to get the job done. The leader of the team with a serious expression gave a firm nod and a slight smile.“Understood, young master,” he replied, his voice carrying a note of approval.Meanwhile, the guys who had bullied Oliver were wide-eyed and panic-stricken as they heard his orders. Their earlier arrogance had now evaporated and been replaced by sheer fear.Without hesitation, one of the men quickly went to their trunk and returned with two Jerry-cans of water. The moment those guys saw what was happening, they watched in horror, their eyes widening as they realized what was coming.Their eyes darted between Oliver and the approaching figures, and they tried to stammer out desperate pleas, their voices trembling. The realization of what was about to happen was written clearly on their faces.Meanwhile, Oliver’s lips curled into a sinister smile as the cans were
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Oliver’s order made the thugs' expressions shifted from shock to sheer panic. Their eyes widened in disbelief, beads of sweat began to form on their foreheads as the reality of the situation hit them. Things had gone from bad to worse for them, they were still writhing in pain from the brutal beating. “Wait, please! Don’t do that!” one of them pleaded, his voice trembling with desperation.“This isn’t fair, man!” another one shouted, his tone a mix of fear and anger. “We didn’t mean it! It was just a misunderstanding!”They looked at each other, trying to come up with something—anything—that could save them. “We were just following orders!” one of them stammered, trying to shift the blame.But it was clear their words were falling on deaf ears as they watched in horror, their hearts sinking, knowing there was no way out of this.Meanwhile, the word had barely left Oliver's mouth and before the thugs could fully process what was happening, Oliver's men moved with ruthless precision.
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When Oliver's eyes locked onto Professor Hamilton, his heart skipped a beat. His confident stride faltered, and a cold sweat prickled the back of his neck. His eyes widened in shock, and his face drained of color as the reality of the situation hit him. He had walked right into the lion's den. His mouth went dry, and for a moment, he was rooted to the spot, unable to move or speak, his thoughts raced as dread settled in the pit of his stomach.Professor Hamilton was the last person Oliver wanted to see in this situation. This professor has always despised him, and has never been shy about his disdain for Oliver's scholarship. He has always been desperate to see him fail, especially now that he was in the running for the best student award of his cohort. The memory of how Professor Hamilton had schemed to strip him of the Best Student of the Year award, handing it instead to Harry, still stung deeply. He has been so clear in his preference for Harry and in his contempt for Oliver.
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The classroom buzzed with anticipation, and Oliver knew exactly what was happening—this was a deliberate attempt to make him fail. But he couldn’t back down, not with his academic future on the line."Do you agree to these terms?" Professor Hamilton asked with a smug smile on his face.Oliver swallowed hard, knowing he had no real choice. "Yes, sir," he replied, his voice steady despite the pressure. He had to face whatever came next, no matter how unfair it was.Meanwhile, as Professor Hamilton announced that he would allow Oliver to retake the test, the class buzzed with whispers and smirks. The rules were outrageous, and everyone knew it.A 60-mark test in just 20 minutes, with no chance of appeal, and marked by one of the students—this was a setup, and the entire class was thrilled about it."Finally, he's going to get what he deserves," Harry muttered under his breath, loud enough for those nearby to hear.Professor Hamilton smirked at Harry's comment, his intentions no longer con
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Professor Hamilton's announcement sent a wave of shock and murmurs rippling through the class. Students exchanged glances, some in disbelief, others in anger, but the professor remained indifferent, his expression cold and unyielding. He continued, his tone dripping with a cold finality, announced, "The highest donor will be the best student in my course." He paused, letting the shock settle in before adding with an air of absolute authority, "And my decision is final."Despite the rising tension and the clear discontent, he seemed utterly uninterested in their protests, his focus solely on the twisted plan he had set in motion.Students argued in disbelief and anger, their voices clashing in heated debate. "This is ridiculous! How can you judge us by money and not our work?" one student shouted, slamming his hand on the desk."Yeah, this is completely unfair! We’ve worked hard all semester!" another added, her voice trembling with frustration.It seemed as if everyone was in disagr
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The air in the room grew thick with tension, every breath held in anticipation as eyes darted from one face to another. Who could have possibly outbid the mighty Harry? The classroom, once a sea of murmurs, had fallen into a heavy silence. The tension was almost suffocating, with each student on edge, their hearts pounding in their chests as they awaited the professor’s next words.Professor Hamilton, visibly shaken and almost reluctant to speak, glanced down at the paper in his trembling hand. He swallowed hard, his throat dry as the words seemed to stick. The silence stretched on, unbearable, as if time itself had slowed to a crawl.Finally, with a voice that barely held together, he forced out the name that would shatter the room’s expectations. "The number one donor is... Oliver Howard, who donated $50,000!"His voice cracked, the words almost strangled as they left his lips. The shock was evident, rippling through the room like an electric current. Gasps echoed off the walls,
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Three days later, on a Friday, Oliver was wrapping up for the week at work. It had been an eventful and stressful week, filled with challenges that had left him mentally and physically drained. As he left his office, the exhaustion weighed heavily on him. All he wanted was to relax, perhaps have a drink or two, and cool off his mind after the long, grueling days.He made his way to his car, his thoughts were already on where he might go to relax. But just as he was about to reach for his car door, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Startled, he turned around, only to be met with a blur of motion as someone threw themselves at him in a warm, passionate hug. The weight of the embrace nearly knocked the wind out of him, and he staggered back, struggling to regain his balance.Oliver was stunned, surprised, and shocked all at once. He had no idea who this person could be. He instinctively tried to pry the arms off him, wanting to see the face of the person who had so suddenly invaded his pe
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Oliver and Anita had barely settled into their VIP space when Mr. Smith walked through the door. The moment Oliver saw him, a sinking feeling took hold in his gut. This was not going to be pleasant. To make matters worse, Mr. Smith wasn't alone—he had a lady with him, and Oliver could already foresee the drama that was about to unfold.Mr. Smith had always harbored a deep-seated hatred for Oliver, a grudge that had only intensified after their last confrontation at the office, where Oliver had fired him and relieved him of his duties. That moment had been the pinnacle of their enmity, and Mr. Smith had made it clear that he would seek revenge. Seeing him here now, at the Luxor, would only mean that the retribution Mr. Smith had planned was about to begin.Anita, sensing Oliver's unease, leaned in closer and whispered, "What's wrong?"Without taking his eyes off Mr. Smith, Oliver replied in a low, tense voice, "It’s about to get messy."Mr. Smith, spotting Oliver in the VIP section,
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