All Chapters of OLIVER'S RISE TO INFLUENCE : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
95 chapters
Oliver woke up feeling refreshed. It was the weekend, and the break was much-needed after the previous day’s chaos. He stretched his arms, letting the sunlight gently wake him up, and then headed downstairs.In the study room, his mother was busy with some paperwork. She looked up when he entered, a warm smile spreading across her face. “Good morning, Oliver. How are you feeling today?”“I’m good, Mom,” Oliver replied, smiling back at her.“Glad to hear that,” she said, her eyes showing genuine concern. “You needed some rest after all the craziness yesterday.”“Son, after what happened yesterday,” his mother said, “I think it would be a good idea for you to tour our companies and start taking over as CEO. Later today, Simon can show you around, and by Monday, you could meet the team and get started. When you’re fully ready, I’ll step down as president of the Howard conglomerate.”Oliver grinned. “Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate your confidence in me.”“But I won’t be free today,” he
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Oliver, now visibly angry, said, "Excuse me, don't you think its rude of you to leave a customer hanging?"The salesman turned back to Oliver with a smug expression fading slightly, clearly angry. "You're wasting my time, this isn't a charity, you know. Why don't you come back when you can actually afford something here?""You look like you walked in from a thrift store. Guys like you just come here to dream. It's pathetic. This place is for real buyers, not wannabes like you."Oliver now fuming said, "You don't have the right to insult me. You can make your points known without insults. I'm a customer like the others, you should treat me with some respect."The salesman sneered and began another round of insults, this time joined by his fellow salesmen."You? A customer?" the salesman laughed. "You must be joking. What, did you sell your bicycle to come here?"Another salesman chimed in, "Yeah, this place is for real buyers, not someone who looks like they got lost on their way to t
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Oliver clenched his teeth in irritation and scoffed at her audacity to challenge him on something that was rightfully his! He knew he owed her no explanation, yet she demanded proof like a prosecutor grilling a suspect.“I have nothing to prove to you,” he said, managing to keep his voice steady despite the anger bubbling inside him. “Whether you believe it or not doesn’t change the fact that I own this car.”On hearing this, she burst into a hysterical, mocking laugh. "Yeah, right," she sneered. "That's exactly what a broke poser would say. Keep dreaming, poor boy." Oliver’s jaw tightened. This girl was relentless in her disrespect and attempts to humiliate him. He decided it was best to walk away with his dignity intact, rather than stoop to her level.But she continued, speaking into her phone, "Look guys, I told you he's a poser, and now he's doing what posers do."One of her live followers chimed in,"He's probably borrowing the car for his Instagram pics. What a joke!"“Do whate
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The saleswoman approached them, her eyes blazing with anger but maintaining a firm, polite tone. "Don't you think it's high time you stopped bothering him? I've been watching you, and despite his silence, you've continued to be a thorn in his flesh."The girl halted her livestream, giving the saleswoman a scathing look from head to toe, but the saleswoman responded with a calm, confident smile.The saleswoman pressed on, her voice steady. "I can see there's a bit of a mix-up here. I overheard some misinformation, and I’d like to clear a few things up about the car." She said sweeping her hands on the elegant body of the car.“If you were truly knowledgeable about luxury vehicles or came from a background of class, you’d understand that this isn’t just any car. “This is an Audi RS Q8, a limited edition model. Only 250 units were made worldwide, making it an incredibly rare and prestigious vehicle,” the saleswoman explained, her tone unwavering.The girl paused, momentarily considering
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The saleswoman's eyes widened as she stared at the screen, the confirmation of the payment almost looking like a dream."Oh my God," she whispered, barely able to contain her surprise. She had not expected the payment to go through, certainly not without a hitch. Her fingers shook slightly as she handed over the card to Oliver, who collected it with pride.Meanwhile, the comment section from the live stream was buzzing and almost exploding with comments. The shift in tone was immediate and brutal."OMG, he actually did it! Respect!" "So much for her big talk. She's just a fraud." "Bet she’s regretting this live stream now. What a joke!""She’s the real poser here. Total humiliation!""A World Bank card? That's next-level!" another added."He just dropped $2.5 million like it's nothing. Legend!"The girl, now completely deflated, reached out as if to touch Oliver in a desperate attempt to salvage some dignity.But Oliver's expression turned icy as he met her gaze. "Don't even think
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After putting the rude girl and the mocking salesman in their place, Oliver drove away from the dealership. Their mean comments about him and supposed pretenses still echoed in his mind. Although their words hurt, he refused to let their negativity spoil his plans. Instead, he focused on the exciting day ahead.Today was special. It was his first live game, though it was a local basketball match, he couldn’t wait to see not only the match but also the training and warm-ups.He had bought a premium ticket that would allow him to witness the training session and the match from a front-row seat.As he drove up to the basketball stadium in his Bugatti Chiron, the powerful stereo blasted music that thumped through the car. He couldn’t help but shake his head with joy.The thrill of the moment was overwhelming, as memories of his childhood and deep-seated love for basketball surged through him. From his time in the orphanage to his high school and university years, basketball had been more
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Oliver accepting the challenge only inflated his ego further. The player, now dripping with confidence, began mocking Oliver in dramatic styles.He dribbled in exaggerated circles around Oliver, his movements smooth and taunting. Each time he tossed the ball lightly over Oliver’s head, the crowd erupted in laughter, their jeers fueling the player’s showboating.With a smirk, he fake-passed the ball to Oliver, only to snatch it back at the last second. “Oops, my bad!” he laughed loudly, his voice echoing with mockery. “Didn’t think you could catch it anyway!”He flexed his muscles, struck dramatic poses, and pointed mockingly at Oliver. “Hey everyone, check out the next Michael Jordan over here!” he shouted, his tone dripping with sarcasm. The crowd's laughter and cheers intensified, feeding his already inflated ego and making the atmosphere electric with anticipation.Meanwhile, the player’s friends were encouraging him on. “Yeah, show him who’s boss!” one of them yelled.“He’s a joke
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The atmosphere grew tense, the crowd’s anticipation obvious. Some spectators booed Oliver, while others watched with intense curiosity.Comments were flying from the stands and from the fans.“You’re gonna choke!” someone shouted from the stands.“Go back to where you belong, loser!” another voice jeered.“Don’t waste our time, just admit defeat!” a fan yelled.The boos intensified, pouring down on Oliver as he prepared to make his move. The tension in the air was almost tangible, every eye in the stadium locked on him, waiting to see if he could prove a point. Despite the boos and jeers, Oliver remained calm. He took a deep breath, blocking out the noise and focusing on the task at hand. For him, this was just another challenge to overcome, another opportunity to prove himself.He took a deep breath, his hands gripping the ball firmly. He dribbled with precise control, bouncing it rhythmically to find his rhythm. He moved in for his shot, focusing intently. The crowd fell silent as
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“Fine! I challenge you to a one-on-one duel. Let’s settle this once and for all!” the player roared, his voice echoing with defiance.Oliver raised an eyebrow, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "A one-on-one duel? You really want to do this?" He paused, looked the player up and down, then chuckled softly. "Alright, if you insist. Oliver then extended his hand mockingly. " Don't worry, I’ll try to go easy on you this time."Oliver's mocking response only fueled the player's anger further. His face reddened with rage, and he clenched his fists, visibly seething. The player, still seething from his earlier defeat, glared at Oliver with a mix of anger and disdain.“You think you’re hot stuff now?” he sneered. “Let’s see if you’ve got any real skills, or if you’re just a lucky fool.”But Oliver remained silent, his demeanor calm and unruffled. He squared up, his stance looking relaxed and almost amateurish, which only fueled the player's mockery.“Is this supposed to be your game face?”
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The ball sailed through the air in slow motion, and as it swished through the net, the arena erupted in a deafening roar of disbelief and excitement.The crowd went wild, their cheers vibrating through the stadium. “Unbelievable!” someone shouted. “He did it!”“He’s the real deal!” another yelled. “What a shot!”Fans were on their feet, clapping. The cheers grew louder, filled with admiration and respect for his remarkable performance.Oliver basked in the cheers, another spectator chimed in, “Looks like we’ve got a new legend in the making. Who needs MJ when we’ve got another one here?The comparison to Michael Jordan only fueled the player’s irritation and anger. His face reddened with humiliation as he heard the jokes. “Seriously?” he muttered. “You’re comparing this loser guy to MJ?”Meanwhile, Oliver’s face lit up with a triumphant grin. He raised his arms in victory, soaking in the roar of the crowd.His eyes sparkled with a mix of satisfaction and relief as he basked in the mom
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