All Chapters of OLIVER'S RISE TO INFLUENCE : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
95 chapters
As Oliver stepped outside alongside Simon, the sight of three luxury vehicles waiting at the driveway greeted them, their sleek, polished exteriors glinting in the early morning light.The other drivers stood at attention, while one of them opened the door of the sleek Range Robert for Oliver. Oliver was all smiles as he couldn’t quite hide the mix of emotions swirling inside him. Today was a big day for him, no doubt. The engines purred to life, and the convoy pulled away from the mansion. When they finally arrived at the sprawling compound of the company, Oliver felt a strange sense of déjà vu. This was a place he knew well, but today, it was different. As they walked into the waiting area of the company, he noticed the receptionist at her desk, the same one who had always treated him with disdain and upmost disrespect was perched behind her desk. She was chewing gum irritatingly loud, her eyes glued to her phone.Without even glancing up, she tossed a manila envelope towards Oliv
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Mr. George’s world seemed to tilt on its axis the moment Simon’s words sank in. "Madam President’s son… the new CEO?" His heart thudded heavily in his chest as reality bore down on him.This was not how he envisioned his day starting or ending. Just minutes ago, he was confident, secure in his position. Now, everything was slipping away, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.In a moment of sheer desperation, he fell to his knees, pleading with Simon, his voice cracking with fear. "Mr. Simon, please, just reconsider. Don’t let me lose my place just like that.""I’ve given years of my life to this company. I’ve weathered every storm, sacrificed so much. This can’t be happening, please, reconsider sir. " he said, desperate to find a lifeline.But as he looked up, he saw no sympathy in Simon’s eyes. The decision had been made, and no amount of begging would change that.Now, all hope rested on Oliver, the man who was about to take everything from him.Mr. George, desperate to curry
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Oliver’s eyes glinted with satisfaction as he watched Mr. Smith’s anger escalate. He knew that provoking Mr. Smith would force him to reveal more than he intended. So he was Willing to make him take the bait. Despite Mr. Smith’s rants, Oliver remained composed, ready to handle the situation with wisdom to avoid any further escalation that could get out of hand.In a calm but probing tone, Oliver continued, “It’s interesting you say that, Mr. Smith. But what makes you so confident that your decisions are beyond question? Especially when they seem to be driven by personal grievances?”Mr. Smith’s face was now flushed with fury as he glared at Oliver. How dare him question his authority, he wish he could just stop this loser already but it seems he was not backing down anytime soon.“I’ve been making critical decisions in this company probably since you were still in diapers,” he snapped. “I will not let a nonentity like you undermine my authority here. Never! Your insolence is unaccep
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Immediately Mr. George entered the room, a wry smile spread across both Oliver’s and Mr. Smith’s faces, though they carried entirely different meanings.Mr. Smith’s smile was one of triumph—he now had the security team and Mr. George on his side, and he was eager to deal with Oliver mercilesslyWhile for Oliver, the smile was one of quiet anticipation—he knew that once Mr. Smith discovered the reality of the situation, his reign of intimidation would come crashing down, and he can't wait to see it. At the same time, the guards, who had been ready to grab Oliver, stopped in their tracks at Mr. George’s entrance. All eyes turned to him, the man everyone had been waiting for to start the meeting before everything descended into chaos. Everyone waited for his actions. Inside the room, tension buzzed as people exchanged nervous glances. Most of the murmurs had been against Oliver, with many saying his actions were uncalled for and that it was only a matter of time before Mr. George would
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The whole room seemed smaller than it was as Mr George's gesture sent ripples of confusion and disbelief through the room.How could this be happening? Mr. George, who just moments ago seemed assured to back Mr. Smith, was now bowing to Oliver, the man everyone had underestimated.Meanwhile Oliver remained composed, his expression unreadable, his eyes darted through everyone in the room which only made the tension in the room thicken with every passing second.Mr. Smith, still clutching his aching stomach, struggled to stand upright. The pain and shock were evident in his eyes, but his fury was far from subdued. He glared at Mr. George, his voice seething with skepticism and sarcasm.“What kind of expensive joke is this?” he barked, his tone dripping with disdain. “Is this some elaborate prank you’ve cooked up? I suppose next, you’ll tell me Mr. Howard is a magician who makes people disappear!”As his anger still burned in him, memories from the previous night at the dinner flashed th
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After what felt like an eternity of suspense, Oliver delivered a bombshell, his tone resolute and commanding. “As part of my actions as CEO, Mr. Smith’s services are no longer required here. Security, please escort him out.”The room fell into an awestruck silence as Oliver's words lingered in the air. Eyes widened, and a few mouths dropped open in disbelief. Whispers of shock rippled through the room, disbelief mixing with a sense of foreboding.Meanwhile, Mr Smith’s face went pale as Oliver's words hit him like a sledgehammer. His knees buckled slightly, and he instinctively stepped forward, his hands trembling as he tried to grasp at anything to stop the inevitable. "Please, Mr. Howard… Oliver… this is all just a misunderstanding. Give me another chance, I beg you!" His voice cracked, filled with desperation, as he looked around the room for support, but found only averted eyes and silent stares.Oliver remained unfazed, his expression stern and unyielding. "Mr. Smith, "there’s n
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After an intense first day as CEO, Oliver felt like he was carrying the weight of the entire company on his shoulders. The exhaustion tugged at him, and his stomach rumbled in hunger reminding him that he hadn’t eaten all day. He took a glance at his watch and it was already 4 p.m, far past lunchtime.Feeling utterly drained and knowing he couldn’t go on without a moment to breathe, he needed to eat before tackling anything else, he headed to a large mall not far from his workplace to get something.As soon as he entered the mall, the first thing he noticed was people gathering in circles, and it seemed like a commotion was going on there. Too exhausted to care about another person's problems, especially after the day he’d had, he decided to continue with his activity. But then, he heard threatening laughs and mocking jeers, it sounded like someone was being bullied.His curiosity piqued and he decided to check it out for himself. Forcing his way through the gathered crowd, he finall
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Meanwhlle of the guy's friends, equally enraged, prowled back and forth like a caged beast, his fists clenched, eyes burning with a wild intensity. "You think you're Jet Li now?" he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. "Do you even know what she did before you jumped in like some kind of hero? You’re gonna regret this, man.""And so what?" Oliver barked. "What could she have done?" His eyes then flicked over to the scattered items on the floor. His gaze hardened as he met the guy’s furious stare. "Is that why you wanted to slap her? Because of these worthless items?" Oliver gestured to the broken items scattered across the floor, visibly angry now.Oliver continued, "And if you wanted to flex your powers, why not go to the boxing ring and fight with someone who’s your match? What kind of man finds satisfaction in bullying a woman? You think that makes you tough? It just makes you pathetic, you fool!"But the guy sneered, his wicked smile widening as he dismissed Oliver's words.
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The word hit Oliver like a wave, surprise washed over his face, his brow arching as he stared at the guy in disbelief.He found the guy’s response almost hilarious, a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth. “Are you sure you're not insane? Oliver snarled. "I paid for it, so it’s mine now,” he responded, his tone sharp and unwavering.But the guy’s face twisted with fury, his eyes narrowing as he tried to protest. “You can’t just take my phone like that,” he barked, his voice rising in anger. “What then happens to my contacts and messages you bastard?”But Oliver wasn’t about to back down. The guy’s bullying tactics had no effect on him. With a steely glare, he remained firm, refusing to be intimidated. Angrily, he pulled out the SIM card from the phone and tossed it at the guy with a dismissive flick of his wrist. He then turned to the girl, handing her the phone. “It’s yours now,” he said, his voice firm yet gentle. “No one’s going to bully you over this again. You’re free from
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Oliver’s pulse raced as he saw the black sedan still tailing him. His heart pounded in his chest as he realized who was following him. Fear gripped him, those guys from the mall were brutal, and he knew they wouldn't stop until they had their revenge. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white as his mind raced, desperately trying to come up with a plan. He hit his hand against the steering wheel in frustration, his thoughts jumbled and panicked."Think, think!" he muttered to himself, struggling to find a way out. He was drawing a blank, and the looming danger only made it harder to focus.Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind. He grabbed his phone and dialed Simon's number, his hands trembling as he held the wheel with one hand and he kept one eye on the road. When Simon answered, Oliver didn't waste any time. "Simon, I’m in deep trouble—serious trouble, and I need serious help, now!" Oliver said, his voice tight with urgency."Young master, what's th
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