All Chapters of OLIVER'S RISE TO INFLUENCE : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
95 chapters
As Oliver left the training ground, he drove his Bugatti through the city streets, relishing his newfound wealth and lifestyle. The memory of the player’s failed attempts to disgrace and humiliate him brought a satisfied smile to his face. He had turned the tides and emerged victorious.Suddenly, his phone chimed with a notification, slicing through his reverie. He glanced at the screen and saw a message from Mr. Damon, the billionaire owner of the restaurant he had recently acquired. The message was a courteous reminder about the dinner and birthday celebration scheduled for the following day."Dear Mr Howard,This message is a gentle reminder of the upcoming dinner and birthday celebration tomorrow. It would be a pleasure to have you grace the occasion with your presence.Warm regards,Mr. Damon."He smiled sheepishly, not believing how dramatically his life had changed. A pauper now receiving messages from billionaires—it was surreal. Realizing the importance of the upcoming event,
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Oliver’s eyes widened in sheer terror. Standing in front of him and smiling sheepishly was Kevin, one of his regular bullies from Bechem University.Oliver was disappointed to see him because he knew his shopping experience might not go smoothly as planned. He tried to mask his disappointment and attempted to move away.Kevin had always been a thorn in Oliver's flesh, passionately hating him for being poor and never missing an opportunity to make his life miserable, and from the look in his eyes now, Oliver was sure Kevin was ready to go the extra mile just to humiliate him again.But Oliver quickly dismissed the thought. He was wealthy now, and despite not having exhausted the earlier funds from his mother, she had provided him with an additional substantial amount. With his mother being one of the most powerful figures in the country, what could he possibly fear? He shook off the notion and wore a calm expression. "Woooh, woooh, woooh," Kevin said, rubbing his palms together with a
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Oliver remained unflinching, his expression showing no sign of distress. The salesgirl expected him to react with shock or anger, but instead, he continued to exude calm confidence. She raised an eyebrow and asked, “How would you like to pay?”Unfazed by the staggering amount, he replied, “I’ll pay with my card. If you’ll just process it, please.”Confidently, Oliver reached into his pocket and pulled out the golden card his mother had given him. He placed it on the counter with an air of assurance.The salesgirl’s eyes widened as she saw the elite card. Kevin, unable to resist a chance to taunt, sneered, “Did you steal that from the Luxor Hotel too?” He continued with mean-spirited comments, “Maybe it’s not even real. What makes you think you belong in a place like this?”Oliver met Kevin’s taunts with a calm and steady gaze. “If you had a brain, you’d realize that your attempts to belittle me are as futile as they are pathetic. I’m here to shop, not to entertain idiots. So why don’
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As Oliver pulled into his driveway, his breath was caught in awe. There, illuminated by the golden rays of the sun, was his brand-new Audi RS Q8. He had instructed his driver to pick it up from the dealership earlier.Eager to test it out, he hopped inside and felt the luxurious interior wrap around him. The engine roared to life with a powerful purr, and as he took it for a quick spin around the neighborhood, he couldn't help but smile widely, feeling an exhilarating rush of happiness. The car handled smoothly and had a lot of power, which made him really happy. After driving a few laps, he parked it back at home, completely thrilled with his new ride..The next day was the much-anticipated dinner and birthday party Mr. Damon had invited Oliver to. He dressed in one of the suits he had purchased the previous day. Though the suit and trousers look slightly oversized, he still managed to look quite good in them.He didn't have the chance to try them on at the store due to the drama wi
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"Sophia's eyes narrowed as she stared at Oliver, her voice dripping with anger and venom. 'Oliver?' she called out, her tone a mix of surprise and disdain.I never thought in my wildest dreams that I'd see a pathetic loser like you here.' Her gaze swept over him, lingering on his oversized suit and trousers, a look of pure contempt on her face.''And look at you,'' she sneered, ''dressed in clothes that don’t even fit. Did you borrow those too? Or did you pick them up from a charity shop on your way here? You look ridiculous, Oliver. Absolutely ridiculous.'As Sophia's words cut through the air, Harry’s anger reached a boiling point. Seeing Oliver step out of such an outrageously expensive car was like salt in a wound. The sight of him behind the wheel of a Audi RS Q8, a car that even some of the wealthiest people could only dream of owning, made Harry’s blood boil. He hated seeing anything good associated with Oliver, and this was the worst possible scenario. It was as if the univers
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"Oh , not again," Oliver muttered under his breath. The evening was supposed to be a chance for him to relax and enjoy himself, but it seemed it was not meant to be.At that very instant, Harry cleared his throat loudly, drawing attention to himself and Oliver. With an arrogant smirk, he leaned forward and spoke.“Well, well, wonders will never end, If not, how can a pauper be seated beside us? I guess it’s true what they say, some people just don’t know their place.”He then turned to Oliver with a cruel smile and continued. “Remember when I promised to make your life miserable? I’ve kept that promise. I’ve called your boss,” he said, pointing to Mr. Smith, “and he has done the needful."Oliver’s boss, Mr. Smith, who had been quietly observing, now turned his attention to Oliver with a scowl. “What the hell are you doing here?” Mr. Smith barked. “This is a high-profile event for influential people, not some charity function. Just like Mr Harry has said, you no longer have a job at m
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The room fell into a stunned silence, eyes wide with shock. Mr smith's face flushed with embarrassment and anger. His previously proud and elegant composure faltered, and he clenched his jaw as he shot a scathing look at Oliver. He was visibly demoralized as he slowly made his way back to his seat, trying to maintain his composure while his mind raced with frustration and humiliation. Harry, thinking the attendant was indicating him, began to rise with a smirk, only for the attendant to shake his head and add, "Not you, sir." He then directed his gaze to Oliver. The realization hit Harry like a cold slap, and he froze, his face flushing with embarrassment.Oliver, maintaining his 100% composure, confidently rose from his seat and made his way toward the attendant.As he did, Mr. Smith, humiliated and seething, had no choice but to return to his seat, the previous air of importance now shattered. The whispers and murmurs among the other guests grew louder.When Mr. Smith had first
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The room was charged with a palpable tension, every guest on the edge of their seat, eyes wide with anticipation, as they awaited the reveal of this highly celebrated figure. Mr. Damon’s voice, heavy with significance, cut through the silence: “It is my distinct pleasure to introduce and specially thank Mr. Oliver Howard.”The name struck like a thunderclap, sending a wave of confusion through the crowd. Murmurs erupted like a sudden storm, as people exchanged puzzled glances.“Who is this Oliver?” one guest hissed, clearly baffled.“Never heard of him,” another remarked, the voice tinged with disbelief.“Must be a mistake,” someone else suggested, their gaze searching desperately for a more recognizable figure.“After all this hype, thought it would be someone famous," another guest whispered in disappointment, shaking their head as the room’s excitement turned to bewilderment.Meanwhile, Mr. Smith’s face turned in sheer disbelief. The color drained from his cheeks as if a bucket of
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The party’s lively mood took a sharp turn when Harry blew up, causing a stir throughout the room. “Did you see his face? He’s livid!” one guest whispered, eyes wide with shock.“Unbelievable. I’ve never seen him lose it like that,” another murmured, barely able to contain their surprise.As Harry stormed toward the exit, Sophia quickly stood, her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and anger. She hurried after him, her heels clicking sharply against the polished floor. The guests watched as she chased after him, whispering amongst themselves.“Even Sophia is rattled. This is serious,” a woman commented, leaning closer to her companion.“Trouble in paradise, perhaps? This doesn’t look good for them,” another guest remarked, smirking slightly.As the door slammed shut behind Harry and Sophia, the room plunged into a stunned silence, the echo of their exit hung in the air like a specter. The once vibrant atmosphere, buzzing with excitement and intrigue, had shifted sharply. The mo
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As Oliver drove home in silence, the night’s events played on repeat in his mind. He was relieved, almost grateful, at least, that he hadn't ended up with someone like Sophia."How could someone be so crazy, so quick to attack without provocation?" he wondered. The thought left a bitter taste in his mouth, but also a sense of reassurance. He quickly shook off the bad feeling that had briefly taken over and felt a rush of happiness. He knew he had narrowly avoided a situation that could have caused him a lot more trouble.When he finally arrived home, the house was quiet, except for the low murmur of the television from the living room. He moved quietly, hoping to slip past unnoticed, but as he entered, he saw his mother sitting on the couch, her eyes bright with interest as she turned to greet him.“Welcome home son! How was the dinner? Hope you had fun?” she asked, her voice warm.For a moment, Oliver considered telling her everything—the confrontation with Harry and Sophia, the te
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